3,659 research outputs found

    Detecting Gaussian entanglement via extractable work

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    We show how the presence of entanglement in a bipartite Gaussian state can be detected by the amount of work extracted by a continuos variable Szilard-like device, where the bipartite state serves as the working medium of the engine. We provide an expression for the work extracted in such a process and specialize it to the case of Gaussian states. The extractable work provides a sufficient condition to witness entanglement in generic two-mode states, becoming also necessary for squeezed thermal states. We extend the protocol to tripartite Gaussian states, and show that the full structure of inseparability classes cannot be discriminated based on the extractable work. This suggests that bipartite entanglement is the fundamental resource underpinning work extraction.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Non-equilibrium readiness and accuracy of Gaussian Quantum Thermometers

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    The dimensionality of a thermometer is key in the design of quantum thermometry schemes. In general, the phenomenology that is typical of finite-dimensional quantum thermometry does not apply to infinite dimensional ones. We analyse the dynamical and metrological features of non-equilibrium Gaussian Quantum Thermometers: on one hand, we highlight how quantum entanglement can enhance the readiness of composite Gaussian thermometers; on the other hand, we show that non-equilibrium conditions do not guarantee the best sensitivities in temperature estimation, thus suggesting the reassessment of the working principles of quantum thermometry

    Metrology with Unknown Detectors

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    The best possible precision is one of the key figures in metrology, but this is established by the exact response of the detection apparatus, which is often unknown. There exist techniques for detector characterisation, that have been introduced in the context of quantum technologies, but apply as well for ordinary classical coherence; these techniques, though, rely on intense data processing. Here we show that one can make use of the simpler approach of data fitting patterns in order to obtain an estimate of the Cram\'er-Rao bound allowed by an unknown detector, and present applications in polarimetry. Further, we show how this formalism provide a useful calculation tool in an estimation problem involving a continuous-variable quantum state, i.e. a quantum harmonic oscillator

    A dynamical model of genetic networks describes cell differentiation

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    Cell differentiation is a complex phenomenon whereby a stem cell becomes progressively more specialized and eventually gives rise to a specific cell type. Differentiation can be either stochastic or, when appropriate signals are present, it can be driven to take a specific route. Induced pluripotency has also been recently obtained by overexpressing some genes in a differentiated cell. Here we show that a stochastic dynamical model of genetic networks can satisfactorily describe all these important features of differentiation, and others. The model is based on the emergent properties of generic genetic networks, it does not refer to specific control circuits and it can therefore hold for a wide class of lineages. The model points to a peculiar role of cellular noise in differentiation, which has never been hypothesized so far, and leads to non trivial predictions which could be subject to experimental testing

    An educational path for the magnetic vector potential and its physical implications

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    We present an educational path on the magnetic vector potential A addressed to undergraduate students and to pre-service physics teachers. Starting from the generalized Ampere-Laplace law, in the framework of a slowly varying time-dependent field approximation, the magnetic vector potential is written in terms of its empirical referent, i. e. the conduction current. Therefore, once the currents are known, our approach allows a clear and univocal physical determination of A overcoming the mathematical indeterminacy due to the gauge transformations. We have no need to fix a gauge, since for slowly varying time-dependent electric and magnetic fields, the natural gauge for A is the Coulomb one. We stress the difference between our approach and those usually presented in the literature. Finally, a physical interpretation of the magnetic vector potential is discussed and some examples of calculation of A are analysed

    Quantum noise in the spin transfer torque effect

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    Describing the microscopic details of the interaction of magnets and spin-polarized currents is key to achieve control of such systems at the microscopic level. Here we discuss a description based on the Keldysh technique, casting the problem in the language of open quantum systems. We reveal the origin of noise in the presence of both field-like and damping like terms in the equation of motion arising from spin conductance

    Nonlinear Inverse Spin Galvanic Effect in Anisotropic Disorder-free Systems

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    Spin transport phenomena in solid materials suffer limitations from spin relaxation associated to disorder or lack of translational invariance. Ultracold atoms, free of that disorder, can provide a platform to observe phenomena beyond the usual two-dimensional electron gas. By generalizing the approach used for isotropic two-dimensional electron gases, we theoretically investigate the inverse spin galvanic effect in the two-level atomic system in the presence of anisotropic Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings (SOC) and external magnetic field. We show that the combination of the SOC results in an asymmetric case: the total spin polarization considered for a small momentum has a longer spin state than in a two-dimensional electron gas when the SOC field prevails over the external electric field. Our results can be relevant for advancing experimental and theoretical investigations in spin dynamics as a basic approach for studying spin state control

    Quantum Simulation of single-qubit thermometry using linear optics

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    Standard thermometry employs the thermalisation of a probe with the system of interest. This approach can be extended by incorporating the possibility of using the non-equilibrium states of the probe, and the presence of coherence. Here, we illustrate how these concepts apply to the single-qubit thermometer introduced by Jevtic et al. by performing a simulation of the qubit-environment interaction in a linear-optical device. We discuss the role of the coherence, and how this affects the usefulness of non-equilibrium conditions. The origin of the observed behaviour is traced back to the propensity to thermalisation, as captured by the Helmholtz free energy.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Measuring coherence of quantum measurements

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    The superposition of quantum states lies at the heart of physics and has been recently found to serve as a versatile resource for quantum information protocols, defining the notion of quantum coherence. In this contribution, we report on the implementation of its complementary concept, coherence from quantum measurements. By devising an accessible criterion which holds true in any classical statistical theory, we demonstrate that noncommutative quantum measurements violate this constraint, rendering it possible to perform an operational assessment of the measurement-based quantum coherence. In particular, we verify that polarization measurements of a single photonic qubit, an essential carrier of one unit of quantum information, are already incompatible with classical, i.e., incoherent, models of a measurement apparatus. Thus, we realize a method that enables us to quantitatively certify which quantum measurements follow fundamentally different statistical laws than expected from classical theories and, at the same time, quantify their usefulness within the modern framework of resources for quantum information technology.Comment: close to published versio

    Monitoring dispersive samples with single photons: the role of frequency correlations

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    The physics that governs quantum monitoring may involve other degrees of freedom than the ones initialised and controlled for probing. In this context we address the simultaneous estimation of phase and dephasing characterizing a dispersive medium, and we explore the role of frequency correlations within a photon pair generated via parametric down-conversion, when used as a probe for the medium. We derive the ultimate quantum limits on the estimation of the two parameters, by calculating the corresponding quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound; we then consider a feasible estimation scheme, based on the measurement of Stokes operators, and address its absolute performances in terms of the correlation parameters, and, more fundamentally, of the role played by correlations in the simultaneous achievability of the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bounds for each of the two parameters.Comment: to appear in Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrolog
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