556 research outputs found
A tabulation of pipe length to diameter ratios as a function of Mach number and pressure ratios for compressible flow
Computer programs and resulting tabulations are presented of pipeline length-to-diameter ratios as a function of Mach number and pressure ratios for compressible flow. The tabulations are applicable to air, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen for compressible isothermal flow with friction and compressible adiabatic flow with friction. Also included are equations for the determination of weight flow. The tabulations presented cover a wider range of Mach numbers for choked, adiabatic flow than available from commonly used engineering literature. Additional information presented, but which is not available from this literature, is unchoked, adiabatic flow over a wide range of Mach numbers, and choked and unchoked, isothermal flow for a wide range of Mach numbers
The nuclear characteristics of the CETR are described. Core operating lifetime, control-rod worth, and powerdensity distribution are discussed in relation to maximizing the core operating life. Other objectives of nuclear design are to minimize the power-density variation and to assure control of the reactor. (J.R.D.
Runtime Verification of Temporal Properties over Out-of-order Data Streams
We present a monitoring approach for verifying systems at runtime. Our
approach targets systems whose components communicate with the monitors over
unreliable channels, where messages can be delayed or lost. In contrast to
prior works, whose property specification languages are limited to
propositional temporal logics, our approach handles an extension of the
real-time logic MTL with freeze quantifiers for reasoning about data values. We
present its underlying theory based on a new three-valued semantics that is
well suited to soundly and completely reason online about event streams in the
presence of message delay or loss. We also evaluate our approach
experimentally. Our prototype implementation processes hundreds of events per
second in settings where messages are received out of order.Comment: long version of the CAV 2017 pape
An inexpensive economical solar heating system for homes
A low-cost solar home heating system to supplement existing warm-air heating systems is described. The report is written in three parts: (1) a brief background on solar heating, (2) experience with a demonstration system, and (3) information for the homeowner who wishes to construct such a system. Instructions are given for a solar heating installation in which the homeowner supplies all labor necessary to install off-the-shelf components estimated to cost $2,000. These components, which include solar collector, heat exchanger, water pump, storage tank, piping, and controls to make the system completely automatic, are available at local lumber yards, hardware stores, and plumbing supply stores, and are relatively simple to install. Manufacturers and prices of each component used and a rough cost analysis based on these prices are included. This report also gives performance data obtained from a demonstration system which was built and tested at the Langley Research Center
An updated assessment of indigenous cover remaining and legal protection in New Zealand’s land environments
FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide
Runtime verification of parametric properties using SMEDL
Parametric properties are typical properties to be checked in runtime verification (RV). As a common technique for parametric monitoring, trace slicing divides an execution trace into a set of sub traces which are checked against non-parametric base properties. An efficient trace slicing algorithm is implemented in MOP. Another RV technique, QEA further allows for nested use of universal and existential quantification over parameters. In this paper, we present a methodology for parametric monitoring using the RV framework SMEDL. Trace slicing algorithm in MOP can be expressed by execution of a set of SMEDL monitors. Moreover, the semantics of nested quantifiers is encoded by a hierarchy of monitors for aggregating verdicts of sub traces. Through case studies, we demonstrate that SMEDL provides a natural way to monitor parametric properties with more potentials for flexible deployment and optimizations
Abstract Argumentation / Persuasion / Dynamics
The act of persuasion, a key component in rhetoric argumentation, may be
viewed as a dynamics modifier. We extend Dung's frameworks with acts of
persuasion among agents, and consider interactions among attack, persuasion and
defence that have been largely unheeded so far. We characterise basic notions
of admissibilities in this framework, and show a way of enriching them through,
effectively, CTL (computation tree logic) encoding, which also permits
importation of the theoretical results known to the logic into our
argumentation frameworks. Our aim is to complement the growing interest in
coordination of static and dynamic argumentation.Comment: Arisaka R., Satoh K. (2018) Abstract Argumentation / Persuasion /
Dynamics. In: Miller T., Oren N., Sakurai Y., Noda I., Savarimuthu B., Cao
Son T. (eds) PRIMA 2018: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems.
PRIMA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11224. Springer, Cha
The Effect of Fish Oil Supplementation on Resistance Training-induced Adaptations
Background: Resistance exercise training (RET) is a common and well-established method to induce hypertrophy and improvement in strength. Interestingly, fish oil supplementation (FOS) may aug-ment RET-induced adaptations. However, few studies have been conducted on young, healthy adults.
Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled design was used to determine the effect of FOS, a concentrated source of eicosapen-taenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), compared to placebo (PL) on RET-induced adaptations following a 10-week RET program (3 days·week−1). Body composition was measured by dual- energy x-ray absorptiometry (LBM, fat mass [FM], percent body fat [%BF]) and strength was measured by 1-repetition maximum bar-bell back squat (1RMSQT) and bench press (1RMBP) at PRE (week 0) and POST (10 weeks). Supplement compliance was assessed via self-report and bottle collection every two weeks and via fatty acid dried blood spot collection at PRE and POST. An a priori α- level of 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance and Cohen’s d was used to quantify effect sizes (ES).
Results: Twenty-one of 28 male and female participants (FOS, n = 10 [4 withdrawals]; PL, n = 11 [3 withdrawals]) completed the 10- week progressive RET program and PRE/POST measurements. After 10-weeks, blood EPA+DHA substantially increased in the FOS group (+109.7%, p\u3c .001) and did not change in the PL group (+1.3%, p = .938). Similar between-group changes in LBM (FOS: +3.4%, PL: +2.4%, p = .457), FM (FOS: −5.2%, PL: 0.0%, p = .092), and %BF (FOS: −5.9%, PL: −2.5%, p = .136) were observed, although, the between- group ES was considered large for FM (d = 0.84). Absolute and relative (kg·kg [body mass]−1) 1RMBP was significantly higher in the FOS group compared to PL (FOS: +17.7% vs. PL: +9.7%, p = .047; FOS: +17.6% vs. PL: +7.3%, p = .011; respectively), whereas absolute 1RMSQT was similar between conditions (FOS: +28.8% vs. PL: +20.5%, p = .191). Relative 1RMSQT was higher in the FOS group (FOS: +29.3% vs. PL: +17.9%, p = .045).
Conclusions: When combined with RET, FOS improves absolute and relative 1RM upper-body and relative 1RM lower-body strength to a greater extent than that observed in the PL group of young, recreationally trained adults
Effects of ingesting a pre-workout supplement with and without synephrine on cognitive function, perceptions of readiness to perform, and exercise performance
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