61 research outputs found


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    The scarcity of height models is one of the important issues in Indonesia. ALOS PALSAR, X SAR, SRTM C, and ICESAT/GLAS are free available global height models. Four data can be integrated the height models. Integration takes advantage of each characteristic data. The spatial resolution uses ALOS PALSAR. ICESAT/GLAS has a minimal height error because it is DTM. SAR has advantages of minimal error in the highland and need a low pass filter on the lowland. DSM uses X SAR and DEM from ALOS PALSAR. Characteristics and penetration of vegetation objects can be seen from the wavelength type of SAR data. This research aims to make height model integration in order to get the vertical accuracy better than vertical accuracy of global height models and minimum height error. The study area is located in Karo Regency. The first process is to crop the height models into Karo Regency, geoid undulation correction using EGM 2008. The next step is to detect pits and spires by using radius value 1000 m and depth +1.96σ (+5 m) with uncertainty 95,45%. Then generate HEM and height model integration. To know the accuracy of this height model, 100 reference points measured using GNSS, altimeter, and similar point observed on the height model integration are selected. The accuracy test covers RMSE, accuracy (z), and height difference test. The result of this study shows that the height model integration has a vertical accuracy in 1.14 m. This height model integration can be used for mapping scale 1: 10.0000


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    Abstract. ALOS satellite is one of the natural resources satellites that can be used for 3D model applications. The problems of 3D model generation based on satellite imagery are the model always in Digital Surface Model (DSM), not in Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The reference system of 3D model that are produced by ALOS satellite image is still as surface for z axis, whereas x axis and y axis has been closed to 2D reference system in some certain datum and system of map projection. Therefore, it needs a research to observe the accuracy and the precision of ALOS satellite data using a least square adjustment in parameter methods. The results of this research will be used as a reference for next research to find a way for changing DSM from ALOS satellite image to be DEM automatically

    Mining Land Identification in Wetar Island Using Remote Sensing Data

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    Wetar Island is one of the 92 outer islands of Indonesia. On this island, there is a variety of geological potential that can be seen from the structure, formation and geological folds including mine geology potential energy and mineral resources. This makes the island having mining activities. Remote sensing data in the form of optical images, Synthetic Aperture Radar, microwave, laser, and others can be used to determine the mining activities in Wetar Island. This research was focused on mining land identification in Wetar Island. This study aimed to identify the mining land in Wetar Island using remote sensing data. The method used was the Vegetation Index Differencing, which calculated difference value of vegetation index temporally. Landsat satellite images of 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2005 were used for mining land identification. First Landsat satellite image must have had a geometric and radiometric correction. The results obtained were in the form of mining land identification and non- mining land area. These results are useful for monitoring the mining activities carried out on Wetar Island. The methods used may also be applied to monitor, identify, and evaluate various mining operations in other parts of Indonesia. Mining region that has been identified can be used for management and planning of maritime space


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    Tembaga merupakan salah satu jenis mineral penting yang memiliki banyak fungsi dalam berbagai aplikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pendeteksian awal tembaga menggunakan data penginderaan jauh. Lokasi penelitian terletak di Sumbawa. Data penginderaan jauh yang digunakan berupa Landsat, ALOS Palsar, X SAR, SRTM C, dan Satelit Geodesi. Landsat digunakan untuk ekstraksi parameter geologi berupa penutup lahan dan perubahannya, bentuk lahan, dan alterasi hidrotermal. ALOS PALSAR, X SAR, dan SRTM C digunakan untuk pembuatan DTM (Digital Terrain Model). Integrasi DTM berguna untuk ekstraksi parameter geologi lainnya berupa struktur dan formasi geologi. DTM yang digunakan memiliki akurasi vertikal + 1,5 m. Data Satelit Geodesi bisa digunakan untuk ekstraksi gaya berat, medan magnet, geodinamika, serta densitas batuan. Berbagai parameter geologi ini diekstraksi dengan metode VIDN, integrasi, dip and strike, interferometri, backscattering, alterasi hidrotermal, geodesi fisis, dan klasifikasi digital berbasis objek. Semua parameter geologi yang telah diekstrak dikorelasikan antar data, sehingga bisa digunakan untuk deteksi potensi tembaga. Informasi geospasial deteksi awal tembaga dan ekstraksi parameter geologinya merupakan produk yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini. Informasi geospasial ini menggunakan referensi ketelitian ASPRS Accuracy Data for Digital Geospatial Data.Copper is one of the essential mineral that has many functions in variety of applications. This research aimed to detect the copper potential using remote sensing data. The research location is Sumbawa. Remote sensing data used were Landsat, ALOS PALSAR, X SAR, SRTM C, and Satellite Geodesy. Landsat was used for geological parameters extraction such as land cover and its changes, geomorphology, landforms, and hydrothermal alteration. ALOS PALSAR, X SAR and SRTM C were used for height model integration (DTM). This DTM was useful for the other geological parameters extraction, such as geological structures and formations. DTM used has vertical accuracy + 1,5 m. Geodesy Satellite data can be used for the extraction of gravity, magnetic field, geodynamics, and rock densities. These various geological parameters were extracted by VIDN, integration, dip and strike, interferometry, backscattering, hydrothermal alteration, physical geodesy, and classification based digital objects. All of those parameters were then correlated for copper potential detection. The results obtained were geospatial information of copper potential and geological parameters at a scale of 1: 50.000 with reference ASPRS Accuracy Data for Digital Geospatial Data.


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    Digital elevation mode (DEM) is important data for supporting many activities. One of DEM generation methods is photogrametry of optical stereo data based on image matching and collinear correlation. The problem of DEM from optical stereo data is bullseye due to low contrast in relatively flat area and cloud cover. The research purpose is to generate DEM from ALOS PRISM stereo data level 1B2R and improve the quality of the DEM. DEM was generated using Leica Photogrametry Suite (LPS) software. The study area is located in Sragen district and its vicinity. The process needed three dimension of Ground Control Point (GCP) XYZ, as input data for collinear correlation. Ground measurement was conducted using differential GPS to collect 30 GCPs that used for input (21 GCPs) and for accuracy evaluation (9 GCPs). The generated DEM has good detail (10 m), but it has bullseye which mostly occurred in relatively flat area. The quality improvement was carried out by combining the DEM with SRTM DEM (30 m) using DEM fusion method. Both DEMs were processed for geoids correction (EGM 2008), co-registration and histogram normalization. The fusion method was conducted by considering height error map (HEM) of each DEM. The quality of fused DEM was evaluated by comparing HEM, the number of bullseye, and vertical accuracy before and after the fusion. The result shows that DEM fusion can preserve detail information of the DEM and significantly reduce the bullseye (decreasing more than 66% of bullseye). It also shows the improvement (from 7.6 m to 7.3 m) of vertical accuracy. Keywords: Digital Elevation model, Optical stereo data, ALOS PRISM, DEM fusion, Bullsey


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    The satellite technology has developed significantly. The sensors of remote sensing satellites are in the form of optical, Microwave, and LIDAR. These sensors can be used for energy and mineral resources applications. The example of those applications are height model and the potential of geothermal manifestation detection. This study aims to detect the potential of geothermal manifestation using remote sensing. The study area is the Northern of the Inverse Arc of Sulawesi. The method used is remote sensing approach for its preliminary detection with 4 steps as follow (a) mining land identification, (b) geological parameter extraction, (c) preparation of standardized spatial data, and (d) geothermal manifestation. Mining lands identification is using Vegetation Index Differencing method. Geological parameters include structural geology, height model, and gravity model. The integration method is used for height model. The height model integration use ALOS PALSAR data, Icesat/GLAS, SRTM, and X SAR. Structural geology use dip and strike method. Gravity model use physical geodesy approach. Preparation of standardized spatial data with re-classed and analyzed using Geographic Information System between each geological parameter, whereas physical geodesy methods are used for geothermal manifestation detection. Geothermal manifestation using physical geodesy approach in Barthelmes method. Grace and GOCE data are used for gravity model. The geothermal manifestation detected from any parameter is analyzed by using geographic information system method. The result of this study is 10 area of geothermal manifestation potential. The accuracy test of this research is 87.5 % in 1.96 σ. This research can be done efficiently and cost-effectively in the process. The results can be used for various geological and mining applications


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    LAPAN TUBSAT imagery can be made in 3D model using Videogrammetry. These 3D model used stereo model concept, geodetic control network, and Kriging method. First, LAPAN TUBSAT imagery in the form of video wastaken in two photo which have 60% overlay to create a stereo model. It needs to correct geometrically these two photos. After making 3D model, then geodetic control network that has been made can get ground control points from SRTM30. Kriging method that was resulted from geodetic control network was useful for making 3D model. 3D model needs statistical tests, they are display (athwart profile) and also geo-statisticsl. Its vertical accuracy was 5–9 m for SRTM30 with range 26–35 m. The research result concluded that LAPAN TUBSAT 3D model was created by Videogrammetry

    Plate and faults boundary detection using gravity disturbance and Bouguer gravity anomaly from space geodesy

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    Nowadays, satellite technology has developed significantly. Geodesy satellites such as Grace and Grace-FO can be used for subsurface mapping. The mapping is in the form of detection of the plate details, faults, and regional geodynamic conditions. This study aims to detect plate and faults from space geodesy using the gravity disturbance and Bouguer gravity anomaly parameter. The study area is in the Sunda Strait. Gravity disturbance is one of the gravity model parameters. Gravity disturbance is the gravitational potential of the topography expressed by the spherical harmonic model and the topographic effect by Barthelmes's calculations. Gravity disturbance can visualize subsurface conditions. Bouguer gravity anomaly is needed to get the condition on subsurface objects. This parameter visualizes subsurface conditions in the form of rocks and non-rocks. These conditions can distinguish oceanic crust and continental crust. Gravity contours are needed to obtain plate and faults predictions. The results obtained are validated patterns and shapes with plate and faults secondary data. The tolerance used in this validation is 80%. The gravity disturbance parameter obtained a value of 83% in verifying the accuracy of assessment in plate and faults detection. The Bouguer gravity disturbance parameter obtained a verification value of accuracy assessment in plate detection but 65% in faults detection. This accuracy assessment uses pattern and texture parameters in detecting the similarity of two or more images. This plate and faults detection results are more detailed and can be used for geophysical, geological, earthquake, and earth dynamics applications


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    Abstract. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was generated from Advanced LandObservation Satellite - The Panchromatic Remote-Sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping(ALOS PRISM) stereo data using image matching and collinear correlation based on LeicaPhotogrametry Suite (LPS) software. The process needs three dimension of Ground ControlPoint (GCP) or Control Point (CP) XYZ as input data for collinear correlation to determineexterior orientation coefficient. The main problem of the DEM generation is the difficultyto obtain the accurate field measurement GCP in many areas. Therefore, another alternativeCP sources are needed. The aim of this research was to study the possibility of (IKONOS)image and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) X-C band to be used as CPreference for ALOS PRISM DEM generation. The study area was Sragen and Bandungregion. The DEM of each study area was generated using 2 methods: generated using fieldmeasurement GCPs taken by differential GPS and generated using CPs from IKONOSimage (XY coordinat) and SRTM for (Z elevation). The generated DEMs were compared.The accuracy of both DEMs were evaluated using another field measurement GCPs. Theresult showed that the generated DEM using CPs from IKONOS and SRTM X-C hadrelatively same height pattern and height distribution along transect line with the DEMusing GCPs. The absolute accuracy of the DEM using CPs was about 60% - 80% lessaccuracy comparing to the DEM using GCPs. This research showed that IKONOS imageand SRTM X-C band can be considered as good alternative CP source to generate highaccuracy DEM from ALOS PRISM stereo data