16,554 research outputs found

    Randomness and semigenericity

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    Let L contain only the equality symbol and let L^+ be an arbitrary finite symmetric relational language containing L . Suppose probabilities are defined on finite L^+ structures with ''edge probability'' n^{- alpha}. By T^alpha, the almost sure theory of random L^+-structures we mean the collection of L^+-sentences which have limit probability 1. T_alpha denotes the theory of the generic structures for K_alpha, (the collection of finite graphs G with delta_{alpha}(G)=|G|- alpha. | edges of G | hereditarily nonnegative.) THEOREM: T_alpha, the almost sure theory of random L^+-structures is the same as the theory T_alpha of the K_alpha-generic model. This theory is complete, stable, and nearly model complete. Moreover, it has the finite model property and has only infinite models so is not finitely axiomatizable

    Look right! A retrospective study of pedestrian accidents involving overseas visitors to London

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    Introduction: Research within the European Union has shown international visitors to have a higher injury mortality than residents. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of injury-related death among overseas visitors and evidence suggests overseas visitors are at a greater risk of being involved in road traffic accidents than the resident population. Little information looks specifically at pedestrian injuries to overseas visitors. Pedestrian deaths account for 21% of all UK road deaths. Methods: A retrospective database review of London helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) missions was undertaken to examine the number and type of missions to overseas visitors, specifically examining pedestrian incidents. Results: Of 121 missions to overseas visitors, 74 (61%) involved the visitor as a pedestrian struck by a vehicle. Thirty-five pedestrians (47%) were struck by a bus and 20 by a car (27%). Fourteen patients (19%) had an initial Glasgow coma scale score of 3–8, suggesting severe head injury and half of all patients required prehospital intubation (38/74, 51%). Mortality was 16% (12/74%) and 62 patients (84%) survived to hospital discharge. Of 39 patients admitted to the Royal London Hospital, the average injury severity score (ISS%) was 23.0 (ISS >15 denotes severe trauma) with a mean inpatient stay of 17.9 days. Conclusion: During the 7-year period studied, 61% of HEMS missions to overseas visitors involved a pedestrian being struck by a vehicle, compared with 16% of missions to UK residents. For HEMS missions, serious trauma to pedestrians is disproportionally more common among the visitor population to London

    Geomagnetic model investigations for 1980 - 1989: A model for strategic defense initiative particle beam experiments and a study in the effects of data types and observatory bias solutions

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    Two suites of geomagnetic field models were generated at the request of Los Alamos National Lab. concerning Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research. The first is a progression of five models incorporating MAGSAT data and data from a sequence of batches as a priori information. The batch sequence is: post 1979.5 observatory data, post 1980 land survey and selected aeromagnetic and marine survey data, a special White Sands (NM) area survey by Project Magnet with some additional post 1980 marine survey data, and finally DE-2 satellite data. These models are of 13th deg and order in their main field terms, and deg and order 10 in their first derivative temporal terms. The second suite consists of four models based solely upon post 1983.5 observatory and survey data. They are of deg and order 10 in main field and 8 in a first deg Taylor series. A comprehensive error analysis was applied to both series, which accounted for error sources such as the truncated core and crustal fields, and the neglected Sq and low deg crustal fields. Comparison of the power spectrum of the MGST (10/81) model with those of this series show good agreement

    An initial analysis of the data from the Polar Orbiting Geophysical (POGS) Satellite

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    The Polar Orbiting Geophysical Satellite (POGS) was launched in 1990 to measure the geomagnetic field. POGS data from selected magnetically quiet days was chosen, quality checked and deleted where thought to be erroneous. A time and position correction was applied. The resulting data was fit to a degree 13 spherical harmonic model. Evaluation of the quality of the data indicates that it is sufficient for definition of the low degree (approximately less than 8) portion of the geomagnetic field. Further correction of the data time and position may improve this quality
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