19 research outputs found

    Computing the Krichever genus

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    Let ψ\psi denote the genus that corresponds to the formal group law having invariant differential Ο‰(t)\omega(t) equal to 1+p1t+p2t2+p3t3+p4t4\sqrt{1+p_1t+p_2t^2+p_3t^3+p_4t^4} and let ΞΊ\kappa classify the formal group law strictly isomorphic to the universal formal group law under strict isomorphism x\CP(x). We prove that on the rational complex bordism ring the Krichever-H\"ohn genus Ο•KH\phi_{KH} is the composition Οˆβˆ˜ΞΊβˆ’1\psi\circ \kappa^{-1}. We construct certain elements AijA_{ij} in the Lazard ring and give an alternative definition of the universal Krichever formal group law. We conclude that the coefficient ring of the universal Krichever formal group law is the quotient of the Lazard ring by the ideal generated by all AijA_{ij}, i,jβ‰₯3i,j\geq 3.Comment: 6 pages, revised Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 201

    Polynomial behavior of the Honda formal group law

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    This note provides the calculation of the formal group law F(x,y)F(x,y) in modulo pp Morava KK-theory at prime pp and s>1s>1 as an element in K(s)βˆ—[x][[y]]K(s)^*[x][[y]] and one application to relevant examples.Comment: 4 pages, submitted in Journal of Homotopy and Related Structure

    Complex cobordism modulo c1c_1-spherical cobordism and related genera

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    We prove that a sequence S=(x1,xk,kβ‰₯3)S=(x_1, x_k, k\geq 3) of polynomial generators of c1c_1-spherical cobordism ring Wβˆ—W_*, viewed as a sequance in the complex cobordism ring \MU_* by forgetful map, is regular. Using the Baas-Sullivan theory of cobordism with singularities we define a commutative complex oriented cohomology theory \MU^*_S(-), complex cobordism modulo c1c_1-spherical cobordism, with the coefficient ring \MU_*/S. Then any Ξ£βŠ†S\Sigma\subseteq S is also regular in \MU^* and therefore gives a multiplicative complex oriented cohomology theory \MU^*_{\Sigma}(-). The generators of Wβˆ—W_* can be specified in such a way that for Ξ£=(xk,kβ‰₯3)\Sigma=(x_k, k\geq 3) the corresponding cohomology is identical to the Abel cohomology, previously constructed in \cite{BUSATO}. Another example corresponding to Ξ£=(xk,kβ‰₯5)\Sigma=(x_k, k\geq 5) is classified by the Krichever-Hoehn complex elliptic genus \cite{KR}, \cite{H} modulo torsion.Comment: 10 page

    Polynomial generators of MSUβˆ—[1/2]MSU_*[1/2] related to to classifying maps of certain formal group laws

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    This note provides a set of polynomial generators of MSUβˆ—[1/2]MSU_*[1/2] defined by the formal group law in spherical cobordism. One aspect is to obtain the genera on MSUβˆ—[1/2]MSU_*[1/2] with values in polynomial ring as the restrictions of the classifying map of the Abel formal group law and the Buchstaber formal group law. The latter is associated with the Krichever-Hoehn complex elliptic genus.Comment: 11 page

    Complex cobordism MUβˆ—[1/2]^*[1/2] modulo MSUβˆ—[1/2]^*[1/2] and related genera

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    This paper presents a commutative complex oriented cohomology theory with coefficients the quotient ring of complex cobordism MUβˆ—[1/2]^*[1/2] modulo the ideal generated by any subsequence of any polynomial generators in special unitary cobordism MSUβˆ—[1/2]^*[1/2] viewed as elements in MUβˆ—[1/2]^*[1/2] by forgetful map.Comment: 5 page

    Some explicit expressions concerning formal group laws

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    This paper provides some explicit expressions concerning the formal group laws of the Brown-Peterson cohomology, the cohomology theory obtained from Brown-Peterson theory by killing all but one Witt symbol, the Morava KK-theory and the Abel cohomology.Comment: 11 page

    On vanishing of all fourfold products of the Ray classes in symplectic cobordism

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    This note provides certain computations with transfer associated with projective bundles of Spin vector bundles. One aspect is to revise the proof of the main result of \cite{B} which says that all fourfold products of the Ray classes are zero in symplectic cobordism.Comment: 7 page

    All extensions of C2C_2 by C2n+1Γ—C2n+1C_{2^{n+1}}\times C_{2^{n+1}} are good

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    Let CmC_{m} be a cyclic group of order mm. We prove that if the group GG fits into an extension 1β†’C2n+12β†’Gβ†’C2β†’11\to C_{2^{n+1}}^2\to G\to C_2\to 1 then GG is good in the sense of Hopkins-Kuhn-Ravenel, i.e., K(s)βˆ—(BG)K(s)^*(BG) is evenly generated by transfers of Euler classes of complex representations of subgroups of GG. Previously this fact was known for n=1n=1.Comment: 12 page