1,047 research outputs found
Soft-gluon resummation for Higgs differential distributions at the Large Hadron Collider
We study the transverse-momentum (q_T) and rapidity (y) distributions of the
Higgs boson in perturbative QCD, including the most advanced theoretical
information presently available: fixed-order perturbation theory at
Next-to-Leading Order (NLO) in the large-q_T region (q_T ~ M_H, being M_H the
Higgs mass), and soft-gluon resummation at the Next-to-Next-to-Leading
Logarithmic accuracy (NNLL) in the small-q_T region (q_T << M_H). We present
numerical results for the doubly-differential (q_T and y) cross section for the
production of a Standard Model Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 4 pages, LaTeX, 4 PostScript
Selected Items in Jet Algorithms
I provide a very brief overview of recent developments in jet algorithms,
mostly focusing on the issue of infrared-safety.Comment: 3 pages. Talk given at IFAE 2008, Bologna, Italy, 26-28 March 200
PDF uncertainties on the W boson mass measurement from the lepton transverse momentum distribution
We study the charged current Drell-Yan process and we evaluate the proton
parton densities uncertainties on the lepton transverse momentum distribution
and their impact on the determination of the W-boson mass. We consider the
global PDF sets CT10, MSTW2008CPdeut, NNPDF2.3, NNPDF3.0, MMHT2014, and apply
the PDF4LHC recipe to combine the individual results, obtaining an uncertainty
on MW that ranges between +-18 and +-24 MeV, depending on the final state,
collider energy and kind. We discuss the dependence of the uncertainty on the
acceptance cuts and the role of the individual parton densities in the final
result. We remark that some PDF sets predict an uncertainty on MW of O(10 MeV);
this encouraging result is spoiled, in the combined analysis of the different
sets, by an important spread of the central values predicted by each group.Comment: version accepted for publication on Phys.Rev.D, one figure and two
references adde
Prospects for improving the LHC W boson mass measurement with forward muons
Measurements of the boson mass are planned by the ATLAS and CMS
experiments, but for the time being, these may be unable to compete with the
current world average precision of 15~MeV, due to uncertainties in the PDFs. We
discuss the potential of a measurement by the LHCb experiment based on the
charged lepton transverse momentum spectrum in
decays. The unique forward acceptance of LHCb means that the PDF uncertainties
would be anti-correlated with those of based measurements by ATLAS
and CMS. We compute an average of ATLAS, CMS and LHCb measurements of
from the distribution. Considering PDF uncertainties, this average
is a factor of 1.3 more precise than an average of ATLAS and CMS alone. Despite
the relatively low rate of production in LHCb, we estimate that with the
Run-II dataset, a measurement could be performed with sufficient experimental
precision to exploit this anti-correlation in PDF uncertainties. The modelling
of the lepton-pair transverse momentum distribution in the neutral current
Drell-Yan process could be a limiting factor of this measurement and will
deserve further studies.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, submitted to EPJ
Non-Diagonal and Mixed Squark Production at Hadron Colliders
We calculate squared helicity amplitudes for non-diagonal and mixed squark
pair production at hadron colliders, taking into account not only loop-induced
QCD diagrams, but also previously unconsidered electroweak channels, which turn
out to be dominant. Mixing effects are included for both top and bottom
squarks. Numerical results are presented for several SUSY benchmark scenarios
at both the CERN LHC and the Fermilab Tevatron, including the possibilities of
light stops or sbottoms. The latter should be easily observed at the Tevatron
in associated production of stops and sbottoms for a large range of stop masses
and almost independently of the stop mixing angle. Asymmetry measurements for
light stops at the polarized BNL RHIC collider are also briefly discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure
Effect of flavor-dependent partonic transverse momentum on the determination of the boson mass in hadronic collisions
Within the framework of transverse-momentum-dependent factorization, we
investigate for the first time the impact of a flavor-dependent intrinsic
transverse momentum of quarks on the production of bosons in
proton-proton collisions at = 7 TeV. We estimate the shift in the
extracted value of the boson mass induced by different choices of
flavor-dependent parameters for the intrinsic quark transverse momentum by
means of a template fit to the transverse-mass and the lepton
transverse-momentum distributions of the -decay products. We obtain MeV and MeV with a
statistical uncertainty of MeV. Our findings call for more detailed
investigations of flavor-dependent nonperturbative effects linked to the proton
structure at hadron colliders.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables; revised version with new results with more
statistics, more comments, conclusions unchanged, added one referenc
Joint resummation for slepton pair production at hadron colliders
We present a precision calculation of the transverse-momentum and
invariant-mass distributions for supersymmetric particle pair production at
hadron colliders, focusing on Drell-Yan like slepton pair and slepton-sneutrino
associated production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. We implement the joint
resummation formalism at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy with a
process-independent Sudakov form factor, thus ensuring a universal description
of soft-gluon emission, and consistently match the obtained result with the
pure perturbative result at the first order in the strong coupling constant,
i.e. at O(alpha_s). We also implement three different recent parameterizations
of non-perturbative effects. Numerically, we give predictions for ~e_R ~e_R^*
production and compare the resummed cross section with the perturbative result.
The dependence on unphysical scales is found to be reduced, and
non-perturbative contributions remain small.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
Emergence of resummation scales in the evolution of the QCD strong coupling and PDFs
The QCD strong coupling and the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton are fundamental ingredients for phenomenology at high-energy facilities such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is therefore of crucial importance to estimate any theoretical uncertainties associated to them. Both the coupling and the PDFs obey their own renormalisation-group equations (RGEs) whose solution determines their scale evolution. Although the kernels that govern these RGEs have been computed to very high perturbative precision, they are not exactly known. In this contribution, we outline a procedure that allows us to assess the uncertainty on the evolution of the coupling and the PDFs due to our imperfect knowledge of their respective evolution kernels. Inspired by transverse-momentum and threshold resummation, we introduce additional scales, that we dub resummation scales, that can be varied to estimate the uncertainty on the evolution at any scale. As a test case, we consider the deep-inelastic-scattering structure function 2 in a region relevant for the extraction of PDFs. We study the effect of varying these resummation scales and compare it to the usual renormalisation and factorisation scale variations
Higgs at LHC
An overview of recent theoretical results on the Higgs boson and its
discovery strategy at ATLAS and CMS will be presented, focusing on the main
Higgs analysis effective with low integrated luminosity (less than 30 fb^-1).Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, talk given at: V Workshop Italiano sulla fisica
p-p ad LHC, Perugia, Italy, 30 Jan. - 2 Feb. 200
Higgs boson production at the LHC: Transverse-momentum resummation and rapidity dependence
We consider Higgs boson production by gluon fusion in hadron collisions, We study the doubly-differential transverse-momenturn (qT) and rapidity (y) distribution of the Higgs boson in perturbatiye QCD. In the region of small qT (qT << M-H, M-H being the mass of the Higgs boson), we include the effect of logarithmically-enhanced contributions due to multiparton radiation to all perturbative orders. We use the impact parameter and double Mellin moments to implement and factorize the multiparton kinematics constraint of transverse- and longitudinal-momentum conservation. The logarithmic terms are then systematically resummed in exponential form. At small qT, we perform the all-order resummation of large logarithms up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, while at large qT (qT similar to M-H), we apply a matching procedure that recovers the fixed-order perturbation theory up to next-to-leading order. We present quantitative results for the differential cross section in qT and y at the LHC, and we comment on the comparison with the (IT cross section integrated over y
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