5,418 research outputs found

    Exactly solvable quantum spin tubes and ladders

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    We find families of integrable n-leg spin-1/2 ladders and tubes with general isotropic exchange interactions between spins. These models are equivalent to su(N) spin chains with N=2^n. Arbitrary rung interactions in the spin tubes and ladders induce chemical potentials in the equivalent spin chains. The potentials are n-dependent and differ for the tube and ladder models. The models are solvable by means of nested Bethe Ansatz.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 1 eps fig, to appear in J. Phys.

    21st century social work: reducing re-offending - key practice skills

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    This literature review was commissioned by the Scottish Executive’s Social Work Services Inspectorate in order to support the work of the 21st Century Social Work Review Group. Discussions in relation to the future arrangements for criminal justice social work raised issues about which disciplines might best encompass the requisite skills for reducing re-offending in the community. Rather than starting with what is known or understood about the skills of those professionals currently involved in such interventions, this study sought to start with the research evidence on effective work with offenders to reduce re-offending and then work its way back to the skills required to promote this outcome

    Surface width scaling in noise reduced Eden clusters

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    The surface width scaling of Eden A clusters grown from a single aggregate site on the square lattice is investigated as a function of the noise reduction parameter. A two-exponent scaling ansatz is introduced and used to fit the results from simulations covering the range from fully stochastic to the zero-noise limit.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 figure

    European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI)-Formulating Ideas for Better Medicines for Children.

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    © American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2016, published by Springer US, available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1208/s12249-016-0584-1The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI), founded in 2007, aims to promote and facilitate the preparation of better and safe medicines for children through linking research and information dissemination. It brings together the capabilities of the industry, academics, hospitals, and regulators within a common platform in order to scope the solid understanding of the major issues, which will underpin the progress towards the future of paediatric medicines we want.The EuPFI was formed in parallel to the adoption of regulations within the EU and USA and has served as a community that drives research and dissemination through publications and the organisation of annual conferences. The membership and reach of this group have grown since its inception in 2007 and continue to develop and evolve to meet the continuing needs and ambitions of research into and development of age appropriate medicines. Five diverse workstreams (age-appropriate medicines, Biopharmaceutics, Administration Devices, Excipients and Taste Assessment & Taste Masking (TATM)) direct specific workpackages on behalf of the EuPFI. Furthermore, EuPFI interacts with multiple diverse professional groups across the globe to ensure efficient working in the area of paediatric medicines. Strong commitment and active involvement of all EuPFI stakeholders have proved to be vital to effectively address knowledge gaps related to paediatric medicines, discuss potential areas for further research and identify issues that need more attention and analysis in the future.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of a viscoelastic shear-thinning fluid

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    We present a hybrid lattice Boltzmann algorithm for the simulation of flow glass-forming fluids, characterized by slow structural relaxation, at the level of the Navier-Stokes equation. The fluid is described in terms of a nonlinear integral constitutive equation, relating the stress tensor locally to the history of flow. As an application, we present results for an integral nonlinear Maxwell model that combines the effects of (linear) viscoelasticity and (nonlinear) shear thinning. We discuss the transient dynamics of velocities, shear stresses, and normal stress differences in planar pressure-driven channel flow, after switching on (startup) and off (cessation) of the driving pressure. This transient dynamics depends nontrivially on the channel width due to an interplay between hydrodynamic momentum diffusion and slow structural relaxation

    Magnetic Susceptibility of an integrable anisotropic spin ladder system

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    We investigate the thermodynamics of a spin ladder model which possesses a free parameter besides the rung and leg couplings. The model is exactly solved by the Bethe Ansatz and exhibits a phase transition between a gapped and a gapless spin excitation spectrum. The magnetic susceptibility is obtained numerically and its dependence on the anisotropy parameter is determined. A connection with the compounds KCuCl3, Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4 and (C5H12N)2CuBr4 in the strong coupling regime is made and our results for the magnetic susceptibility fit the experimental data remarkably well.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Exactly solvable models and ultracold Fermi gases

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    Exactly solvable models of ultracold Fermi gases are reviewed via their thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz solution. Analytical and numerical results are obtained for the thermodynamics and ground state properties of two- and three-component one-dimensional attractive fermions with population imbalance. New results for the universal finite temperature corrections are given for the two-component model. For the three-component model, numerical solution of the dressed energy equations confirm that the analytical expressions for the critical fields and the resulting phase diagrams at zero temperature are highly accurate in the strong coupling regime. The results provide a precise description of the quantum phases and universal thermodynamics which are applicable to experiments with cold fermionic atoms confined to one-dimensional tubes.Comment: based on an invited talk at Statphys24, Cairns (Australia) 2010. 16 pages, 6 figure

    Watershed development: A solution to water shortages in semi-arid India or part of the problem?

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    There have been dramatic changes in the hydrology of many of the dry areas of South India in recent years as a result of increased groundwater-based irrigation, watershed development and land use change. Although intensive development of water resources has brought about huge benefits, its very success has thrown up new challenges. Demand and competition for water has increased to the extent that ñ€” in some areas ñ€” current levels of annual water use are so high that, in all but the wettest years, annual water use approximates towards annual replenishment of surface and ground water resources. In these areas, it is clear that the emphasis should switch from development to the management of water resources to ensure that water is allocated to activities with the highest economic and social value. Although current watershed development programmes bring a range of benefits, they may also change the temporal and spatial pattern of water availability and use. This can result in significant negative trade-offs such as more unreliable domestic water supplies in ‘downstream’ areas, particularly during low rainfall or drought years. As part of the Karnataka Watershed Development Project (KAWAD), a water resource audit assessed the status of water resources in the project watersheds and identified resource management practices that should be promoted by the project. This paper summarises the audit’s findings and recommendations, the main lessons learned and progress to date in implementing recommendations. For comparison, findings and recommendations from a water audit in southern Andhra Pradesh are also summarised.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Evidence for the super Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    We provide evidence in support of a recent proposal by Astrakharchik at al. for the existence of a super Tonks-Girardeau gas-like state in the attractive interaction regime of quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases. We show that the super Tonks-Giradeau gas-like state corresponds to a highly-excited Bethe state in the integrable interacting Bose gas for which the bosons acquire hard-core behaviour. The gas-like state properties vary smoothly throughout a wide range from strong repulsion to strong attraction. There is an additional stable gas-like phase in this regime in which the bosons form two-body bound states behaving like hard-core bosons.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, additional text on the stability of the super T-G gas-like stat
