645 research outputs found

    Impact of corporate governance on bank profitability - post reforms by RBI and SEBI

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    In India, the increasing awareness with respect to CG, particularly in the commercial banking industry can be attached to a variety of factors such as liberalization, scams, corporate failures in banks, accounting and other irregularities that have led to an era of rising public distrust of the governance process in the banking landscape. Because of economic problems arising out of banking mis-management and failures, studies on bank profitability have become imperative for recognizing problems and mitigating economic risks. Over the last few years, Indian banks' toxic loan pile has increased considerably in addition to frequent instances of governance lapses being identified by the regulator. Indian banks' failure to adhere to acceptable business practices has unraveled a chain of events that have caused distress to the public causing the regulator to overhaul its outlook towards CG in banks and decision to infuse capital in the banking sector to revive it. The study attempts to assess the relation between governance and other factors' impact on the bank profitability with empirical evidence from Axis, HDFC, ICICI, PNB, SBI and Yes Bank. The study outlines links between the Bank's Size, Board Independence, Independence of Audit Committee, Audit Committee Strength, Duality of Role, NPA Divergence and profit by using Return on Equity, Return on Assets and Net Interest Margin as proxies for measuring profitability. The findings indicate that Audit Committee Independence, Audit Committee Strength had a statistically significant impact on bank profits, while Bank Size had a negative affiliation to profits as per all three indicators of profits

    Role of Meditation in Mind Illness - A Conceptual Study

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    Meditation is a mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine. The words become more widely used now days. The term meditation refers to a group of techniques, such as mantra meditation, Zen Buddhist meditation. Most meditative techniques started in Eastern religious or spiritual traditions. The practice of meditation originated in the ancient Vedic times of India. According to Vedic science, meditation is to connect oneself to one’s deep inner self. This article describes the types and process of meditation and aims to shed light on deeper understanding of on underlying beneficial effects associated with meditation in mind illness

    Development of Livelihood Index for Different Agro-Climatic Zones of India

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    A livelihood index has been developed for different agro-climatic zones of India, based on the secondary data for TE 2003. Six different sub-indices obtained are indicators of Infrastructure Status, Agricultural Status, Nutritional Status, Economic Status, Health and Sanitation Status and Food Availability Status in respective zones. A total of 57 variables have been considered for this study. Finally, a composite integrated livelihood index has been developed which indicates the livelihood status of different agro-climatic zones in the country. Also, 103 districts of low agricultural productivity have been identified within low livelihood regions. The results of this study have been compared with those of backward districts identified under Wage Employment Program by the Task Force of Planning Commission of India. It is found that about 60 per cent districts identified in this study are the same as identified by the Task Force. Further, the spatial distributions of the identified districts under the study have been mapped using GIS maps and it has been observed that almost same region of the country has been found to be most backward in both the studies. The study has revealed regional disparity in the development process and has suggested to formulate appropriate policies to bridge this disparity gap.Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate the in-vitro hepatoprotective activity of solvent extracts of Albizia lebbeck, Cassia occidentalis, andSwertia chirata on HepG2 cell line.Methods: The methanolic, ethanolic, and acetone seed extracts of A. lebbeck, C. occidentalis, and leaves extract of S. chirata were used in this study. Thedifferent extracts of A. lebbeck, C. occidentalis, and S. chirata were assessed for their hepatoprotective activity on human liver hepatocellular carcinoma(HepG2) cell line against paracetamol (PCM) as a liver damage inducing agent. The cell line viability was assessed by 3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl)-5diphenyltetrazoliumbromideassay.Results: The percentage cell viability was determined with respect to the normal control cells. Control cells showed 100% cell viability in all testedplant extracts. The PCM treated HepG2 cells showed a maximum cell viability (46.6±2.49%) in presence of all seed extracts of A. lebbeck. The silymarinand PCM treated HepG2 cells showed maximum cell viability (156.6±2.49%) presence of leaves extract of S. chirata. The maximum cells viability of131.6±9.39% was observed in methanolic seed extract of A. lebbeck (50 µg/mL), and the minimum cell viability of 107.3±3.68% was observed inacetone seed extract of C. occidentalis (50 µg/mL) comparatively.Conclusions: The methanolic, ethanolic, and acetone extracts of seeds/leaves from A. lebbeck, C. occidentalis, and S. chirata were showed thehepatoprotective activity. Further in vivo and clinical studies are required to confirm their therapeutic efficacy.Keywords: Albizia lebbeck, Cassia occidentalis, Swertia chirata, Paracetamol, HepG2, [3-(4,5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl)-5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide]assay

    Status and conservation of avian fauna of Sultanpur National Park Gurgaon, Haryana (India)

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    The present study was conducted in Sultanpur National Park Gurgaon, Haryana (India) from February, 2011 to January, 2012 to analyze the avian diversity along with its status and abundance. During the study period, a total of 113 species of birds belonging to 14 orders, 35 families and 80 genera were identified. Maximum 41 species belonging to 12 families of order Passeriformes represented 36.28% of the total identified avian fauna while Podicipediformes and Strigiformes were the least represented avian orders (0.88%) with one species each,namely, Little Grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis and Spotted Owlet, Athene brama respectively. Out of total reported 113 species, 64 were ‘resident’ species and 49 were ‘migrant’ species. Most of the migratory species were winter visitors except Red throated flycatcher, Ficedula parva; Orange Headed Thrush, Zoothera citrine and Eurasian Golden Oriole, Oriolus oriolus which were summer visitors. In all, 42 species were ‘common’, 33 species were ‘uncommon’ and 38 species were ‘occasional’ bird species. Based on sighting, White Breasted Kingfisher, Halcyonsmyrnensis; White Breasted Water Hen, Amaurornis phoenicurus; Common Moorhen, Gallinule chloropus; Black Wing Stilt, Himantopus himantopus; Red Wattled lapwing, Vanellus indicus; Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis and Indian Pond Heron, Ardeola grayii were common wetland bird species of Sultanpur National Park while Pied king fisher, Ceryle rudis and Coppersmith Barbet, Megalaima haemacephala were ‘rarely sighted’ bird species. During the study period, 7 ‘globally threatened’ species, namely, Painted Stork, Mycteria leucocephala; Black neck Stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus; Black headed Ibis, Threskiornis melanocephalus; Darter, Anhinga melanogaster; Pacific Reef Egret, Egretta sacra; Sarus Crane, Grus antigone alongwith Hogson bushchat, Saxicola insignis were also recorded from the study area


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    Meghalaya is a richly inhabited Indian state. Drums, flutes of bamboo and hand-held small cymbals are a common ensemble. The advent of Christianity in the middle of the 20th century marked the start of a decline in tribal popular music. Over time, Meghalaya’s music scene has evolved, attracting many talented artists and bands from both traditional and not-so traditional genres. Any of the most recent Meghalaya musicians and bands is: The Plague Throat, Kerios Wahlang, Cryptographik Street Poets, etc., Soulmate, Lou Majaw, and Snow White. Meghalaya’s music is characterised by traditional instruments and folk songs. The Musical Instruments of Meghalaya are made from local materials. Meghalayan people honour powerful natural forces and aim to pacify animistic spirits and local gods. The instruments are made of bamboo, flesh, wood, and animal horn. Any one of these musical instruments is considered to have the ability to offer material benefits. The Meghalaya musical instrument is an essential part of traditional folk music in the region. In this article, we offer an overview of the folk musical instruments of Meghalaya. Rezumat. UN STUDIU ANALITIC AL INSTRUMENTELOR MUZICALE POPULARE DIN MEGHALAYA. Meghalaya este un stat indian bogat locuit. Tobe, flaute de bambus și mici cinele de mână sunt un ansamblu comun. Apariția creștinismului la mijlocul secolului al XX-lea a marcat începutul unui declin al muzicii populare tribale. De-a lungul timpului, scena muzicală a Meghalaya a evoluat, atrăgând mulți artiști și formații talentate atât din genurile tradiționale cât și din cele mai puțin tradiționale. Cei mai actuali muzicieni și formații din Meghalaya este: The Plague Throat, Kerios Wahlang, Cryptographik Street Poets etc., Soulmate, Lou Majaw și Snow White. Muzica din Meghalaya se caracterizează prin utilizarea instrumentelor tradiționale și a cântecelor populare. Instrumentele muzicale din Meghalaya sunt realizate din materiale locale. Poporul meghalayan onorează forțele naturale puternice și își propune să pacifice spiritele animiste și zeii locali. Instrumentele sunt fabricate din bambus, carne, lemn și coarne de animale. Se consideră că oricare dintre aceste instrumente muzicale are capacitatea de a oferi beneficii materiale. Instrumentul muzical în Meghalaya este o parte esențială a muzicii populare tradiționale din regiune. În acest articol, oferim o imagine de ansamblu asupra instrumentelor muzicale populare din Meghalaya. Cuvinte cheie: Idiofone, Aerofone, Chordofone, Membranofone, Trompet


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    Tone deafness refers to a condition where a person is unable to distinguish between different musical notes. Afflicted persons are not able to recognize the difference when 2 different musical notes are played. This inability is not caused by a lack of musical knowledge or training but is instead caused by genetic inheritance or brain damage. Tone deafness is a disability that is shown in music only. People who are tone deaf do not have a problem in recognizing the different intonations in human speech. This disability is also associated with the inability to follow musical rhythms and recognize songs. In this paper, we propose the ability of participants to recognize and repeat the musical notes that they hear. Testing was done using only the left ear, only the right ear, and both ears. Rezumat. UN STUDIU ANALITIC AL INSTRUMENTELOR MUZICALE POPULARE DIN MEGHALAYA. Meghalaya este un stat indian bogat locuit. Tobe, flaute de bambus și mici cinele de mână sunt un ansamblu comun. Apariția creștinismului la mijlocul secolului al XX-lea a marcat începutul unui declin al muzicii populare tribale. De-a lungul timpului, scena muzicală a Meghalaya a evoluat, atrăgând mulți artiști și formații talentate atât din genurile tradiționale cât și din cele mai puțin tradiționale. Cei mai actuali muzicieni și formații din Meghalaya este: The Plague Throat, Kerios Wahlang, Cryptographik Street Poets etc., Soulmate, Lou Majaw și Snow White. Muzica din Meghalaya se caracterizează prin utilizarea instrumentelor tradiționale și a cântecelor populare. Instrumentele muzicale din Meghalaya sunt realizate din materiale locale. Poporul meghalayan onorează forțele naturale puternice și își propune să pacifice spiritele animiste și zeii locali. Instrumentele sunt fabricate din bambus, carne, lemn și coarne de animale. Se consideră că oricare dintre aceste instrumente muzicale are capacitatea de a oferi beneficii materiale. Instrumentul muzical în Meghalaya este o parte esențială a muzicii populare tradiționale din regiune. În acest articol, oferim o imagine de ansamblu asupra instrumentelor muzicale populare din Meghalaya.  Cuvinte cheie: Idiofone, Aerofone, Chordofone, Membranofone, Trompet
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