28 research outputs found
Functional Characterization of a Magnesium Transporter of Root Endophytic Fungus Piriformospora indica
Magnesium (Mg) is a crucial macronutrient required for the regular growth of plants. Here we report the identification, isolation and functional characterization of Mg-transporter PiMgT1 in root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica. We also report the role of P. indica in the improvement of the Mg nutrition of the plant particularly under Mg deficiency condition. Protein BLAST (BLASTp) for conserved domains analysis showed that PiMgT1 belong to CorA like protein family of bacteria. We have also observed the presence of conserved ‘GMN’ signature sequence which suggests that PiMgT1 belongs to Mg transporter family. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that PiMgT1 clustered among fungal CorA family members nearer to basidiomycetes. Functionality of PiMgT1 was confirmed by complementation of a yeast magnesium transporter mutant CM66. We have observed that PiMgT1 restored the growth of mutant and showed comparable growth with that of WT. We found statistically significant (p < 0.05) two fold increase in the total intracellular Mg content of mutant complemented with PiMgT1 as compared to the mutant. These observations suggest that PiMgT1 is actively involved in Mg uptake by the fungus and may be helping in the nutritional status of the host plant
WRKY6 restricts Piriformospora indica-stimulated and phosphate-induced root development in Arabidopsis
Antioxidant enzyme activities in maize plants colonized with Piriformospora indica
The bioprotection performance of Piriformospora indica against the root parasite Fusarium verticillioides was studied. We found that maize plants first grown with F. verticillioides and at day 10 inoculated with P. indica showed improvements in biomass, and root length and number as compared with plants grown with F. verticillioides alone. To validate our finding that inoculation with P. indica suppresses colonization by F. verticillioides, we performed PCR analyses using P. indica- and F. verticillioides-specific primers. Our results showed that inoculation with P. indica suppresses further colonization by F. verticillioides. We hypothesized that as the colonization by P. indica increases, the presence of/colonization by F. verticillioides decreases. In roots, catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were found to be higher in F. verticillioides-colonized plants than in non-colonized plants. Increased activity of antioxidant enzymes minimizes the chances of oxidative burst (excessive production of reactive oxygen species), and therefore F. verticillioides might be protected from the oxidative defence system during colonization. We also observed decreased antioxidant enzyme activities in plants first inoculated with F. verticillioides and at day 10 inoculated with P. indica as compared with plants inoculated with F. verticillioides alone. These decreased antioxidant enzyme activities due to the presence of P. indica help the plant to overcome the disease load of F. verticillioides. We propose that P. indica can be used as a bioprotection agent against the root parasite F. verticillioides
Sulfur nutrition and its role in plant growth and development
Sulfur is one of the essential nutrients that is required for the adequate growth and development of plants. Sulfur is a structural component of protein disulfide bonds, amino acids, vitamins, and cofactors. Most of the sulfur in soil is present in organic matter and hence not accessible to the plants. Anionic form of sulfur (SO42−) is the primary source of sulfur for plants that are generally present in minimal amounts in the soil. It is water-soluble, so readily leaches out of the soil. Sulfur and sulfur-containing compounds act as signaling molecules in stress management as well as normal metabolic processes. They also take part in crosstalk of complex signaling network as a mediator molecule. Plants uptake sulfate directly from the soil by using their dedicated sulfate transporters. In addition, plants also use the sulfur transporter of a symbiotically associated organism like bacteria and fungi to uptake sulfur from the soil especially under sulfur depleted conditions. So, sulfur is a very important component of plant metabolism and its analysis with different dimensions is highly required to improve the overall well-being of plants, and dependent animals as well as human beings. The deficiency of sulfur leads to stunted growth of plants and ultimately loss of yield. In this review, we have focused on sulfur nutrition, uptake, transport, and inter-organismic transfer to host plants. Given the strong potential for agricultural use of sulfur sources and their applications, we cover what is known about sulfur impact on the plant health. We identify opportunities to expand our understanding of how the application of soil microbes like AMF or other root endophytic fungi affects plant sulfur uptake and in turn plant growth and development
Functional characterization of a hexose transporter from root endophyte Piriformospora indica
Understanding the mechanism of photosynthate transfer at symbiotic interface by fungal monosaccharide transporter is of substantial importance. The carbohydrate uptake at the apoplast by the fungus is facilitated by PiHXT5 hexose transporter in root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica. The putative PiHXT5 belongs to MFS superfamily with twelve predicted transmembrane helices. It possesses sugar transporter PFAM motif (PF0083) and MFS superfamily domain (PS50850). It contains the signature tags related to glucose transporter GLUT1 of human erythrocyte. PiHXT5 is regulated in response to mutualism as well as glucose concentration. We have functionally characterized PiHXT5 by complementation of hxt-null mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae EBY.VW4000. It is involved in transport of multiple sugars ranging from D-glucose, D-fructose, D-xylose, D-mannose, D-galactose with decreasing affinity. The uncoupling experiments indicate that it functions as H+/glucose co-transporter. Further, pH dependence analysis suggests that it functions maximum between pH 5 to 6. The expression of PiHXT5 is dependent on glucose concentration and was found to be expressed at low glucose levels (1 mM) which indicate its role as a high affinity glucose transporter. Our study on this sugar transporter will help in better understanding of carbon metabolism and flow in this agro-friendly fungus
Molecular epidemiology and virulence characteristics of prevalent group A streptococci recovered from patients in northern India
Antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation, and virulence genes of Streptococcus agalactiae serotypes of Indian origin
Abstract Background Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a causative agent of various infections in newborns, immunocompromised (especially diabetic) non-pregnant adults, and pregnant women. Antibiotic resistance profiling can provide insights into the use of antibiotic prophylaxis against potential GBS infections. Virulence factors are responsible for host–bacteria interactions, pathogenesis, and biofilm development strategies. The aim of this study was to determine the biofilm formation capacity, presence of virulence genes, and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of clinical GBS isolates. Results The resistance rate was highest for penicillin (27%; n = 8 strains) among all the tested antibiotics, which indicates the emergence of penicillin resistance among GBS strains. The susceptibility rate was highest for ofloxacin (93%; n = 28), followed by azithromycin (90%; n = 27). Most GBS strains (70%; n = 21) were strong biofilm producers and the rest (30%; n = 9) were moderate biofilm producers. The most common virulence genes were cylE (97%), pavA (97%), cfb (93%), and lmb (90%). There was a negative association between having a strong biofilm formation phenotype and penicillin susceptibility, according to Spearman’s rank correlation analysis. Conclusion About a third of GBS strains exhibited penicillin resistance and there was a negative association between having a strong biofilm formation phenotype and penicillin susceptibility. Further, both the strong and moderate biofilm producers carried most of the virulence genes tested for, and the strong biofilm formation phenotype was not associated with the presence of any virulence genes
Piriformospora indica enhances plant growth by transferring phosphate
Piriformospora indica is an endophytic fungus that colonized monocot as well as dicot. P. indica has been termed as plant probiotic because of its plant growth promoting activity and its role in enhancement of the tolerance of the host plants against abiotic and biotic stresses. In our recent study, we have characterized a high affinity phosphate transporter (PiPT) and by using RNAi approach, we have demonstrated the involvement of PiPT in P transfer to the host plant. When knockdown strains of PiPT-P. indica was colonized with the host plant, it resulted in the impaired growth of the host plants. Here we have analyzed and discussed whether the growth promoting activity of P. indica is its intrinsic property or it is dependent on P availability. Our data explain the correlation between the availability of P and growth-promoting activity of P. indica