1,268 research outputs found

    Assessing Discussions of Related Work through Citation-based Recommendations and Network Visualization

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    A discussion of related work is part of every research paper and grant proposal submission, and as such is evaluated in the reviewing process. If a reviewer is an expert in all covered areas, a qualified judgement of the section can be expected. However, in many cases, especially when the discussion touches on different research areas and application domains, most reviewers will only have a partial understanding of the related research. Hence, they face a difficult challenge in assessing the quality and completeness of the discussion of related work. Starting an own full-fledged literature search with traditional academic search tools poses an unrealistically high effort for the reviewers. Facilitated by an increased availability of open citation data, a new group of tools has recently been published that support users in tracking the citation links of multiple researcher papers. For instance, “Citation Gecko” and “PURE suggest” visualize the surrounding citation network and suggest related papers that are linked through citations to the selected ones. Other tools, like “ResearchRabbit” and “Inciteful”, embed similar features with a broader range of analysis and recommendation options. Loading the list of references of a paper under review, these tools hence allow inspecting the citation network and suggest related, non-listed publications. This can be the starting point for an efficient check of the character and completeness of a related work discussion. In this talk, I specifically explore the capabilities of our tool “PURE suggest” (https://fabian-beck.github.io/pure-suggest/) for assessing a list of references. The top-ranked suggestions can be quickly checked for relevancy. If the scores of these suggestions are comparable to the scores of already included papers, this might already hint at a gapped discussion. Boost keywords help the reviewer to investigate specific directions more closely. Filtering by year allows checking whether the newest publications have already been considered. Similarly, filtering for underrepresented works might point out relevant, but somewhat unknown works that have been overlooked. The cluster-oriented visualization of the citation network reveals whether expected clusters of works show in the network, are missing, or disconnected. This demonstrates that these tools, although targeted primarily on literature search, can be also leveraged for assessing lists of related work in the sense of a sanity check. It does not replace the expertise of the reviewers but complements it with a data-driven approach. The reviewers work with the tool and use it as an aid to reflect on various aspects of the related work. Of course, a similar approach can be used by the authors of the submission already to prevent gaps in their discussion of related work. Although it might sound like a threat to the suggested assessment, on the contrary, it would be a desirable effect as it will, already in the first place, likely improve the quality of the submitted work

    Visualizing Runtime Evolution Paths in a Multidimensional Space (Work In Progress Paper)

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    Runtime data of software systems is often of multivariate nature, describing different aspects of performance among other characteristics, and evolves along different versions or changes depending on the execution context. This poses a challenge for visualizations, which are typically only two- or three-dimensional. Using dimensionality reduction, we project the multivariate runtime data to 2D and visualize the result in a scatter plot. To show changes over time, we apply the projection to multiple timestamps and connect temporally adjacent points to form trajectories. This allows for cluster and outlier detection, analysis of co-evolution, and finding temporal patterns. While projected temporal trajectories have been applied to other domains before, we use it to visualize software evolution and execution context changes as evolution paths. We experiment with and report results of two application examples: (I) the runtime evolution along different versions of components from the Apache Commons project, and (II) a benchmark suite from scientific visualization comparing different rendering techniques along camera paths

    Visually Reporting Geographic Data Insights as Integrated Visual and Textual Representations

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    Geographic information volunteered by the public is usually also of public interest. However, just publishing the data is not enough to make the data accessible and usable for the public. The raw data might need to be abstracted and interpreted, as well as visually presented to be understandable to non-experts. To address this, we propose interactive visual reporting solutions that leverage natural language and visualizations for geo-related data. We present these reports as interactive documents, but also in other media such as virtual reality environments. First, we have studied the interplay of textual and visual content in such reports. To ease the creation of content, we have developed solutions for authoring interactive documents with a close linking of textual contents and visually presented data. Moreover, we propose automatic report generation approaches that specifically support the exploration of the geo-related data starting from an explanatory summary

    Optimal Stabilization of Periodic Orbits

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    In this contribution the optimal stabilization problem of periodic orbits is studied in a symplectic geometry setting. For this, the stable manifold theory for the point stabilization case is generalized to the case of periodic orbit stabilization. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a \gls{nhim} of the Hamiltonian system are derived. It is shown that the optimal control problem has a solution if the related periodic Riccati equation has a unique periodic solution. For the analysis of the stable and unstable manifold a coordinate transformation is used which is moving along the orbit. As an example, an optimal control problem is considered for a spring mass oscillator system, which should be stabilized at a certain energy level.Comment: Submitted for IFAC World Congress 202

    Visually Explaining Publication Ranks in Citation-based Literature Search with PURE Suggest

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    Tracing citation links helps retrieve related publications. While most tools only allow the user to follow the citations of a single publication, some approaches support jointly analyzing the citations of a set of publications. Along similar lines, PURE suggest provides a detailed visual explanation of the ranking of suggested publications. The ranking is based on a score that combines citation numbers with keyword matching and is shown as a glyph for each publication. A citation network component references this glyph and visually embeds it into a timeline and cluster visualization

    Differential Emotions and the Stock Market - The Case of Company-Specific Trading

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    Practitioners and researchers alike increasingly use social media messages as an additional source of information to analyse stock price movements. In this regard, previous preliminary findings demonstrate the incremental value of considering the multi-dimensional structure of human emotions in sentiment analysis instead of the predominant assessment of the binary positive-negative valence of emotions. Therefore, based on emotion theory and an established sentiment lexicon, we develop and apply an open source dictionary for the analysis of seven different emotions (affection, happiness, satisfaction, fear, anger, depression, and contempt).To investigate the connection between the differential emotions and stock movements we analyse approximately 5.5 million Twitter messages on 33 S&P 100 companies and their respective NYSE stock prices from Yahoo!Finance over a period of three months. Subsequently, we conduct a lagged fixed-effects panel regression on the daily closing value differences. The results generally support the assumption of the necessity of considering a more differentiated sentiment. Moreover, comparing positive and negative valence, we find that only the average negative emotionality strength has a significant connection with company-specific stock price movements. The emotion specific analysis reveals that an increase in depression and happiness strength isassociated with a significant decrease in company-specific stock prices

    A Business Intelligence Dashboard for the Phone : Small-scale Visualizations Embedded into a Mobile Analysis and Monitoring Solution

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    Although smartphones have become ubiquitous, most of the visualization applications are still designed for large-screen devices. In a business intelligence context, dashboard solutions for monitoring key performance indicators and performing simple analysis tasks can profit from being available on the phone.We identify usage scenarios and design requirements by interviewing 20 business experts. Our solution adapts existing diagrams and proposes novel visualizations for the small-screen environment, and integrates them into an easy-to-use visual dashboard

    CohExplore : Visually Supporting Students in Exploring Text Cohesion

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    A cohesive text allows readers to follow the described ideas and events. Exploring cohesion in text might aid students enhancing their academic writing. We introduce CohExplore, which promotes exploring and reflecting on cohesion of a given text by visualizing computed cohesion-related metrics on an overview and detailed level. Detected topics are color-coded, semantic similarity is shown via lines, while connectives and co-references in a paragraph are encoded using text decoration. Demonstrating the system, we share insights about a student-authored text
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