10 research outputs found
Exposure to the live or freshly slaughtered poultry from a poultry market of control-persons and their household members.
<p>Exposure to the live or freshly slaughtered poultry from a poultry market of control-persons and their household members.</p
Exact conditional logistic regression analysis of exposures and risk factors for influenza A(H7N9) virus human infection, by urban or rural residence — Zhejiang Province, China, March – 2013.
#<p>NS = Association not statistically significant (p>0.05).</p
Univariate exact conditional logistic regression analysis of potential exposures and risk factors for influenza A (H7N9) virus human infection — Zhejiang Province, China, 2013.
<p>*The following exposures and factors were evaluated but were not statistically associated with disease onset: Slaughtering poultry, contact with dead poultry, visiting lake/park/pond/paddy field.</p
Characteristics of case- and control-persons in the study of risk factors for influenza A (H7N9) virus human infections — Zhejiang Province, China, 2013.
<p>Characteristics of case- and control-persons in the study of risk factors for influenza A (H7N9) virus human infections — Zhejiang Province, China, 2013.</p
Onset time of 44 confirmed cases of influenza A (H7N9) virus human infection — Zhejiang Province, China, 2013.
<p>Onset time of 44 confirmed cases of influenza A (H7N9) virus human infection — Zhejiang Province, China, 2013.</p
Water-collection site X on the shore of Lake Edward, Katwe Village, south-western Uganda.
<p>Water collected inside this fenced area was implicated for a cholera outbreak during June–July 2015.</p
Location of Katwe Village in Uganda, where a cholera outbreak occurred during June–July 2015.
<p>(Map source: <a href="http://ian.macky.net/pat/map/ug/ug.html" target="_blank">http://ian.macky.net/pat/map/ug/ug.html</a>, public domain, accessed 20<sup>th</sup> November 2017).</p
Attack rate by settlement zone, sex, and age during a cholera outbreak in Katwe Village, south-western Uganda, June–July 2015.
<p>Attack rate by settlement zone, sex, and age during a cholera outbreak in Katwe Village, south-western Uganda, June–July 2015.</p
Onset of suspected cases of cholera during an outbreak in Katwe Village, south-western Uganda, June–July 2015.
<p>This epidemic curve indicated a point-source outbreak with exposure on 16 or 17 June, followed by community transmission after 22 June.</p
Exposures significantly associated with cholera infection, KatweVillage, south-western Uganda, June–July 2015.
<p>Exposures significantly associated with cholera infection, KatweVillage, south-western Uganda, June–July 2015.</p