401 research outputs found
Linearized Coupled Cluster Correction on the Antisymmetric Product of 1 reference orbital Geminals
We present a Linearized Coupled Cluster (LCC) correction based on an
Antisymmetric Product of 1 reference orbital Geminals (AP1roG) reference state.
In our LCC ansatz, the cluster operator is restricted to double and to single
and double excitations as in standard single-reference CC theory. The
performance of the AP1roG-LCC models is tested for the dissociation of diatomic
molecules (C and F), spectroscopic constants of the uranyl cation
(UO), and the symmetric dissociation of the H hydrogen chain.
Our study indicates that an LCC correction based on an AP1roG reference
function is more robust and reliable than corrections based on perturbation
theory, yielding spectroscopic constants that are in very good agreement with
theoretical reference data.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
A simple algorithm for the Kohn-Sham inversion problem applicable to general target densities
A simple algorithm for the Kohn-Sham inversion problem is presented. The method is found to converge toward a nearby v-representable Kohn-Sham density irrespective of the fact whether the initial target density has been v-representable or not. For the proposed procedure, the target density can be of general nature. The algorithm can handle Hartree-Fock and post-Hartree-Fock, spin-unpolarized and polarized states equally well. Additionally, experimental densities and even general gedanken densities can be treated. The algorithm is easy to implement and does not require an additional procedure to adjust eigenvalues
CheMPS2: a free open-source spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group for ab initio quantum chemistry
The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) has become an indispensable
numerical tool to find exact eigenstates of finite-size quantum systems with
strong correlation. In the fields of condensed matter, nuclear structure and
molecular electronic structure, it has significantly extended the system sizes
that can be handled compared to full configuration interaction, without losing
numerical accuracy. For quantum chemistry (QC), the most efficient
implementations of DMRG require the incorporation of particle number, spin and
point group symmetries in the underlying matrix product state (MPS) ansatz, as
well as the use of so-called complementary operators. The symmetries introduce
a sparse block structure in the MPS ansatz and in the intermediary contracted
tensors. If a symmetry is non-abelian, the Wigner-Eckart theorem allows to
factorize a tensor into a Clebsch-Gordan coefficient and a reduced tensor. In
addition, the fermion signs have to be carefully tracked. Because of these
challenges, implementing DMRG efficiently for QC is not straightforward.
Efficient and freely available implementations are therefore highly desired. In
this work we present CheMPS2, our free open-source spin-adapted implementation
of DMRG for ab initio QC. Around CheMPS2, we have implemented the augmented
Hessian Newton-Raphson complete active space self-consistent field method, with
exact Hessian. The bond dissociation curves of the 12 lowest states of the
carbon dimer were obtained at the DMRG(28 orbitals, 12 electrons,
D=2500)/cc-pVDZ level of theory. The contribution of
core correlation to the bond dissociation curve of the carbon
dimer was estimated by comparing energies at the DMRG(36o, 12e,
D=2500)/cc-pCVDZ and DMRG-SCF(34o, 8e,
D=2500)/cc-pCVDZ levels of theory.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure
Robust methods for predicting the transition states of chemical reactions: new approaches that focus on key coordinates
A new method for optimizing transition state and minima structures using redundant internal coordinates is presented. The new method is innovative because it allows the user to select a few key reduced coordinates, whose Hessian components will be accurately computed by finite differencing; the remaining elements of the Hessian are approximated with a quasi-Newton method. Usually the reduced coordinates are the coordinates that are involved in bond breaking/forming. In order to develop this method, several other innovations were made, including ways to (a) select the key reduced coordinates automatically, (b) guess the transition state quickly and efficiently, (c) choose dihedrals so that the “linear angle problem” is avoided, (d) robustly convert redundant internal coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. These, and other technical developments (e.g., new quasi-Newton Hessians, new trust-radius updates), were validated using a database of 7000 initial transition-state guesses for a diverse set of 140 chemical reactions
Foundation for the {\Delta}SCF Approach in Density Functional Theory
We extend ground-state density-functional theory to excited states and
provide the theoretical formulation for the widely used method for
calculating excited-state energies and densities. As the electron density alone
is insufficient to characterize excited states, we formulate excited-state
theory using the defining variables of a noninteracting reference system,
namely (1) the excitation quantum number and the potential
(excited-state potential-functional theory, PFT), (2)
the noninteracting wavefunction (-functional theory, FT), or
(3) the noninteracting one-electron reduced density matrix
(density-matrix-functional theory,
FT). We show the equivalence of these three sets of variables and
their corresponding energy functionals. Importantly, the ground and
excited-state exchange-correlation energy use the \textit{same} universal
functional, regardless of whether ,
, or is selected as the fundamental
descriptor of the system. We derive the excited-state (generalized) Kohn-Sham
equations. The minimum of all three functionals is the ground-state energy and,
for ground states, they are all equivalent to the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham method.
The other stationary points of the functionals provide the excited-state
energies and electron densities, establishing the foundation for the method
Structural dynamic interaction with solar tracking control for evolutionary Space Station concepts
The sun tracking control system design of the Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) and the interaction of the control system with the flexible structure of Space Station Freedom (SSF) evolutionary concepts are addressed. The significant components of the space station pertaining to the SARJ control are described and the tracking control system design is presented. Finite element models representing two evolutionary concepts, enhanced operations capability (EOC) and extended operations capability (XOC), are employed to evaluate the influence of low frequency flexible structure on the control system design and performance. The design variables of the control system are synthesized using a constrained optimization technique to meet design requirements, to provide a given level of control system stability margin, and to achieve the most responsive tracking performance. The resulting SARJ control system design and performance of the EOC and XOC configurations are presented and compared to those of the SSF configuration. Performance limitations caused by the low frequency of the dominant flexible mode are discussed
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