192 research outputs found
Establishing Local Certification Bodies In Developing and Transition Economies
There are certification bodies from Western countries offering their services all over the world providing efficient, reliable and qualified services. Nevertheless there are good arguments for establishing local certification bodies in developing and transition economies. FiBL has been cooperating with local certification bodies in South-Eastern Europe (Albinspekt in Albania, Balkan Biocert in Bulgaria and Macedonia, Ecoinspect in Romania) and Asia (Biocert in Indonesia, Indocert in India, LibanCert in Lebanon and OFDC in China). These certification bodies are part of the local organic movement either by a multiple ownership reflecting the sector or by involving the sector in committees. The following report describes the opportunities but also the challenges of setting up local organic certification bodies
Residues re-open argument on organic standards
The residue contents in organic food is significantly distinguishable from conventionally produced food. While in conventional products residues can often be detected organic food is to a high percentage (95%) free of residues
Comparison between two accreditation criteria: A report on the differences between the IFOAM Accreditation Criteria and ISO 65 (EN 45011)
The paper describes the results of a comparison between two accreditation criteria: the IFOAM Accreditation Criteria and ISO 65 (EN 45011.
The comparison does not provide an assessment of each norm, and the format of the comparison makes it difficult to make a quick overview on the major differences. In addition, a summary and an assessment of the variations of both norms are missing.
On the other hand, the comparison enables the reader to make their own assessment and as such will be a valuable tool in the discussion and negotiations about recognition of IFOAM Accreditation
The new import regulation; More reliability for imported organic products? in The New EU Regulation for organic food and farming: (EC) No 834/2007
The European market for organic products is growing at a dynamic pace. Increasingly, processing and marketing companies are entering this market, which has a very promising future. However, organic farm production at the inter-European level has not increased at the same rate as the market for organic products
Standards and Regulations
1 International Standards
1.1 IFOAM Standards
1.2The Codex Alimentarius
2 National and Supranational Regulations
2.1 The EU Regulation on Organic Production
2.2 Other National Regulations
2.3 US and EU Import Procedures
3 Private Standards
4 Relationship to Fair Trade
5 Literatur
Regional variations in standards – problem or opportunity?
A preliminary analysis and evaluation is made of the differences between the various organic standards and of the different implementation rules of the EU Regulation 2092/91 in Europe. This is part of an EU-funded project on the revision of this regulation. These preliminary results show that many differences have specific justifications, which are strongly influenced by specific national or regional circumstances or policy environment. The potential for more regional variation is discusse
Standards and Regulations
5.1 International Standards
5.1.1 IFOAM Standards
5.1.2 The Codex Alimentarius
5.2 National and Supranational Regulations
5.2.1 The EU Regulation on Organic Production
5.2.2 Other National Regulations
5.2.3 US and EU Import Procedures
5.3 Private Standards
5.4 Relationship to Fair Trade
5.5 Literatur
Wissenskultur in Unternehmen: Anatomie eines Phänomens
Wissenskultur im Unternehmen ist die Art und Weise, wie in Unternehmen mit
Wissen umgegangen wird und welche Werte und Grundannahmen hinsichtlich Wissen
vorherrschend sind. Dies ist insbesondere im Wissensmanagement relevant, da dessen Aktivitäten
mit der vorhandenen Unternehmenskultur in Einklang stehen mĂĽssen, um erfolgreich zu
sein. Der Artikel stellt die bislang erforschten Merkmale und Strukturen von Wissenskultur
systematisch dar und geht damit einen ersten Schritt zu einem ĂĽbergreifenden Modell der
Organic Certification and Organic Regulations in the World
The presentation summarises the main findings regarding certification of the global organic statistical yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2006"
The revised EU Regulation: Impacts for the trade and Third Countries
This paper presents the most important facts about the new exporting rules under the revised EU regulation on organic farming
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