687 research outputs found
Any -state solutions of the Hulth\'en potential by the asymptotic iteration method
In this article, we present the analytical solution of the radial
Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the Hulth\'{e}n potential within the framework of
the asymptotic iteration method by using an approximation to the centrifugal
potential for any states. We obtain the energy eigenvalues and the
corresponding eigenfunctions for different screening parameters. The wave
functions are physical and energy eigenvalues are in good agreement with the
results obtained by other methods for different values. In order to
demonstrate this, the results of the asymptotic iteration method are compared
with the results of the supersymmetry, the numerical integration, the
variational and the shifted 1/N expansion methods.Comment: 14 pages and 1 figur
Arbitrary l-state solutions of the rotating Morse potential by the asymptotic iteration method
For non-zero values, we present an analytical solution of the radial
Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the rotating Morse potential using the Pekeris
approximation within the framework of the Asymptotic Iteration Method. The
bound state energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions are obtained
for a number of diatomic molecules and the results are compared with the
findings of the super-symmetry, the hypervirial perturbation, the
Nikiforov-Uvarov, the variational, the shifted 1/N and the modified shifted 1/N
expansion methods.Comment: 15 pages with 1 eps figure. accepted for publication in Journal of
Physics A: Mathematical and Genera
The Energy Eigenvalues of the Two Dimensional Hydrogen Atom in a Magnetic Field
In this paper, the energy eigenvalues of the two dimensional hydrogen atom
are presented for the arbitrary Larmor frequencies by using the asymptotic
iteration method. We first show the energy eigenvalues for the no magnetic
field case analytically, and then we obtain the energy eigenvalues for the
strong and weak magnetic field cases within an iterative approach for
and states for several different arbitrary Larmor frequencies. The
effect of the magnetic field on the energy eigenvalues is determined precisely.
The results are in excellent agreement with the findings of the other methods
and our method works for the cases where the others fail.Comment: 13 pages and 5 table
Dynamic response of reinforced concrete beams subjected to low velocity impact loads using nonlinear finite element analysis
The development of a nonlinear finite element method (FEM) for examining how reinforced concrete (RC) beams react to dynamic forces under the action of low-velocity impacting loads is presented in this article. The model was employed to analyze the stress distributions along with the time histories of impacting load and beam deflection, which were presented graphically. Comparisons with experimental data from previously conducted studies have been performed to verify the precision of the studied model. The findings demonstrated that the developed model was acceptable. Furthermore, the study performed a detailed parametric analysis, focusing on various factors such as replacing conventional steel bars with FRP bars, increasing concrete compressive strength, changing the impact location, using different diameters of reinforcing bars, and changing the depth of the concrete beam. According to the findings, using FRP bars resulted in 36% less peak load due to the uplift pressure caused by the FRP bars' high strength, while the maximum observed deflection of the beam reinforced with FRP bars decreased by approximately 9%. When the position of the impacting force was applied at one-third of the span of the beam, deflection was decreased by 12% when compared to the RC beam has been impacted at its midspan. In addition, the depth of the beams had a significant impact on the impacting load. These presented findings of the study may contribute to a better understanding of how a structure made of concrete responds to impacting loading
Assessment of paranasal sinus parameters according to ancient skulls’ gender and age by using cone-beam computed tomography
Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether paranasal sinus dimensions and volume can be useful to identify gender and age estimation for ancient skulls using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images.
Materials and methods: CBCT scans of 32 ancient skulls of approximately 1000 years of age were included in this retrospective study. The gender and age estimation of the skulls were made by an independent anthropologist, which was considered as the gold standard. Paranasal sinuses’ dimensions (width and height) and volumes of each sinus were measured from the CBCT data set that was linked to the three-dimensional rendering software (Anatomage, Invivo 5.2). All measurements were performed by an independent observer. Intra-observer analysis was made. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare paranasal sinus parameters in terms of age estimation and gender (p < 0.05).
Results: The results demonstrated no statistically significant difference between measurements (p < 0.05). The measurements were found to be highly reprodu- cible. The mean volumes of frontal and sphenoid sinus were found to be higher in males. The distance from anterior-posterior wall of sphenoid sinus in axial sec- tions is larger in males (p > 0.05). The frontal sinus width and volume increased statistically with age above 60 years of age (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: The paranasal volume and dimensions’ measurements from CBCT data can be a promising technique to determine gender and age of ancient skulls because of its lower voxel sizes and higher resolution.
Efficient design and evaluation of countermeasures against fault attacks using formal verification
This paper presents a formal verification framework and tool that evaluates the robustness of software countermeasures against fault-injection attacks. By modeling reference assembly code and its protected variant as automata, the framework can generate a set of equations for an SMT solver, the solutions of which represent possible attack paths. Using the tool we developed, we evaluated the robustness of state-of-the-art countermeasures against fault injection attacks. Based on insights gathered from this evaluation, we analyze any remaining weaknesses and propose applications of these countermeasures that are more robust
The rotating Morse potential model for diatomic molecules in the tridiagonal J-matrix representation: I. Bound states
This is the first in a series of articles in which we study the rotating
Morse potential model for diatomic molecules in the tridiagonal J-matrix
representation. Here, we compute the bound states energy spectrum by
diagonalizing the finite dimensional Hamiltonian matrix of H2, LiH, HCl and CO
molecules for arbitrary angular momentum. The calculation was performed using
the J-matrix basis that supports a tridiagonal matrix representation for the
reference Hamiltonian. Our results for these diatomic molecules have been
compared with available numerical data satisfactorily. The proposed method is
handy, very efficient, and it enhances accuracy by combining analytic power
with a convergent and stable numerical technique.Comment: 18 Pages, 6 Tables, 4 Figure
Anatomical characteristics of the lingual foramen in ancient skulls: a cone beam computed tomography study in an Anatolian population
Background: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the anatomical features of lingual foramina and their bony canals in Anatolian ancient mandibles (9–10th century) by using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: Fifty-eight ancient dry mandibles were scanned with CBCT. Lingual foramina were grouped into midline, paramedian, posterior foramina and combination of these groups. Midline group was also classified according to internal surface of the mandible (gonial tubercles [GTs]). The incidence, vertical distance and diameter of lingual foramina were measured according to age groups and gender. Results: The incidence of the lingual foramen was 96.6%. Midline of the symphysis had the highest incidence (34.4%) of foramina (p < 0.05), followed by both midline and paramedian type (32.8%; p < 0.05). Classification in terms of GT represented class 3 as the most encountered group (28.6%). Number of foramina observed in the mandibles ranged from 0 to 6 with the incidence of 3.4% and 32.8%, respectively. The male and < 35 years groups presented larger measurement values in midline region (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Mandibular lingual foramina and bony canals are frequently present in ancient mandibles. When compared with modern subjects, similar findings are observed according to published literatures. CBCT is also proved to be an effective imaging modality in the detection of lingual foramina and canals in anthropological studies
Heritability and cross-species comparisons of human cortical functional organization asymmetry
The human cerebral cortex is symmetrically organized along large-scale axes but also presents inter-hemispheric differences in structure and function. The quantified contralateral homologous difference, that is asymmetry, is a key feature of the human brain left-right axis supporting functional processes, such as language. Here, we assessed whether the asymmetry of cortical functional organization is heritable and phylogenetically conserved between humans and macaques. Our findings indicate asymmetric organization along an axis describing a functional trajectory from perceptual/action to abstract cognition. Whereas language network showed leftward asymmetric organization, frontoparietal network showed rightward asymmetric organization in humans. These asymmetries were heritable in humans and showed a similar spatial distribution with macaques, in the case of intra-hemispheric asymmetry of functional hierarchy. This suggests (phylo)genetic conservation. However, both language and frontoparietal networks showed a qualitatively larger asymmetry in humans relative to macaques. Overall, our findings suggest a genetic basis for asymmetry in intrinsic functional organization, linked to higher order cognitive functions uniquely developed in humans
The impact of ischemic stroke on connectivity gradients
The functional organization of the brain can be represented as a low-dimensional space that reflects its macroscale hierarchy. The dimensions of this space, described as connectivity gradients, capture the similarity of areas' connections along a continuous space. Studying how pathological perturbations with known effects on functional connectivity affect these connectivity gradients provides support for their biological relevance. Previous work has shown that localized lesions cause widespread functional connectivity alterations in structurally intact areas, affecting a network of interconnected regions. By using acute stroke as a model of the effects of focal lesions on the connectome, we apply the connectivity gradient framework to depict how functional reorganization occurs throughout the brain, unrestricted by traditional definitions of functional network boundaries. We define a three-dimensional connectivity space template based on functional connectivity data from healthy controls. By projecting lesion locations into this space, we demonstrate that ischemic strokes result in dimension-specific alterations in functional connectivity over the first week after symptom onset. Specifically, changes in functional connectivity were captured along connectivity Gradients 1 and 3. The degree of functional connectivity change was associated with the distance from the lesion along these connectivity gradients (a measure of functional similarity) regardless of the anatomical distance from the lesion. Together, these results provide support for the biological validity of connectivity gradients and suggest a novel framework to characterize connectivity alterations after stroke
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