143 research outputs found

    Church, State and Human in the Process of Secularization

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    This article examines the processes of socio-cultural change under conditions of secularization. The conditions for the appearance of several secularization areas are considered, and the features of their formation and their current state are revealed. Analysis of the anthropological factor in the processes of secularization is carried out and its role in the process of desecularization is shown. Within the framework of secularization, there has been an expansion of the possibilities for a person to determine his or her understanding of the connection with God. As a result, a new socio-religious population stratum has formed: those who consider themselves believers, but do not affiliate with any existing religion. The research indicates that the formation of the “state-church-human” relationship in the process of secularization was directly dependent on the way church property was confiscated. In the Soviet Union, the economic base of the Church was destroyed in a short time. With the help of repressions against the clergy, the Church was also destroyed as a social entity of a new socialist society. The rapid and violent process characterizes a distinctly socialist model of secularization, different from the Western one. Depending on the secularization model, the formation of the public consciousness regarding religion has different results

    Predicting Blood–Brain Partitioning of Small Molecules Using a Novel Minimalistic Descriptor-Based Approach via the 3D-RISM-KH Molecular Solvation Theory

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    Compartmentalization of drug molecules between plasma and brain is important for desired activities. The difficulty in obtaining the blood–brain permeability of drug (like) substances experimentally resulted in the development of several theoretical quantitative structure–activity relationships toward predicting the capability of a given substrate to pass across a tight junction, known as the blood–brain barrier, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Here, we report a novel method based on the molecular solvation theory for predicting blood–brain barrier permeability coefficients of molecules of diverse structures using a minimum set of descriptors derived from solvation energetics. Our finding points to the importance of solvation free energy based descriptors in modeling blood–brain barrier permeability quantitatively

    Science, philosophical act and theology: an introductory note to two classical studies of Josef Pieper

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    Josef Pieper, um dos filósofos que melhor discutiu as relações entre ciência, filosofar e teologia, apresenta aqui duas de suas clássicas reflexões: “Dois modos de ser crítico”, no qual mostra que o crivo de rigor da ciência (nichts durchlassen “não deixar passar nada”) não é o mesmo que o do filosofar e da teologia (nichts auslassen “não deixar de fora nada”). E, em “A Tese de Pascal: Teologia e Física”, discute o diferente papel da tradição na ciência e na teologia

    Розробка методики підвищення стійкості методів вбудови цифрових водяних знаків в цифрові зображення

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    A technique for increasing the stability of methods for applying digital watermark into digital images is presented. A technique for increasing the stability of methods for applying digital watermarks into digital images, based on pseudo-holographic coding and additional filtering of a digital watermark, has been developed. The technique described in this work using pseudo-holographic coding of digital watermarks is effective for all types of attacks that were considered, except for image rotation. The paper presents a statistical indicator for assessing the stability of methods for applying digital watermarks. The indicator makes it possible to comprehensively assess the resistance of the method to a certain number of attacks. An experimental study was carried out according to the proposed method. This technique is most effective when part of the image is lost. When pre-filtering a digital watermark, the most effective is the third filtering method, which is averaging over a cell with subsequent binarization. The least efficient is the first method, which is binarization and finding the statistical mode over the cell. For an affine type attack, which is an image rotation, this technique is effective only when the rotation is compensated. To estimate the rotation angle, an affine transformation matrix is found, which is obtained from a consistent set of corresponding ORB-descriptors. Using this method allows to accurately extract a digital watermark for the entire range of angles. A comprehensive assessment of the methodology for increasing the stability of the method of applying a digital watermark based on Wavelet transforms has shown that this method is 20 % better at counteracting various types of attacksПредставлена методика повышения устойчивости методов встраивания цифрового водяного в цифровые изображения. Разработана методика повышения устойчивости методов встраивания цифровых водяных знаков в цифровые изображения, основанная на псевдоголографичному кодировке и дополнительной фильтрации цифрового водяного знака. Описанная в работе методика с использованием псевдоголографичного кодирования цифровых водяных знаков является эффективной для всех типов атак, которые рассматривались, кроме поворота изображения. В работе представлен статистический показатель оценки устойчивости методов нанесения цифровых водяных знаков. Показатель позволяет комплексно оценить устойчивость метода к определенному ряду атак. Проведено экспериментальное исследование по предложенной методике. Наиболее эффективной эта методика является при потере части изображения. При предварительной фильтрации цифрового водяного знака наиболее эффективным является третий метод фильтрации, который представляет собой усреднение по ячейке с последующей бинаризацией. Наименее эффективным является первый метод, представляющий собой бинаризацию и нахождение статистической моды по ячейке. Для атаки аффинного типа, представляющей собой поворот изображения, данная методика является эффективной только при компенсации поворота. Для оценки угла поворота находится матрица аффинного преобразования, получаемого по согласованному набору соответствующих ORB-дескрипторов. Использование этого метода позволяет безошибочно выделять цифровой водяной знак для всего диапазона углов. Проведение комплексной оценки методики повышения устойчивости метода нанесения цифрового водяного знака на основе Вейвлет преобразований показало, что данная методика на 20 % лучше противодействует различным типам атакПредставлено методику підвищення стійкості методів вбудови цифрового водяного знаку в цифрові зображення. Розроблена методика підвищення стійкості методів вбудови цифрових водяних знаків в цифрові зображення, яка основана на псевдоголографічному кодуванні та додатковій фільтрації цифрового водяного знаку. Описана у роботі методика з використанням псевдоголографічного кодування цифрових водяних знаків є ефективною для всіх типів атак, що розглядалися, окрім повороту зображення. В роботі представлено статистичний показник оцінки стійкості методів нанесення цифрових водяних знаків. Показник дозволяє комплексно оцінити стійкість методу до певного ряду атак. Проведено експериментальне дослідження, щодо запропонованої методики. Найбільш ефективною ця методика є при втраті частини зображення. При попередній фільтрації цифрового водяного знаку найбільш ефективним є третій метод фільтрації, що представляє собою усереднення по клітинці з подальшою бінаризацією. Найменш ефективним є перший метод, що представляє собою бінаризацію та знаходження статистичної моди по клітинці. Для атаки афінного типу, що представляє собою поворот зображення, даний метод є ефективним тільки при компенсації повороту. Для оцінки кута повороту знаходиться матриця афінного перетворення, що отримується по узгодженому набору відповідних ORB-дескрипторів. Використання цього методу дозволяє безпомилково виділяти цифровий водяний знак для всього діапазону кутів, що досліджувалися. Проведення комплексної оцінки методики підвищення стійкості методу нанесення цифрового водяного знаку на основі Вейвлет перетворень показало, що дана методика на 20 % краще протидіє різним типам ата

    Electronic Characteristics and Charge Transport Mechanisms for Large Area Aromatic Molecular Junctions

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    This paper reports the electron transport characteristics of carbon/molecule/Cu molecular junctions, where aromatic molecules (azobenzene or AB and nitroazobenzene or NAB) are employed as the molecular component. It is shown that these devices can be made with high yield (>90%), display excellent reproducibility, and can withstand at least 1.5 × 10 9 potential cycles and temperatures of at least 180°C. Transport mechanisms are investigated by analysis of current density/voltage (J-V) curves as a function of the molecular layer thickness and temperature. Results show that J decreases exponentially with thickness, giving a measured value for the low-bias attenuation factor ( ) of 2.5 ( 0.1 nm -1 for AB and NAB. In addition, it is shown that transport is not thermally activated over a wide range of temperatures (5-450 K) and that the appearance of a thermally "activated" region at higher temperatures can be accounted for by the effect of temperature on the distribution of electrons around the Fermi level of the contact(s). These results indicate that quantum mechanical tunneling is likely the mechanism for charge transport in these junctions. Although application of the Simmons tunneling model leads to transport parameters consistent with nonresonant tunneling, the parameters obtained from fitting experimental data indicate that the barrier height and/or shape, effective mass, and dielectric constant (ε) can all change with thickness. Experimental measurements of ε and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of molecular energy levels and polarizability support these conclusions. Finally, the implications of the transport mechanisms are discussed from the viewpoint of designing functional molecular electronic devices

    Synthesis of New 6-{[ω-(Dialkylamino(heterocyclyl)alkyl]thio}-3-R-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline-2-ones and Evaluation of their Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activities

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    Several novel 6-thio-3-R-2-oxo-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline-based compounds containing an ω-(dialkylamino(heterocyclyl)]alkyl fragment were synthesized to examine their anticancer activity. Some of the 6-{[ω-(hetero-cyclyl)alkyl]thio}-3-R-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline-2-ones (3.1–3.10) were obtained by the nucleophilic substitution of 6-[ω-halogenalkyl]thio-3-R-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline-2-ones (2.1–2.8) with azaheterocycles. Alternatively, compounds 3.1–3.22 were synthesized by alkylation of 3-R-6-thio-2H-[1,2,4]triazino[2,3-c]quinazoline-2-ones potassium salts (1.1–1.4) with (2-chloroethyl)-N,N-dialkylamine hydrochlorides or 1-(2-chloroethyl)heterocycle hydrochlorides. The structures of compounds were elucidated by 1H, 13C NMR, LC–MS and EI-MS analysis. Then anticancer and antibacterial, bioluminescence inhibition of Photobacterium leiognathi Sh1 activities of the substances were tested in vitro. It was found that compound 3.18 possessed a wide range of anticancer activity against 27 cell lines of cancer: non-small cell lung, colon, CNS, ovarian, renal, prostate, breast, melanoma and leukemia (log GI50 < −5.65). The “structure-activity” relationship was discussed. COMPARE analysis for synthesized anticancer active compounds was performed

    A molecular reconstruction approach to sitebased 3D-RISM and comparison to GIST hydration thermodynamic maps in an enzyme active site

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    Computed, high-resolution, spatial distributions of solvation energy and entropy can provide detailed information about the role of water in molecular recognition. While grid inhomogeneous solvation theory (GIST) provides rigorous, detailed thermodynamic information from explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations, recent developments in the 3D reference interaction site model (3D-RISM) theory allow many of the same quantities to be calculated in a fraction of the time. However, 3D-RISM produces atomic-site, rather than molecular, density distributions, which are difficult to extract physical meaning from. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce a method to reconstruct molecular density distributions from atomic site density distributions. Furthermore, we assess the quality of the resulting solvation thermodynamics density distributions by analyzing the binding site of coagulation Factor Xa with both GIST and 3D-RISM. We find good qualitative agreement between the methods for oxygen and hydrogen densities as well as direct solute-solvent energetic interactions. However, 3D-RISM predicts lower energetic and entropic penalties for moving water from the bulk to the binding site