50,082 research outputs found
Logic-controlled occlusive cuff system
An occlusive cuff system comprises a pressure cuff and a source of regulated compressed gas feeding the cuff through an electrically operated fill valve. An electrically operated vent valve vents the cuff to the ambient pressure. The fill valve is normally closed and the vent valve is normally open. In response to an external start signal, a logic network opens the fill valve and closes the vent valve, thereby starting the pressurization cycle and a timer. A pressure transducer continuously monitors the pressure in the cuff. When the transducer's output equals a selected reference voltage, a comparator causes the logic network to close the fill valve. The timer, after a selected time delay, opens the vent valve to the ambient pressure, thereby ending the pressurization cycle
Centrifuge mounted motion simulator Patent
Centrifuge mounted motion simulator with elevator mechanis
Conference on Automated Decision-Making and Problem Solving, the Third Day: Issues Discussed
A conference held at Langley Research Center in May of 1980 brought together university experts from the fields of Control Theory, Operations Research, and Artificial Intelligence to explore current research in automation from both the perspective of their own particular disciplines and from that of interdisciplinary considerations. Informal discussions from the final day of the those day conference are summarized
Exciton-polaron complexes in pulsed electrically-detected magnetic resonance
Several microscopic pathways have been proposed to explain the large magnetic
effects observed in organic semiconductors, but identifying and characterising
which microscopic process actually influences the overall magnetic field
response is challenging. Pulsed electrically-detected magnetic resonance
provides an ideal platform for this task as it intrinsically monitors the
charge carriers of interest and provides dynamical information which is
inaccessible through conventional magnetoconductance measurements. Here we
develop a general time domain theory to describe the spin-dependent reaction of
exciton-charge complexes following the coherent manipulation of paramagnetic
centers through electron spin resonance. A general Hamiltonian is treated, and
it is shown that the transition frequencies and resonance positions of the
exciton-polaron complex can be used to estimate inter-species coupling. This
work also provides a general formalism for analysing multi-pulse experiments
which can be used to extract relaxation and transport rates
"Oxide-free" tip for scanning tunneling microscopy
We report a new tip for scanning tunneling microscopy and a tip repair procedure that allows one to reproducibly obtain atomic images of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite with previously inoperable tips. The tips are shown to be relatively oxide-free and highly resistant to oxidation. The tips are fabricated with graphite by two distinct methods
Modeling of three-dimensional mixing and reacting ducted flows
A computer code, based upon a finite element solution algorithm, was developed to solve the governing equations for three-dimensional, reacting boundary region, and constant area ducted flow fields. Effective diffusion coefficients are employed to allow analyses of turbulent, transitional or laminar flows. The code was used to investigate mixing and reacting hydrogen jets injected from multiple orifices, transverse and parallel to a supersonic air stream. Computational results provide a three-dimensional description of velocity, temperature, and species-concentration fields downstream of injection. Experimental data for eight cases covering different injection conditions and geometries were modeled using mixing length theory (MLT). These results were used as a baseline for examining the relative merits of other mixing models. Calculations were made using a two-equation turbulence model (k+d) and comparisons were made between experiment and mixing length theory predictions. The k+d model shows only a slight improvement in predictive capability over MLT. Results of an examination of the effect of tensorial transport coefficients on mass and momentum field distribution are also presented. Solutions demonstrating the ability of the code to model ducted flows and parallel strut injection are presented and discussed
Models of collective cell spreading with variable cell aspect ration: a motivation for degenerate diffusion models
Continuum diffusion models are often used to represent the collective motion of cell populations. Most previous studies have simply used linear diffusion to represent collective cell spreading, while others found that degenerate nonlinear diffusion provides a better match to experimental cell density profiles. In the cell modeling literature there is no guidance available with regard to which approach is more appropriate for representing the spreading of cell populations. Furthermore, there is no knowledge of particular experimental measurements that can be made to distinguish between situations where these two models are appropriate. Here we provide a link between individual-based and continuum models using a multiscale approach in which we analyze the collective motion of a population of interacting agents in a generalized lattice-based exclusion process. For round agents that occupy a single lattice site, we find that the relevant continuum description of the system is a linear diffusion equation, whereas for elongated rod-shaped agents that occupy L adjacent lattice sites we find that the relevant continuum description is connected to the porous media equation (PME). The exponent in the nonlinear diffusivity function is related to the aspect ratio of the agents. Our work provides a physical connection between modeling collective cell spreading and the use of either the linear diffusion equation or the PME to represent cell density profiles. Results suggest that when using continuum models to represent cell population spreading, we should take care to account for variations in the cell aspect ratio because different aspect ratios lead to different continuum models
Differentiation between polaron-pair and triplet-exciton polaron spin-dependent mechanisms in organic light-emitting diodes by coherent spin beating
Pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance offers a unique avenue to distinguish between polaron-pair (PP) and triplet-exciton polaron (TEP) spin-dependent recombination, which control the conductivity and magnetoresistivity of organic semiconductors. Which of these two fundamental processes dominates depends on carrier balance: by injecting surplus electrons we show that both processes simultaneously impact the device conductivity. The two mechanisms are distinguished by the presence of a half-field resonance, indicative of TEP interactions, and transient spin beating, the signature of PPs. Coherent spin Rabi flopping in the half-field (triplet) channel is observed, demonstrating that the triplet exciton has an ensemble phase coherence time of at least 60 ns, offering insight into the effect of carrier correlations on spin dephasing
Interaction Between Ion Beams and Plasmas
Interaction between low energy cesium ion beam and thermal cesium plasm
Quasi-equilibrium binary black hole sequences for puncture data derived from helical Killing vector conditions
We construct a sequence of binary black hole puncture data derived under the
assumptions (i) that the ADM mass of each puncture as measured in the
asymptotically flat space at the puncture stays constant along the sequence,
and (ii) that the orbits along the sequence are quasi-circular in the sense
that several necessary conditions for the existence of a helical Killing vector
are satisfied. These conditions are equality of ADM and Komar mass at infinity
and equality of the ADM and a rescaled Komar mass at each puncture. In this
paper we explicitly give results for the case of an equal mass black hole
binary without spin, but our approach can also be applied in the general case.
We find that up to numerical accuracy the apparent horizon mass also remains
constant along the sequence and that the prediction for the innermost stable
circular orbit is similar to what has been found with the effective potential
method.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl
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