242 research outputs found

    Heavy-quarks in the QGP: study of medium effects through euclidean propagators and spectral functions

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    The heavy-quark spectral function in a hot plasma is reconstructed from the corresponding euclidean propagator. The latter is evaluated through a path-integral simulation. A weak-coupling calculation is also performed, allowing to interpret the qualitative behavior of the spectral function in terms of quite general physical processes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennesse

    Real and imaginary-time quarkonium correlators in a hot plasma

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    The possibility of describing the behavior of a QQ‾Q\overline{Q} pair in a hot plasma in terms of an effective potential is investigated. It is shown that as long as medium effects can be embodied in a gaussian action, like in the QED case, the QQ‾Q\overline{Q} propagator obeys a closed temporal evolution equation whose large-time behavior is governed by an effective potential. The latter, beside screening, displays also an imaginary part related to collisions.Comment: Talk given at the 8-th Conference "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum", Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September 200

    A path integral for heavy-quarks in a hot plasma

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    We propose a model for the propagation of a heavy-quark in a hot plasma, to be viewed as a first step towards a full description of the dynamics of heavy quark systems in a quark-gluon plasma, including bound state formation. The heavy quark is treated as a non relativistic particle interacting with a fluctuating field, whose correlator is determined by a hard thermal loop approximation. This approximation, which concerns only the medium in which the heavy quark propagates, is the only one that is made, and it can be improved. The dynamics of the heavy quark is given exactly by a quantum mechanical path integral that is calculated in this paper in the Euclidean space-time using numerical Monte Carlo techniques. The spectral function of the heavy quark in the medium is then reconstructed using a Maximum Entropy Method. The path integral is also evaluated exactly in the case where the mass of the heavy quark is infinite; one then recovers known results concerning the complex optical potential that controls the long time behavior of the heavy quark. The heavy quark correlator and its spectral function is also calculated semi-analytically at the one-loop order, which allows for a detailed description of the coupling between the heavy quark and the plasma collective modes

    Heavy-flavor hadronization mechanism from pp to AA collisions: a theoretical perspective

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    The interest in studying heavy-flavor hadronization in high-energy nuclear collisions is twofold. On one hand hadronization represents a source of systematic uncertainties in phenomenological attempts of extracting heavy-flavor transport coefficients in the Quark Gluon Plasma which one assumes to be produced in the collision. Hence, developing the most possible reliable model for this process is important to get a precise and accurate estimate of a fundamental property of hot QCD. On the other hand studying how hadronization changes in the presence of a dense medium of colored partons can be considered an issue of interest by itself. In particular, the observation of modifications of heavy-flavor hadronization in proton-proton collisions strongly suggests that also in this case a small droplet of Quark-Gluon Plasma can be formed. Here we try to provide a general overview on heavy-flavor hadronization, from pp to AA collisions, stressing the aspects and challenges common to all mechanisms proposed in the literature. Then, focusing on a particular model, we show how a consistent description of several observables involving heavy-flavor hadrons can be obtainedComment: Proceedings of the Hard Probes 2023 conferenc

    Medium-induced color flow softens hadronization

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    Medium-induced parton energy loss, resulting from gluon exchanges between the QCD matter and partonic projectiles, is expected to underly the strong suppression of jets and high-pTp_T hadron spectra observed in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Here, we present the first color-differential calculation of parton energy loss. We find that color exchange between medium and projectile enhances the invariant mass of energetic color singlet clusters in the parton shower by a parametrically large factor proportional to the square root of the projectile energy. This effect is seen in more than half of the most energetic color-singlet fragments of medium-modified parton branchings. Applying a standard cluster hadronization model, we find that it leads to a characteristic additional softening of hadronic spectra. A fair description of the nuclear modification factor measured at the LHC may then be obtained for relatively low momentum transfers from the medium
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