142 research outputs found

    The litany of suffering is still heard but not louder : a case study of clinical supervision to school libraries in Indonesia’s four provinces

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    From 2002 through 2004, the National Library of Indonesia distributed block grants to 250 school libraries in the province of Central Java scattered in 10 districts, 150 school libraries in West Nusa Tenggara for 7 districts, 125 school libraries in South Sumatera in 5 districts while in the province of Bangka Belitung only to one municipality covering 25 school libraries. For three years, a school library which serves only one school received a block grant of 19 million rupiahs or approximately US $2000, while (multiple) school library which serves two or more schools received 29 million rupiahs or around US 3200 all for books. Beside that, there are trainings for library staffs conducted at the province capital as well as at the districts and supervision from the National Library. After three year implementation, the National Library set up two independent teams to evaluate the school library performance, block grant awardees. The first team consists of five consultant on education and librarianship while the second one is an independent consultant bureau. Among the findings are the rise of book usages among school children, rising initiatives among teacher cum teacher in charge of library to correlate the library activities with the class programme and communities’ activities, the provision of separate building for school library especially in South Sumatera. However there anxieties on the continuation of the school libraries after the project is over, as not all grant-receiving-districts have enough budget to provide finances for the school library operations after the project is over


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    Dalam pembagian jenis perpustakaan, dikenal beberapa jenis perpustakaan seperti perpustakaan internasional, perpustakaan nasional, perpustakaan sekolah, perpustakaan perguruan tinggi, perpustakaan umum, dan perpustakaan khusus


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    Istilah yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah sains informasi yang dianggap sinonim dengan ilmu informasi. Kata sains informasi merupakan terjemahan kata information science. Science dalam bahasa Ingris memiliki makna atau pengertian yang tidak sama dengan hal yang terdapat dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kata science bila diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia menjadi sbb: (1) Sains yang bermakna ilmu pengetahuan alam, kurang lebih dalam DDC kelas 500 ialah Natural Sciences. Dalam bahasa Inggris istilah tsb hanya mencakup natural sciences, padahal masih ada ilmu lain seperti Bahasa, Sastra, sejarah dsb. (2) Menjadi ilmu yang bermakna pengetahuan tentang suatu bidang yanf disusun secara bersistem menurut metode tertentu yang dapat digunakan untuk menerangkan gejala tertentu di bidang (pengetahuan) (KBBI, ed 4, 2012). (3) Dalam arti jamak artinya semua ilmu pengetahuan; kadang-kadang dalam bahasa Inggris dibuat menjadi jamak. Dalam konteks Bahasa Indonesia, istilah itu yang digunakan misal Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesi


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    Bagi pustakawan Indonesia, perangkat lunak Micro CDS ISIS(Micro Computerised Documentation Service Integrated Service Information System) bukanlah hal baru dibandingkan dengan perangkat lunak lain untuk keperluan perpustakaan seperti Tinlibs, Dynix, Isya, Inmagic, Oracle dan seterusnya.Kepopuleran CDS ISIS terjadi karena perangkat lunak tersebutmula-mula diperoleh secara cumacuma dari Unesco, kemudian harus membayar sebesar US $70 sehingga harganya murah dibandingkan dengan perangkat lunak lainnya; alasan lain ialah perangkat lunak tersebut merupakan perangkat lunak wajib bagi berbagai perpustakaan serta merupakan perangkat lunak yang diajarkan di pendidikan pustakawan

    The litany of suffering is still heard but not louder : a case study of clinical supervision to school libraries in Indonesia’s four provinces

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    From 2002 through 2004, the National Library of Indonesia distributed block grants to 250 school libraries in the province of Central Java scattered in 10 districts, 150 school libraries in West Nusa Tenggara for 7 districts, 125 school libraries in South Sumatera in 5 districts while in the province of Bangka Belitung only to one municipality covering 25 school libraries. For three years, a school library which serves only one school received a block grant of 19 million rupiahs or approximately US $2000, while (multiple) school library which serves two or more schools received 29 million rupiahs or around US 3200 all for books. Beside that, there are trainings for library staffs conducted at the province capital as well as at the districts and supervision from the National Library. After three year implementation, the National Library set up two independent teams to evaluate the school library performance, block grant awardees. The first team consists of five consultant on education and librarianship while the second one is an independent consultant bureau. Among the findings are the rise of book usages among school children, rising initiatives among teacher cum teacher in charge of library to correlate the library activities with the class programme and communities’ activities, the provision of separate building for school library especially in South Sumatera. However there anxieties on the continuation of the school libraries after the project is over, as not all grant-receiving-districts have enough budget to provide finances for the school library operations after the project is over

    Strategies and Interventions for Increasing Homework Completion and Accuracy

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    This four part thesis contains: Analytic review of literature of the work of a number of authors and researchers who discuss strategies and interventions aimed at improving students\u27 homework completion and accuracy rates. Discussion of the specific roles that students, parents, and families play and the contributions of teachers when it comes to homework. It will discuss a variety of ways that teachers can encourage students to complete their homework and do so with accuracy. A discussion of the implications for teachers including the pros and cons of several interventions. The limitations of the review and several recommendations for future research

    Pengantar Ilmu Kearsipan

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of teaching institutions in Indonesia. The term documentation in the Indonesian library and information Sciences (LIS), which is a translated version of the word “documentatie,” was introduced in the early 1950s by the Training Course for Library Staff as an activity that involves the acquisition, processing, storage and retrieval of documents.  Furthermore, the method adopted historically involves the examination of existing historical sources, usually articles, institutional reports, examining textbooks. Moreover, it was reported that documentation is different from library activities, which subsequently extended to the application in government offices. This variation impacts on the daily life, based on the fact that documentation is more concerned with on non-printed materials, laying emphasis on the processing of newspapers and journals, and the movement towards natural sciences. Conversely, the library is concerned with printed data on books, with works that are limited to social sciences and humanities. However, the growing impacts of internet information technology on librarianship and research progress in the aspect of related sciences lead to a query on the similarity and variation between both terms in Indonesia. In the mid-2010s, the Ministry of Research and Higher Education issued a regulation under the auspices of Information Sciences cluster, insinuating the existence of programs, which include (1) Information Science and (2) Library and Information Science (LIS). This paper, however, accepted the concept of variation between Information Science, LIS and documentation, leading to the submission of some suggestions based on its content as a course study in Indonesia. Furthermore, there are no mentions of documentation in this dimension, owing to its obsolete modified meanings. Keywords: Library and Information Sciences, LIS Education, Education program, Documentation Ter

    Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan

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    Buku ini merupakan buku pengantar dasar mengenai Ilmu Perpustakaan, didalamnya berisi pengetahuan-pengetahuan dasar tentang berbagai subjek yang akan di bahas di dalam Ilmu perpustakaan.xiv, 12.41 hlm.: ilus.; 21 c
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