31 research outputs found
Environmental data and presence-absence information of 175 species in 912 plots in western Swiss Alps
The file contains data on 5 environmental predictors (ddeg0=growding degree days with threshold of 0 degree, SLOPE=slope angle in degrees, MIND=moisture index as the difference between precipitation and evapotranspiration summed over the growing season, SOLRAD=summed annual solar radiation, TPI=topographic position index describing exposure of exposure of a location in space compared to the surrounding terrain) and species presence-absence information on 912 plots (4x4m) collected in Swiss western Alps (46°23â N, 7°5â E). Additionally, geographic coordinates of the plots are provided in Swiss coordinate system. Subsets and parts of the data have been used in other publications of the related research group, ECOSPAT, University of Lausanne. For the complete list of publications related to the dataset, see https://www.unil.ch/ecospat/home/menuinst/publications.html. In addition, "Randin, C. F., et al. (2006). Journal of Biogeography 33: 10" provides the description of how ddeg0, SLOPE, MIND and SOLRAD were derived using meteorological data and 25-m resolution digital elevation model (DEM). TPI was calculated from the same 25-m DEM using 3x3 moving window implementing the method of "Zimmermann, N.E. & Roberts, D.W. (2001) Final report of the MLP climate and biophysical mapping project. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
Input files and r scripts used to derive non-optimized monitoring schemes for the four stratification strategies (No stratification (NS), Protection stratification (PA), Environmental Stratification (ENV), and Environmental and Protection stratification (ENVPA)) and the three target scenarios (T10, T30 and T50); and to evaluate the performance of both optimized and non-optimized networks using the different indicators
Marxan Files
Input files used in the Marxan software to derive optimized monitoring networks for the four stratification methods - No stratification (NS), Protection stratification (PA), Environmental Stratification (ENV), and Environmental and Protection stratification (ENVPA); and the three target scenarios: T10, T30 and T5
Data files from Regos et al. (2018)
These data files include the environmental suitability predicted from the SESAM framework for each bird species, under each run simulation and management scenario. It also includes the Natura 2000 network at 100 m and all remaining files required to run MARXAN simulations
P-values of the randomisation tests.
<p>These tests were used to determine whether the numbers of species (gamma diversity) of two plant clades (<i>Anthurium</i> genus, Bromeliaceae family) according to the two ensemble modelling procedures in each altitudinal band were statistically different from the values derived from a null model of altitudinal changes in gamma diversity based on the literature <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032586#pone.0032586-Jrgensen1" target="_blank">[33]</a>. We imposed three different thresholds by summing all of the species predicted in at least one pixel, 10 pixels or 50 pixels per elevation band. <b>ENSEMBLE-A</b>: ensemble model of the six methods available. <b>ENSEMBLE-B</b>: ensemble model of the four best methods.</p
Altitudinal patterns of the potential gamma diversity in Ecuador.
<p>Altitudinal patterns for the genus <i>Anthurium</i> (above) and the Bromeliaceae family (below) according to the two ensemble modelling procedures. We imposed three different thresholds by summing all of the species predicted in at least one pixel, in at least 10 pixels or in at least 50 pixels per elevation band. <b>Independent Îł-diversity</b>: the altitudinal patterns of gamma diversity in Ecuador for the genus <i>Anthurium</i> (53 species) and the Bromeliaceae family (89 species). Information from the âCatalogue of the vascular plants of Ecuadorâ <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032586#pone.0032586-Jrgensen1" target="_blank">[33]</a>. <b>ENSEMBLE-A</b>: ensemble model of the six methods available. <b>ENSEMBLE-B</b>: ensemble model of the four best methods.</p
Richness (alpha diversity) of the genus <i>Anthurium</i> from the S-SDMs for the two ensemble procedures.
<p>The S-SDMs were generated by stacking the binary models of 53 species. <b>ENSEMBLE-A</b>: ensemble model of the six methods available. <b>ENSEMBLE-B</b>: ensemble model of the four best methods.</p
Richness (alpha diversity) of the Bromeliaceae from the S-SDMs for the two ensemble procedures.
<p>The S-SDMs were generated by stacking the binary models of 89 species. <b>ENSEMBLE-A</b>: ensemble model of the six methods available. <b>ENSEMBLE-B</b>: ensemble model of the four best methods.</p
DNA sequences from plant leaf materials collected in the Diabrelets area. Additional sequences (72) was sourced from GenBank