126 research outputs found
AFLP from two contrasting habitat types
We get these data from AFLP. In our study, we compare the genetic diversity and differentiation between two contrasting habitat types of Betula ermanii. Our results indicated that the two different type show different genetic structure. We presume that this species evolve under natural selection
MSAP data get from Betula ermanii
We get these data from AFLP. In our study, we compare the epigenetic diversity and differentiation between two contrasting habitat types of Betula ermanii. Our results indicated that the two different type show different epigenetic structure. We presume that this species evolve under natural selection
Legislative Documents
Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents
Effects of Surface Defects on Performance and Dynamics of CsPbI<sub>2</sub>Br Perovskite: First-Principles Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulations
mixed-halogen perovskites exhibit excellent photovoltaic
properties and stability; yet, their photoelectric conversion efficiency
is limited by inherent surface defects. In this work, we study the
impact of defects on properties of CsPbI2Br slabs using
first-principles calculations, focusing on specific defects such as
I vacancy (VI), I interposition (Ii), and I
substitution by Pb (PbI). Our findings reveal that these
defects affect the geometric and optoelectronic properties as well
as dynamics of charge carriers of slabs. We employ two theoretical
frameworks (surface hopping and Redfield theory) of nonadiabatic molecular
dynamics simulations to comprehensively study relaxation processes
and obtain consistent results. The presence of VI reduces
carrier lifetimes, while the influence of PbI on carrier
lifetimes is negligible. In contrast, Ii defects lead to
prolonged carrier lifetimes. These insights provide valuable guidance
for the rational design of perovskite photovoltaic devices, aiming
to enhance their efficiency and stability
Additional file 1 of FERMT1 promotes cell migration and invasion in non-small cell lung cancer via regulating PKP3-mediated activation of p38 MAPK signaling
Supplementary Material
Legislative Documents
Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents
Legislative Documents
Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents
DataSheet_1_Contrasting patterns of genetic and phenotypic divergence of two sympatric congeners, Phragmites australis and P. hirsuta, in heterogeneous habitats.docx
Habitat heterogeneity leads to genome-wide differentiation and morphological and ecological differentiation, which will progress along the speciation continuum, eventually leading to speciation. Phragmites hirsuta and Phragmites australis are sympatric congeners that coexist in saline-alkaline meadow soil (SAS) and sandy soil (SS) habitats of the Songnen Meadow. The results provided genetic evidence for two separate species of reeds. Genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure supported the specialist-generalist variation hypothesis (SGVH) in these two sympatric reed species, suggesting that P. australis is a generalist and P. hirsuta is a habitat specialist. When we compared these different species with respect to phenotypic and genetic variation patterns in different habitats, we found that the phenotypic differentiation of P. australis between the two habitats was higher than that of P. hirsuta. Multiple subtle differences in morphology, genetic background, and habitat use collectively contribute to ecological success for similar congeners. This study provided evidence of the two reed congeners, which should contribute to their success in harsh environments.</p
Additional file 4: of A newly formed hexaploid wheat exhibits immediate higher tolerance to nitrogen-deficiency than its parental lines
Figure S4. Effects of low N condition on the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents of synthetic hexaploid wheats (BBAADD genome), diploid wheat (DD genome) and tetraploid wheats (BBAA genome). Diploid wheat:TQ18; newly formed (synthetic) hexaploid wheats: AT5, Allo-960 and ELI 13; tetraploid wheats: 37A, ALTAR81, black bird, BOT and TTR04. The seedlings were subjected to low N condition (0.1 mM) for 31 days. The values are means of three biological replicates. Asterisks indicated significant difference (t test, P < 0.05) between control and low N-stressed plants for a given genotype. (TIF 1779 kb
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