29 research outputs found

    A Revolution in Disguise: The European Citizens' Initiative

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    The European Citizens' Initiative is a feature of the Treaty of Lisbon that many people have as yet to discover. However, even though it has often been criticized as being a kind of bogus participation that is no more than a placebo, it may well change the European Union, for it contains the seeds of a European public sphere and European parties. In this respect the initiative has already been a success

    EuropĂ€ische BĂŒrgerinitiative Neuerung mit Sprengkraft

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    Die EuropĂ€ische BĂŒrgerinitiative ist ein von vielen bisher kaum bemerktes Element des Vertrags von Lissabon. Doch diese vielfach als Placebo kritisierte Form der Scheinmitwirkung könnte die EuropĂ€ische Union rasch verĂ€ndern. In ihr liegt der Keim fĂŒr eine europĂ€ische Öffentlichkeit und europĂ€ische Parteien. Schon allein das ist ein Erfolg der Initiative.The European Citizens' Initiative is a feature of the Treaty of Lisbon that many people have as yet to discover. However, even though it has often been criticized as being a kind of bogus participation that is no more than a placebo, it may well change the European Union, for it contains the seeds of a European public sphere and European parties. In this respect the initiative has already been a success

    EuropĂ€ische BĂŒrgerinitiative Neuerung mit Sprengkraft

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    Die EuropĂ€ische BĂŒrgerinitiative ist ein von vielen bisher kaum bemerktes Element des Vertrags von Lissabon. Doch diese vielfach als Placebo kritisierte Form der Scheinmitwirkung könnte die EuropĂ€ische Union rasch verĂ€ndern. In ihr liegt der Keim fĂŒr eine europĂ€ische Öffentlichkeit und europĂ€ische Parteien. Schon allein das ist ein Erfolg der Initiative.The European Citizens' Initiative is a feature of the Treaty of Lisbon that many people have as yet to discover. However, even though it has often been criticized as being a kind of bogus participation that is no more than a placebo, it may well change the European Union, for it contains the seeds of a European public sphere and European parties. In this respect the initiative has already been a success

    Narrative Delikatessen : kulturelle Dimensionen von ErnÀhrung

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    Die im ersten Band der neuen "Schriftenreihe fĂŒr Kulturökologie und Literaturdidaktik" versammelten "Narrativen Delikatessen" eröffnen ein breites Spektrum kultureller Dimensionen von ErnĂ€hrung und stecken damit ein neues Forschungsgebiet ab, das im Zuge globaler ErnĂ€hrungskrisen von immer grĂ¶ĂŸerer Relevanz ist. Die BeitrĂ€ge untersuchen literarische, mediale und kĂŒnstlerische Darstellungen von ErnĂ€hrung in diachroner und synchroner Perspektive und legen komplexe Wechselwirkungen zwischen gesellschaftlichen und Ă€sthetisch transformierten Diskursen offen. Dezidierte Mikroanalysen einzelner Texte stehen dabei neben ĂŒberblicksartigen Untersuchungen zu spezifischen Motiven oder kulturellen Konstanten in der Inszenierung von Essen. Durch interdisziplinĂ€re VerschrĂ€nkungen gehen die Betrachtungen ĂŒber den literaturwissenschaftlichen Tellerrand hinaus und erweitern die Forschungsperspektiven zum Themenkomplex ErnĂ€hrung auf vielfĂ€ltige Weise

    spotlight europe #2010/07, August 2010: A revolution in disguise: the European Citizens' Initiative

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    The European Citizens’ Initiative is a feature of the Treaty of Lisbon that many people have as yet to discover. However, even though it has often been criticized as being a kind of bogus participation that is no more than a placebo, it may well change the European Union, for it contains the seeds of a European public sphere and European parties. In this respect the initiative has already been a success

    The Texture Within : Exploring repetition, difference and timbre through solo piano playing

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    The goal of this master project was to create reverberant sound worlds on the border between acoustic and electronic sounds. I approached this goal through the exploration of musical repetition, difference and timbre. These fields were approximated both through practical and theoretical work. This thesis gives insight into my practical work of solo piano playing, with specific focus on the combination of acoustic piano with electronic effect pedals and extended techniques. Reading about and translating concepts and ideas from the fields of minimalism and ambient music has led me to approaching repetition, difference and timbre through thinking-feeling texture. This thesis focuses on the music and concepts that arise in the in-between of these four fields: repetition, difference, timbre and texture. In addition, the text includes theoretical reflections on texture, repetition and listening modes from a conceptual and philosophical angle. This master project has given me new entryways to create music and changed my way of listening. I developed a new style and technique for playing solo piano, which includes a set up for electronically processed and prepared piano. Moreover, I developed several concepts that explain my musical driving forces as well as connect my musical work with visual art and serve as useful tools to share my artistic practice. Especially important are the concepts of uneven repetition, antipiano and texture-gesture continuum.Anna Wohlfarth – prepared pianoMarika Markström – electronic processing"spatial magnets"Solo:Anna Wohlfarth – piano, effects"3 improvisations"Duo:Anna Wohlfarth – piano, effectsPetter Norbäck – sampler, elektronik"tonefloat; dark atmo // iceland memories; disintegration"</p

    Digitale Zivilgesellschaft fördern

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    DIGITALE ZIVILGESELLSCHAFT FÖRDERN Digitale Zivilgesellschaft fördern / Wohlfarth, Anna (Rights reserved) ( -

    The Texture Within : Exploring repetition, difference and timbre through solo piano playing

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    The goal of this master project was to create reverberant sound worlds on the border between acoustic and electronic sounds. I approached this goal through the exploration of musical repetition, difference and timbre. These fields were approximated both through practical and theoretical work. This thesis gives insight into my practical work of solo piano playing, with specific focus on the combination of acoustic piano with electronic effect pedals and extended techniques. Reading about and translating concepts and ideas from the fields of minimalism and ambient music has led me to approaching repetition, difference and timbre through thinking-feeling texture. This thesis focuses on the music and concepts that arise in the in-between of these four fields: repetition, difference, timbre and texture. In addition, the text includes theoretical reflections on texture, repetition and listening modes from a conceptual and philosophical angle. This master project has given me new entryways to create music and changed my way of listening. I developed a new style and technique for playing solo piano, which includes a set up for electronically processed and prepared piano. Moreover, I developed several concepts that explain my musical driving forces as well as connect my musical work with visual art and serve as useful tools to share my artistic practice. Especially important are the concepts of uneven repetition, antipiano and texture-gesture continuum.Anna Wohlfarth – prepared pianoMarika Markström – electronic processing"spatial magnets"Solo:Anna Wohlfarth – piano, effects"3 improvisations"Duo:Anna Wohlfarth – piano, effectsPetter Norbäck – sampler, elektronik"tonefloat; dark atmo // iceland memories; disintegration"</p

    The flexibility deployment of the service sector - A demand response modelling approach coupled with evidence from a market research survey

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    The flexible use of energy is seen as a key option to facilitate the integration of volatile renewable energy sources (RES) into the electricity sector. In this study, we focus on flexibility in the service sector, in terms of flexible technologies, experiences and willingness to participate in demand response (DR) actions. We analyse the technically possible future deployment of flexibility, the practically possible deployment of flexibility and also take the reduction of RES surplus electricity into account. Our results are based on survey data from over 1.500 service sector companies (offices, trade, hospitality) and modelling results with a time resolved DR model (eLOAD). The data show that service sector companies have few experiences in DR so far, which is among others caused by the unfavourable regulatory conditions to participate in flexibility markets. The currently most common forms of DR are load shedding and flexible tariffs and optimized purchase of electricity. Participation in DR varies between subsectors and company sizes, but on average all subsectors are interested in extending (automated) DR measures in the future. Our projections result in a possible technical deployment of flexible electricity of 7.74 TWh of which about 510 GWh can be used to reduce renewable surplus electricity (in case of a 50% RES share). In case of a 80% RES share, this can reach 1.63 TWh. Integrating the willingness of companies to participate in DR, the practical possible deployment results in 131 GWh reduction of renewable surplus electricity. This can be interpreted as a first-mover potential for DR. Future increased need for flexible demand could raise the profit for the companies and their willingness in participating in DR. Further analyses on most promising target groups of companies would help to tap the potentials and to create market offers as well as policies to incentivise participation