15 research outputs found

    Development of Village Based Potentials of Social Capital in Madiun District, East Java, Indonesia

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    Social capital as a potential development resource, if there is synergy between the interests of the villagers with the orientation of the target of village development. The lack of success in village development has been due to the lack of conformity with the needs of the villagers, due to the involvement of the villagers in the development process as a means of getting closer between the government and the villagers. The social capital of the villagers will result in a form of cooperation realized through mutual assistance and community awareness, and has been believed to be a strength and adhesive in the lives of village communities in the face of various village development issues. The problem is whether the potential of social capital has been synergized to be a force in supporting the implementation of village development. While the target in this research in 5 (five) sub-district of Madiun Regency and each sub-district determined 2 (two) village by purposive sampling. Data analysis used regression model through SPSS calculation. Keyword: Social Capital, Rural Development

    Village Development Strategy Through Development Social Capital Potential

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    Village development which emphasizes growth results in income disparities in the community, a village development strategy is needed that emphasizes the development of human resources. Community involvement in the village development process is very important to bring development programs closer to the interests of the village community. Social capital owned by rural communities can be a potential development resource in supporting the success of village development. The problem is the lack of realization of public trust in village government organizers, as a result of passive and apathetic communities towards village government programs. Therefore, the village government must be able to grow and convince the community of the development program intended for the benefit of the village community. Keywords: Village Government, Development, trust, social capital. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-14-09 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Village Democracy Strengthening in Realizing Good Governance

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    Community service performance has become an increasingly strategic policy issue because the improvement of bureaucratic performance has implications in the administration of government functions. The number of public complaints about the performance of public services, such as services that are convoluted, procedural, and slow in its completion, thus causing public distrust to the village government. The orientation of community service still seems centralized to the village head as the head of government, consequently being hampered in managing public services. To that end, it is necessary to improve the performance of community services through strengthening the democratization of the village by developing community capacity in political knowledge so as to encourage awareness to be actively involved in the process of village governance. Community involvement can be given space and opportunity to be involved in the process of planning, implementing and controlling the administration of government functions. With the involvement of the community, it will encourage increased social control as a balancing force, and can encourage the realization of good governance Keywords: Village governance, good governance, public services, democratization. DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-6-09 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Corruption of Public Bureaucracy, and its Implications on the Quality of Public Services

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    Public service is one of the main functions in government, so it is the government's obligation to provide good service to the public. But in reality, there are still many complaints from the public regarding procedures that are complicated, slow in their resolution. This condition provides space and opportunity for the practice of bribery in the process of managing public services. The community will look for shortcuts so that they can be given convenience in public services, although they have to add extra costs to the service personnel. Deep bribery practices because they are considered to be lacking in accordance with applicable regulations. As a result, the villagers handed over to the officers how best to facilitate the management of public services. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive bureaucratic reforms to minimize the occurrence of community service deviations that have touched the level of village governance, the community often has to re-complete the various requirements suggested by officers in public services. Keywords: Public services, corruption, village government DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-6-08 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Realize Village Government Governance Through Social Capital Potential

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    Social capital is a potential social resource if there is a synergy between the government's program objectives and the interests of the villagers. However, in practice, the attention of the village government to the potential of social capital is relatively limited, and even tends to ignore the meaning of the potential of social capital. In terms of social capital as a potential it can be utilized to support government functions. Through the development of potential social capital will result in synergic cooperation in dealing with various social challenges currently faced. Therefore, to realize good village governance, the support of villagers is needed, while globalization has eroded and eroded the potential of the villagers' social capital. For this reason, the commitment of the village government is needed to always care through the orientation of the policies produced and actions that are concerned with the interests of the villagers, so as to foster public trust in the village administration. With the growth of public trust in village government can increase the role of the community in order to realize good village governance Keywords: Village Government, Good Governance, Social Capital. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-12-16 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Money Politics and Horizontal Conflict in the Vehicle CH

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    Problems in village head elections are the occurrence of money politics, and even cause horizontal conflicts. Consequently, it does not produce village heads with capabilities and aspirations. Money politics by most politicians is considered an effective mode of influencing villagers in their political choices. Therefore, each candidate village head used the money to mobilize villagers in village head elections. The money politics mode is carried out with various activities that are labeled as food aid donations, contributing social facilities to the citizens. The practice of money politics, is very vulnerable to cause conflict between citizens who have different political choice affiliations, so it is very influential on the continuity of democratic village head elections. Keywords: Money politics, Horizontal conflict, Village Head Electio

    Local Function of Java Community Culture in Conflict Settlement and Social Violence Between Pencak Silat Colleges in Madiun

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    This research was motivated by a conflict between pencak silat colleges in Madiun district, which until now has not been resolved completely and permanently. Even this conflict has invited the attention of the leadership of the Regional Leadership Council (MUSPIDA) of Madiun district and East Java Regional Police (POLDA) to field members in anticipation of conflict during the big day such as the Pencak Silat College of the Brothers Setia Hati Terate (SH. Terate) and the university pencak silat The Faithful Brotherhood of Tunas Muda Winongo (SH. Winongo), namely 'Suro Agung' because it has led to the potential for social unrest and inconvenience to society in general. For this reason, the aim of the study is to help the local government of Madiun Regency in creating social harmony or harmony and social security, namely the availability of a model / approach to reconciliation in handling conflicts between pencak silat colleges in Madiun district. The model / approach referred to, through the development of local values ​​of Javanese culture in the East Java province.In addition, this study is targeted to produce a model of social harmony in the perspective of Javanese local wisdom for handling conflict and social violence. This research is multi-year 2 (two) years, with planned activities carried out including: the first year will be studied; (1) Identification of the factors that caused the conflict of pencak silat colleges in Madiun, (2) Assessing the effectiveness of conflict handling of pencak silat colleges in Madiun, and (3) Assessing the relationship between factors of conflict between martial arts colleges and the effectiveness of conflict resolution martial arts college. While the second year, will be examined; (1) Identification of forms of social violence, (2) Assessing the relationship between conflict factors in pencak silat colleges and other forms of social violence, (3) Assessing the relationship between the effectiveness of conflict management in pencak silat and social violence, (4) Designing models / reconciliation approach in handling pencak silat college conflicts and social violence.The location / object of his research was in Madiun district, East Java province because it was the center of the two pencak silat colleges, both pencak silat colleges, the Brotherhood of Faithful Heart Terate (SH. Terate) and the Faithful Brotherhood of Tunas Muda Winongo (SH. Winongo). Sampling uses the "Purposive Sampling" technique, that is, respondents are intentionally determined with the consideration that the respondents selected know and understand the focus of the study. Subjects who were respondents, included: Regional Leadership Consultation (MUSPIDA), Madiun district, administrators and members of the pencak silat college, and the community. While the determination of respondents is based on the technique of "Snowball Sampling". Data collection techniques used; a) direct observation at the research site; b) interview; c) questionnaire; and d) documentation. Whereas to test the validity of the data using triangulation of data sources. Processing and analysis of data is done qualitatively by using "interactive analysis model", is an analysis carried out in the form of interaction on three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. Keywords: Pencak silat college, social harmony, conflict, and local culture. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-14-08 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Money Politic, And The Effect Of Democracy In The Selection Of The Head Of Village, In District Magetan, East Java, Indonesia

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    Money politics can not be avoided in the village head elections, because money politics has been going on for generations and has become a tradition in every village head election. This condition becomes an opportunity for every candidate for village head to engage in money politics in fighting for influence on the political choice of villagers, and even money becomes the dominant factor in winning village head elections. As a result, the low quality of democracy is expected to produce an aspirational and trustworthy village head for village development and progress. This research was conducted in 5 (five) sub districts of Magetan Regency, with each subdistrict represented 2 (two) villages, and each village represented 10 people taken by purposive sampling. While data analysis used correlation calculation through SPSS. Keyword: Money politics, Democracy, Village Head Election

    The Performance Accountability of the Public Bureaucracy in Prevention of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism Behavior

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    Corrupt behavior in the bureaucratic environment tends to increase, and is even carried out in various new modes. The government's efforts to prevent corruption have been carried out by establishing a KPK institution, and or through various regulations to minimize the occurrence of criminal acts of bureaucratic corruption. There are several factors that encourage corruption, namely internal factors that exist within the individual, and external factors that develop in their environment. Internal factors are closely related to personal qualities that are shown through moral characters such as integrity or honesty. Meanwhile, external factors are triggered due to pressure and encouragement from the environment that allows for deviant actions. One of the prevention strategies carried out in a bureaucratic environment is to increase the accountability of the performance of public institutions. Accountability is a form of accountability from the government apparatus for all its policies and actions to the public. By adhering to the principle of accountability, it will minimize the occurrence of irregularities in carrying out its duties and functions. For that, it is necessary to strengthen and develop a system of accountability that is precise and clear, so that governance can run properly and accountably. Keywords: Accountability, public bureaucracy, corruption. DOI: 10.7176/DCS10-9-05 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Village Fund Management Accountability in Preventing Bureaucracy Corruption Behavior

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    The village fund is the government's effort to accelerate village independence through budget incentives allocated to each village of 1 (one) billion. Village achievements in the use of village funds can be assessed as quite good with a policy orientation that focuses on village empowerment and development programs. Through this development program, it is able to grow the community's economy, and can result in the reduction of social poverty. However, there are still problems related to the use of village funds, many cases of corruption that ensnare village heads due to mismanagement of village funds such as fictitious projects, inflated development budgets, embezzlement of village funds that are not used for development activities. Research participants were each village was assigned 25 respondents by random sampling, consisting of: 8 employees, and 17 community service users. There were 150 respondents. Results showed that the main factor that triggers the occurrence of corruption is due to the lack of proper accountability system in managing village funds. For this reason, it is necessary to build a more precise accountability system to anticipate the occurrence of irregularities committed by the village government. Accountability is the embodiment of the village head's obligation to be responsible for the management and control of resources and the implementation of the entrusted policies in order to achieve the goals that have been set. Through the accountability system, it can be the right solution in anticipating the occurrence of irregularities, because accountability can encourage and grow the role of the community to supervise the use of village funds.Keywords: Accountability, village funds, village government, corruption.DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-16-03Publication date:August 31st 202