246 research outputs found

    Proper magnetic fields for nonadiabatic geometric quantum gates in NMR

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    In a scheme of nonadiabatic purely geometric quantum gates in nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) systems we propose proper magnitudes of magnetic fields that are suitable for an experiment. We impose a natural condition and reduce the degree of freedom of the magnetic fields to the extent. By varying the magnetic fields with essentially one-dimensional degree of freedom, any spin state can acquire arbitrary purely geometric phase \phi_{g}=-2\pi(1-cos{theta}), 0 < cos{\theta} < 1. This is an essential ingredient for constructing universal geometric quantum gates.Comment: LaTeX, 4page

    Networking quantum networks with minimum cost aggregation

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    A quantum internet holds promise for accomplishing distributed quantum sensing and large-scale quantum computer networks, as well as quantum communication among arbitrary clients all over the globe. The main building block is efficient distribution of entanglement, entangled bits (ebits), across quantum networks. This could be achieved by aggregating quantum repeater protocols. However, the existing protocol is not practical as it requires point-to-point entanglement generation, the first step of the protocol, not only to suppress the error, depending on the whole size of the networks, but also to be run more than necessary. Here we present a practical recipe on how to aggregate quantum networks in order to present ebits to clients with minimum cost. This is combined with a conception of concatenation to enable arbitrary clients to have arbitrary long-distance communication with fixed error across quantum networks, regardless of the overall size. Our recipe forms the basis of designing a quantum internet protocol to control a self-organizing large-scale quantum network.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Tight bound on coherent-state-based entanglement generation over lossy channels

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    The first stage of the hybrid quantum repeaters is entanglement generation based on transmission of pulses in coherent states over a lossy channel. Protocols to make entanglement with only one type of error are favorable for rendering subsequent entanglement distillation efficient. Here we provide the tight upper bound on performances of these protocols that is determined only by the channel loss. In addition, we show that this bound is achievable by utilizing a proposed protocol [arXiv:0811.3100] composed of a simple combination of linear optical elements and photon-number-resolving detectors.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum repeaters and computation by a single module

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    We present a protocol of remote nondestructive parity measurement (RNPM) on a pair of quantum memories. The protocol works as a single module for key operations such as entanglement generation, Bell measurement, parity check measurement, and an elementary gate for extending one-dimensional cluster states. The RNPM protocol is achieved by a simple combination of devices such as lasers, optical fibers, beam splitters, and photon detectors. Despite its simplicity, a quantum repeater composed of RNPM protocols is shown to have a communication time that scales sub-exponentially with the channel length, and it can be further equipped with entanglement distillation. With a reduction in the internal losses, the RNPM protocol can also be used for generating cluster states toward measurement-based quantum communication.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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