9,644 research outputs found

    Evidence for quenched chiral logs

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    Using the pole shifting procedure of the modified quenched approximation (MQA) to cure the exceptional configuration problem, accurate hadron hadron spectrum calculations can be obtained at very light quark mass. Here we use the MQA to extend and improve our previous investigation of chiral logs in the pion mass. At beta=5.7 for Wilson fermion, we see clear evidence for quenched chiral logarithms in the pion mass as a function of quark mass. The size of the observed chiral log exponent delta is in good agreement with the value obtained from a direct calculation of the eta' hairpin diagram.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Lattice 98 tal

    Weak Mixing and Rare Decays in the Littlest Higgs Model

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    Little Higgs Models have been introduced to resolve the fine-tuning problems associated with the stability of the electroweak scale and the constraints imposed by the precision electroweak analysis of experiments testing the Standard Model of particle physics. Flavor physics provides a sensitive probe of the new physics contained in these models at next-to-leading order.Comment: Talk presented at the 2006 International Workshop on The Origin of Mass and Strong Coupling Gauge Theories held November 21-24, 2006 at Nagoya, Japan. 7 page

    Mesotron Decays and the Role of Anomalies

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    Puzzles associated with Yukawa's mesotron theory of nuclear interactions led to the discovery of "anomalies" in quantum field theory. I will discuss some of the remarkable consequences of these anomalies in the physics of elementary particles.Comment: Talk presented at the 2006 International Symposium of the Jubilee of the Sakata Model (pnL50). 10 page

    A derivation of Regge trajectories in large-N transverse lattice QCD

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    Large-N QCD is analysed in light-front coordinates with a transverse lattice at strong coupling. The general formalism can be looked up on as a d+n expansion with a stack of d-dimensional hyperplanes uniformly spaced in n transverse dimensions. It can arise by application of the renormalisation group transformations only in the transverse directions. At leading order in strong coupling, the gauge field dynamics reduces to the constraint that only colour singlet states can jump between the hyperplanes. With d=2, n=2 and large-N, the leading order strong coupling results are simple renormalisations of those for the 't Hooft model. The meson spectrum lies on a set of parallel trajectories labeled by spin. This is the first derivation of the widely anticipated Regge trajectories in a regulated systematic expansion in QCD.Comment: Lattice 2000 (spectrum), 5 pages, to appear in the proceeding

    Optimizing the Chiral Properties of Lattice Fermions

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    We describe a way to optimize the chiral behavior of Wilson-type lattice fermion actions by studying the low energy real eigenmodes of the Dirac operator. We find a candidate action, the clover action with fat links with a tuned clover term. The action shows good scaling behavior at Wilson gauge coupling beta=5.7.Comment: LATTICE98(improvement

    Exceptional Configurations with the Clover Action

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    We study exceptional modes of both the Wilson and the clover action in order to understand why quenched clover spectroscopy suffers so severely from exceptional configurations. We show that a large clover coefficient can make the exceptional modes extremely localized and thus very sensitive to short distance fluctuations. We contrast this with the case of the Wilson action where exceptional modes correspond to large instantons. These modes are broadly extended and suffer much less from discretization errors.Comment: LATTICE98(improvement

    Progress in KππK\to\pi\pi Decays

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    Recent work by J.~Prades and myself on KππK\to\pi\pi is described. The first part describes our method to connect in a systematic fashion the short-distance evolution with long-distance matrix-element calculations taking the scheme dependence of the short-distance evolution into account correctly. In the second part I show the results we obtain for the ΔI=1/2\Delta I=1/2 rule in the chiral limit.Comment: 4 pages, uses espcrc1.sty. Talk given at PANIC99, Uppsala 10-16 june 199

    Chiral Loops and Ghost States in the Quenched Scalar Propagator

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    The scalar, isovector meson propagator is analyzed in quenched QCD, using the MQA pole-shifting ansatz to study the chiral limit. In addition to the expected short-range exponential falloff characteristic of a heavy scalar meson, the propagator also exhibits a longer-range, negative metric contribution which becomes pronounced for smaller quark masses. We show that this is a quenched chiral loop effect associated with the anomalous structure of the η\eta ' propagator in quenched QCD. Both the time dependence and the quark mass dependence of this effect are well-described by a chiral loop diagram corresponding to an ηπ\eta '- \pi intermediate state, which is light and effectively of negative norm in the quenched approximation. The relevant parameters of the effective Lagrangian describing the scalar sector of the quenched theory are determined.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, Late

    Binding energy and stability of spherically symmetric masses in general relativity

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    Binding energy and stability of spherically symmetric masses in general relativit