10 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Sifat Separator Komposit PVDF/Poli (Dimetil Silokosan) Dengan Metode Pencampuran Membran (Blending Membrane)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat bahan separator komposit poli(vinilidene flouride) (PVDF) dan poli(dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) dengan metode pencampuran membran (blending membrane). Perbandingan variasi komposisi PVDF/PDMS yaitu 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, dan 7:3. Tujuan dari peningkatan fraksi konsentrasi dari PDMS terhadap PVDF untuk meningkatkan performa separator komposit yang meliputi dimensi porositas, kerapatan pori, dan konduktivitas listriknya. Berdasarkan analisa kristalografi dengan menggunakan XRD, peningkatan konsentrasi PDMS mengakibatkan menurunnya derajat kristalinitas yaitu sebesar 29,26% pada perbandingan 7:3 dan berdasarkan interpretasi data FTIR material tersebut termasuk kedalam kriteria bahan komposit karena kedua fasa dari bahan masih bisa dibedakan bilangan gelombang vibrasi molekuler masing-masing bahan penyusunnya. Hasil analisa XRD fasa kristalin PVDF termasuk kriteria jenis fasa α-PVDF. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi PDMS mengakibatkan penurunan dimensi porositas dan meningkatkan kerapatan porositas nya, dengan dimensi pori terkecil sebesar 1,71 μm dan kerapatan pori sebesar 4,07x1011 count/m2 pada perbandingan 7:3. Pada perbandingan komposisi 7:3 mempunyai nilai konduktivitas listrik sebesar 3,45 x 10-4 S/cm dan resistansi meningkat hingga 80% pada penambahan PDMS. Berdasarkan kriteria diatas, material ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahan separator pada baterai ion lithium. ============================================================================================================================= This research aims to create a composite poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and poly (dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) separator with blending membrane method. Ratio of composition of PVDF/PDMS were 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, and 7:3. The purpose of increasing concentration of PDMS to PVDF to improve the performance of the composite separator which includes the dimensions of porosity, pore density, and electrical conductivity. Based on crystallographic analysis using XRD, the adoption concentration of PDMS resulted in a decreased crystallinity reached 29.26% in the ratio 7:3 and based on FTIR data, the material includes in the criteria composite material because both phase of the material can still be distinguished molecular vibrational wavenumber respectively their constituent materials. The results of XRD analysis PVDF crystalline phases was α-PVDF type. The adoption concentration of PDMS not only decreases pore dimensions but also increases the pore density, with the smallest pore dimensions was 1.71 μm and pore density was 4.07 x1011 count/m2 in the ratio 7:3. In the ratio of composition 7:3, the value of the electrical conductivity was 3.45x10-4 S/cm and the resistance increases up to 80% on the adoption of PDMS. Based on the above criteria, this material can be categorized as a separator material in lithium ion batteries

    Karakterisasi Sifat Separator Komposit PVDF/poli(dimetilsiloksan) Dengan Metode Pencampuran Membran (Blending Membrane)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat bahan separator komposit polivinilidene flouride (PVDF) dan poli(dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) dengan metode pencampuran membran (blending membrane). Perbandingan variasi komposisi PVDF/PDMS yaitu 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, dan 7:3. Tujuan dari peningkatan fraksi konsentrasi dari PDMS terhadap PVDF untuk meningkatkan performa separator komposit yang meliputi dimensi porositas, kerapatan pori, dan konduktivitas listriknya. Berdasarkan analisa kristalografi dengan menggunkan XRD, peningkatan konsentrasi PDMS mengakibatkan menurunnya derajat kristalinitas, dimana derajat kristalinitas tertinggi dicapai pada perbandingan 10:0 sebesar 63,84% dan terendah pada perbandingan 7:3 sebesar 29,26%, dan berdasarkan interpretasi data FTIR material tersebut termasuk kedalam kriteria bahan komposit karena kedua fasa dari bahan tersebut masih bisa dibedakan bilangan gelombang vibrasi molekuler masing-masing bahan penyusunnya. Hasil analisa XRD fasa kristalin PVDF termasuk kriteria jenis fasa α-PVDF. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi PDMS mengakibatkan penurunan dimensi porositas dan meningkatkan kerapatan porositasnya, dengan dimensi pori terkecil sebesar 1,71 µm dan kerapatan pori sebesar 4,07x1011 count/m2 pada perbandingan 7:3. Pada perbandingan komposisi 7:3 mempunyai nilai konduktivitas listrik sebesar 3,45 x 10-4 S/cm dan resistansi meningkat hingga 80% pada penambahan PDMS. Berdasarkan kriteria diatas, material ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahan separator pada baterai ion lithium

    The Characterization of Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Recycled Styrofoam Waste Employing Extrusion Process

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    Styrofoam waste is a polystyrene plastic-based waste in the form of foam with low density. Scavengers or recyclers are not interested in receiving styrofoam waste because of its light density which makes it ineffective in transportation and storage. Styrofoam waste can actually be converted into solid polystyrene products through a thermal-extrusion process but data regarding the optimum operating temperature and the characteristics of the resulting solid polystyrene products are not yet available. The purpose of this study was to investigate the properties of solid polystyrene products resulting from recycled styrofoam waste and determine the optimum temperature of the thermal-extrusion treatment process to be compared with the characteristics of the original polystyrene based on the results of tensile and impact tests. In this study, the processing was carried out using the thermal-extrusion method; Styrofoam is melted and extruded into a mold to produce polystyrene solids. The research was carried out with variations in extrusion temperature at 180°C, 200°C, and 220°C. The polystyrene solids are then molded into tensile and impact test specimens by injection molding. The results showed that the optimal extrusion temperature was 200°C with tensile and impact strength values of 27.55 MPa and 1,069 j/m2, respectively. Compared to the original polystyrene, the tensile strength value is 25.3% lower and the impact strength value is 29.5% lower. The decrease in the tensile and impact strength values is due to the shortening of the molecular bonds in the recycled polystyrene during the thermal-extrusion treatment process. Even though the tensile strength and impact are still lower, the use of styrofoam waste using the thermal-extrusion method has the potential to be developed at the production and commercialization stage because the resulting product has good economic value and can also reduce the use of original polystyrene and at the same time can solve the problem of styrofoam waste

    Analisis Kekuatan Fishing Tools Holder 50.000 lbs menggunakan Metode Finite Element

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    Finite element numerical simulation (FEA) has a function to analyze the design model and as a validation of the analysis results against manual calculations. FEA simulation uses specialized software to save time and cost. The purpose of the FEA simulation on this design model is to analyze the strength of the design model against a deformation. In this study, a strength test will be carried out on one of the sub-assemblies on the fishing equipment tensile and compressive testing machine, namely the fishing tools holder sub-assembly. The reason for the simulation is that the sub-assembly is directly related to compressive or tensile forces with relatively large units. The material used for this sub-assembly design is SS400 material or ASTM A36 Carbon Steel. The simulation process was carried out in 10 iterations using the curvature-based mesh method with mesh size settings of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.8, 5.6, 5.4, 5.2, and 5. The maximum stresses that occurred and reached convergence were at mesh sizes 5.8, 5.6, 5.4, and 5.2 in sequence with stress values of 137 MPa, 136 MPa, 142 MPa, and 135.7 MPa, respectively. The finite element analysis results show that the fishing tools holder design produces a maximum stress of 142 MPa at the converging area, with a factor of safety (FoS) of 1.8. Based on these simulations, the design of the fishing tools holder can be implemented on the Fishing Equipments Tensile Test and Press Test Machine

    Pengaruh Variasi Holding Time terhadap Mikrostruktur dan Sifat Mekanik AA 6061-T6

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    Aluminium Alloy 6061 merupakan jenis Aluminium seri 6xxx yang memiliki sifat mekanik baik seperti ketahanan lelah, keuletan, ringan, mampu mesin, dan kemampuan bentuk yang tinggi. Akan tetapi, Aluminium Alloy memiliki kelemahan dari segi kekuatan yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan Aluminium seri 2xxx dan 7xxx. Sehingga dapat dioptimalkan, salah satunya melalui proses perlakuan panas T6. Proses ini dimulai dengan tahap solution treatment pada suhu 540°C selama 1 jam dan quenching menggunakan air. Selanjutnya, dilakukan artificial aging pada suhu 165°C dengan variasi waktu penahanan 1 jam, 3 jam, 5 jam, dan 7 jam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perubahan kekuatan dan kekerasan Aluminium Alloy 6061 sebelum dan setelah age hardening. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan optimum tercapai pada waktu penahanan 5 jam, dengan kekuatan tarik 293,9 MPa dan kekerasan 109 HV. Namun, pada penahanan 7 jam, kekuatan tarik menurun menjadi 727,2 MPa dan kekerasan menjadi 70,2 HV


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    The aims of this research to make poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and poly(dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) composites separator with blending membrane method. Synthesized of  PVDF/PDMS composites separator used various ratio were 10/0, 9/1, 8/2, and 7/3. The purpose of increasing concentration of PDMS/PVDF to improve the performance of the composites separator which includes a dimensions of porosity, a pore density, and a electrical conductivity. Based on crystallographic analysis using XRD, the increasing concentration number of PDMS to make compositess was influence decreasing of crystallinity until 29.26% in a ratio 7/3.The analysing of FTIR have sound the wavenumber of each phase can distinguish, which this material includes in the criteria of the composites. The result using XRD and FTIR to material PVDF/PDMS composites in all of the ratio constituens have shown the identification of the structure α-phase of PVDF. The increase of concentration number PDMS influenced decreasing of pore dimension and increasing of pore density with the small of pore dimension 1.71 µm and pore density 4.07x1011 count/m2 inthe ratio 7/3. In a ratio 7/3, the value of the electrical conductivity was 3.45x10-4S/cm and the resistance increased up to 80%


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    The aims of this research to make poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and poly(dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) composites separator with blending membrane method. Synthesized of  PVDF/PDMS composites separator used various ratio were 10/0, 9/1, 8/2, and 7/3. The purpose of increasing concentration of PDMS/PVDF to improve the performance of the composites separator which includes a dimensions of porosity, a pore density, and a electrical conductivity. Based on crystallographic analysis using XRD, the increasing concentration number of PDMS to make compositess was influence decreasing of crystallinity until 29.26% in a ratio 7/3.The analysing of FTIR have sound the wavenumber of each phase can distinguish, which this material includes in the criteria of the composites. The result using XRD and FTIR to material PVDF/PDMS composites in all of the ratio constituens have shown the identification of the structure α-phase of PVDF. The increase of concentration number PDMS influenced decreasing of pore dimension and increasing of pore density with the small of pore dimension 1.71 µm and pore density 4.07x1011 count/m2 inthe ratio 7/3. In a ratio 7/3, the value of the electrical conductivity was 3.45x10-4S/cm and the resistance increased up to 80%

    Karakterisasi Sifat Separator Komposit Pvdf/Poli(Dimetilsiloksan) Dengan Metode Pencampuran Membran (Blending Membrane)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat bahan separator komposit poli(vinilidene flouride) (PVDF) dan poli(dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) dengan metode pencampuran membran (blending membrane). Perbandingan variasi komposisi PVDF/PDMS yaitu 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, dan 7:3. Tujuan dari peningkatan fraksi konsentrasi dari PDMS terhadap PVDF untuk meningkatkan performa separator komposit yang meliputi dimensi porositas, kerapatan pori, dan konduktivitas listriknya. Berdasarkan analisa kristalografi dengan menggunakan XRD, peningkatan konsentrasi PDMS mengakibatkan menurunnya derajat kristalinitas yaitu sebesar 29,26% pada perbandingan 7:3 dan berdasarkan interpretasi data FTIR material tersebut termasuk kedalam kriteria bahan komposit karena kedua fasa dari bahan masih bisa dibedakan bilangan gelombang vibrasi molekuler masing-masing bahan penyusunnya. Hasil analisa XRD fasa kristalin PVDF termasuk kriteria jenis fasa α-PVDF. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi PDMS mengakibatkan penurunan dimensi porositas dan meningkatkan kerapatan porositasnya, dengan dimensi pori terkecil sebesar 1,71 µm dan kerapatan pori sebesar 4,07x10 11 2 count/m pada perbandingan 7:3. Pada perbandingan komposisi 7:3 mempunyai nilai konduktivitas listrik sebesar 3,45 x 10 -4 S/cm dan resistansi meningkat hingga 80% pada penambahan PDMS. Berdasarkan kriteria diatas, material ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahan separator pada baterai ion lithium ============================================================================================= This research aims to create a composite poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and poly (dimetilsiloksan) (PDMS) separator with blending membrane method. Ratio of composition of PVDF/PDMS were 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, and 7:3. The purpose of increasing concentration of PDMS to PVDF to improve the performance of the composite separator which includes the dimensions of porosity, pore density, and electrical conductivity. Based on crystallographic analysis using XRD, the adoption concentration of PDMS resulted in a decreased crystallinity reached 29.26% in the ratio 7:3 and based on FTIR data, the material includes in the criteria composite material because both phase of the material can still be distinguished molecular vibrational wavenumber respectively their constituent materials. The results of XRD analysis PVDF crystalline phases was α-PVDF type. The adoption concentration of PDMS not only decreases pore dimensions but also increases the pore density, with the smallest pore dimensions was 1.71 µm and pore density was 4.07 x1011 count/m 2 in the ratio 7:3. In the ratio of composition 7:3, the value of the electrical conductivity was 3.45x10 -4 S/cm and the resistance increases up to 80% on the adoption of PDMS. Based on the above criteria, this material can be categorized as a separator material in lithium ion batterie

    Green Corrosion Inhibitors to Head Off the Corrosion Rate of ST 37 Steels

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    The corrosions process is a natural process and cannot be hindered, but it can be protected by adding a green inhibitor. Green corrosion inhibitors are a new alternative solution for corrosion protection because they are low-cost, biodegradable, and eco-friendly inhibitors. This research was used papaya leaves dan guava leaves extract as organic inhibitor solution by Maceration Method. The concentration of these green inhibitors is 0 mL, 1 mL, 2.5 mL, 3 mL, and 3.5 mL. The type of testing method used in this research is FTIR, PDP, and weight loss. The results show that there is Tanin function groups in papaya leaves and guava leaves extract.  The potentiodynamic polarization shows the value of corrosion rate without inhibitor is 0,418 mm/year. In contrast, the corrosion rate was decreased with improving the green inhibitor as many 3.5 mL. The corrosion rate was decreased until 0,00055 mm/year, and the value of efficiency is 99,868%