21 research outputs found

    On a conjecture regarding Fisher information

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    Fisher's information measure plays a very important role in diverse areas of theoretical physics. The associated measures as functionals of quantum probability distributions defined in, respectively, coordinate and momentum spaces, are the protagonists of our present considerations. The product of them has been conjectured to exhibit a non trivial lower bound in [Phys. Rev. A (2000) 62 012107]. We show here that such is not the case. This is illustrated, in particular, for pure states that are solutions to the free-particle Schr\"odinger equation. In fact, we construct a family of counterexamples to the conjecture, corresponding to time-dependent solutions of the free-particle Schr\"odinger equation. We also give a new conjecture regarding any normalizable time-dependent solution of this equation.Comment: 4 pages; revised equations, results unchange

    Comment on "Quantum discord through the generalized entropy in bipartite quantum states"

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    In [X.-W. Hou, Z.-P. Huang, S. Chen, Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 1 (2014)], Hou et al. present, using Tsallis' entropy, possible generalizations of the quantum discord measure, finding original results. As for the mutual informations and discord, we show here that these two types of quantifiers can take negative values. In the two qubits instance we further determine in which regions they are non-negative. Additionally, we study alternative generalizations on the basis of R\'enyi entropies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Brief Review on the Connection between the Micro-Canonical Ensemble and the <i>S<sub>q</sub></i>-Canonical Probability Distribution

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    Non-standard thermostatistical formalisms derived from generalizations of the Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy have attracted considerable attention recently. Among the various proposals, the one that has been most intensively studied, and most successfully applied to concrete problems in physics and other areas, is the one associated with the Sq non-additive entropies. The Sq-based thermostatistics exhibits a number of peculiar features that distinguish it from other generalizations of the Boltzmann–Gibbs theory. In particular, there is a close connection between the Sq-canonical distributions and the micro-canonical ensemble. The connection, first pointed out in 1994, has been subsequently explored by several researchers, who elaborated this facet of the Sq-thermo-statistics in a number of interesting directions. In the present work, we provide a brief review of some highlights within this line of inquiry, focusing on micro-canonical scenarios leading to Sq-canonical distributions. We consider works on the micro-canonical ensemble, including historical ones, where the Sq-canonical distributions, although present, were not identified as such, and also more resent works by researchers who explicitly investigated the Sq-micro-canonical connection

    Positive operator valued measures and the quantum Monty Hall problem

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    A quantum version of the Monty Hall problem, based upon the Positive Operator Valued Measures (POVM) formalism, is proposed. It is shown that basic normalization and symmetry arguments lead univocally to the associated POVM elements, and that the classical probabilities associated with the Monty Hall scenario are recovered for a natural choice of the measurement operators.Uma visão quântica do problema Monty Hall é proposta baseada no formalismo das Medidas Avaliadas do Operador Positivo (POVM). Demonstra-se que os argumentos de normalização básica e simetria levam de maneira inequívoca para elementos associados a POVM e que as probabilidades clássicas associadas ao cenário Monty Hall são recuperadas para uma escolha natural de medidas operadoras