32 research outputs found

    Black holes, galaxy formation, and the M-BH-sigma relation

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    Recent X-ray observations of intense high-speed outflows in quasars suggest that supercritical accretion on to the central black hole may have an important effect on a host galaxy. I revisit some ideas of Silk & Rees and assume that such flows occur in the final stages of building up the black hole mass. It is now possible to model explicitly the interaction between the outflow and the host galaxy. This is found to resemble a momentum-driven stellar wind bubble, implying a relation MBH = (fgκ/2πG2)σ4 sime 1.5 × 108σimg1.gif M☉ between black hole mass and bulge velocity dispersion (fg = gas fraction of total matter density, κ = electron scattering opacity), without free parameters. This is remarkably close to the observed relation in both slope and normalization. This result suggests that the central black holes in galaxies gain most of their mass in phases of super-Eddington accretion, which are presumably obscured or at high redshift. Observed super-Eddington quasars are apparently late in growing their black hole masses

    Black holes, galaxy formation, and the M[subscript BH]-σ relation

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    Recent X-ray observations of intense high-speed outflows in quasars suggest that supercritical accretion on to the central black hole may have an important effect on a host galaxy. I revisit some ideas of Silk & Rees and assume that such flows occur in the final stages of building up the black hole mass. It is now possible to model explicitly the interaction between the outflow and the host galaxy. This is found to resemble a momentum-driven stellar wind bubble, implying a relation M[subscript BH] = (f[subscript g]κ/2πG[superscript 2])σ[superscript 4] ≃ 1.5 × 10[superscript 8]σ[superscript 4, subscript 200] M[subscript ☉] between black hole mass and bulge velocity dispersion (f[subscript g] = gas fraction of total matter density, κ = electron scattering opacity), without free parameters. This is remarkably close to the observed relation in both slope and normalization. This result suggests that the central black holes in galaxies gain most of their mass in phases of super-Eddington accretion, which are presumably obscured or at high redshift. Observed super-Eddington quasars are apparently late in growing their black hole masses

    GSN 069-A tidal disruption near miss

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    I suggest that the quasi-periodic ultrasoft X-ray eruptions recently observed from the galaxy GSN 069 may result from accretion from a low-mass white dwarf in a highly eccentric orbit about its central black hole. At 0.21M0.21\,\rm M-{\odot }, this star was probably the core of a captured red giant. Such events should occur in significant numbers as less extreme outcomes of whatever process leads to tidal disruption events. I show that gravitational radiation losses can drive the observed mass-transfer rate, and that the precession of the white dwarf orbit may be detectable in X-rays as a superorbital quasi-period Psuper2dP-{\rm super} \simeq 2\,{\rm d}. The very short lifetime of the current event, and the likelihood that similar ones involving more massive stars would be less observable, together suggest that stars may transfer mass to the low-mass SMBH in this and similar galaxies at a total rate, potentially making a significant contribution to their masses. A similar or even much greater inflow rate would be unobservable in most galaxies. I discuss the implications for SMBH mass growth

    SMBH accretion and mergers: removing the symmetries

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    We review recent progress in studying accretion flows on to supermassive black holes (SMBH). Much of this removes earlier assumptions of symmetry and regularity, such as aligned and prograde disc rotation. This allows a much richer variety of effects, often because cancellation of angular momentum allows rapid infall. Potential applications include lower SMBH spins allowing faster mass growth and suppressing gravitational-wave reaction recoil in mergers, gas-assisted SMBH mergers, and near-dynamical accretion in galaxy centres

    Geometrical beaming of stellar mass ULXs

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    The presence or lack of eclipses in the X-ray light curves of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) can be directly linked to the accreting system geometry. In the case where the compact object is stellar mass and radiates isotropically, we should expect eclipses by a main-sequence to sub-giant secondary star on the recurrence time-scale of hours to days. X-ray light curves are now available for large numbers of ULXs as a result of the latest XMM-Newton catalogue. We determine the amount of fractional variability that should be injected into an otherwise featureless light curve for a given set of system parameters as a result of eclipses and compare this to the available data. We find that the vast majority of sources for which the variability has been measured to be non-zero and for which available observations meet the criteria for eclipse searches, have fractional variabilities which are too low to derive from eclipses and so must be viewed such that θ ≤ cos-1(R*/a). This would require that the disc subtends a larger angle than that of the secondary star and is therefore consistent with a conical outflow formed from super-critical accretion rates and implies some level of geometrical beaming in ULXs

    Misaligned Accretion and Jet Production

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    Disk accretion onto a black hole is often misaligned from its spin axis. If the disk maintains a significant magnetic field normal to its local plane, we show that dipole radiation from Lense–Thirring precessing disk annuli can extract a significant fraction of the accretion energy, sharply peaked toward small disk radii R (as R −17/2 for fields with constant equipartition ratio). This low-frequency emission is immediately absorbed by surrounding matter or refracted toward the regions of lowest density. The resultant mechanical pressure, dipole angular pattern, and much lower matter density toward the rotational poles create a strong tendency to drive jets along the black hole spin axis, similar to the spin-axis jets of radio pulsars, also strong dipole emitters. The coherent primary emission may explain the high brightness temperatures seen in jets. The intrinsic disk emission is modulated at Lense–Thirring frequencies near the inner edge, providing a physical mechanism for low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs). Dipole emission requires nonzero hole spin, but uses only disk accretion energy. No spin energy is extracted, unlike the Blandford–Znajek process. Magnetohydrodynamic/general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD/GRMHD) formulations do not directly give radiation fields, but can be checked post-process for dipole emission and therefore self-consistency, given sufficient resolution. Jets driven by dipole radiation should be more common in active galactic nuclei (AGN) than in X-ray binaries, and in low accretion-rate states than high, agreeing with observation. In non-black hole accretion, misaligned disk annuli precess because of the accretor's mass quadrupole moment, similarly producing jets and QPOs

    Black Hole Winds II: Hyper-Eddington Winds and Feedback

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    We show that black holes supplied with mass at hyper--Eddington rates drive outflows with mildly sub--relativistic velocities. These are 0.10.2c\sim 0.1 - 0.2c for Eddington accretion factors m˙acc10100\dot m_{\rm acc} \sim 10 - 100, and 1500kms1\sim 1500\,{\rm km\, s^{-1}} for m˙acc104\dot m_{\rm acc} \sim 10^4. Winds like this are seen in the X--ray spectra of ultraluminous sources (ULXs), strongly supporting the view that ULXs are stellar--mass compact binaries in hyper--Eddington accretion states. SS433 appears to be an extreme ULX system (m˙acc104\dot m_{\rm acc} \sim 10^4) viewed from outside the main X--ray emission cone. For less extreme Eddington factors m˙acc10100\dot m_{\rm acc} \sim 10 - 100 the photospheric temperatures of the winds are 100\sim 100\, eV, consistent with the picture that the ultraluminous supersoft sources (ULSs) are ULXs seen outside the medium--energy X--ray beam, unifying the ULX/ULS populations and SS433 (actually a ULS but with photospheric emission too soft to detect). For supermassive black holes (SMBHs), feedback from hyper--Eddington accretion is significantly more powerful than the usual near--Eddington (`UFO') case, and if realised in nature would imply MσM - \sigma masses noticeably smaller than observed. We suggest that the likely warping of the accretion disc in such cases may lead to much of the disc mass being expelled, severely reducing the incidence of such strong feedback. We show that hyper--Eddington feedback from bright ULXs can have major effects on their host galaxies. This is likely to have important consequences for the formation and survival of small galaxies

    Warm absorbers: supermassive black hole feeding and Compton-thick AGN

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    Warm absorbers are found in many active galactic nuclei (AGN) and consist of clouds moving at moderate radial velocities, showing complex ionization structures and having moderate to large column densities. Using 1D numerical calculations, we confirm earlier suggestions that the energy released by an AGN pushes the surrounding gas outward in a bubble until this reaches transparency. Typical AGN episode durations of 5 × 10^4 yr supply enough energy for this, except in very gas-rich and/or very compact galaxies, such as those in the early Universe. In those galaxies, the AGN might remain hidden for many periods of activity, hiding the black hole growth. The typical radii of 0.1−1 kpc, velocities of 100–1000 km s^−1, and resulting optical depths are consistent with observations of warm absorbers. The resulting structure is a natural outcome of outflows driven by AGN buried in an optically thick gas envelope, and has a total mass comparable to the final M − σ mass the central supermassive black hole will eventually reach. These results suggest that AGN can feed very efficiently by agitating this surrounding dense material. This may not be easy to observe, as this gas is Compton thick along many sightlines. The infall may produce episodic star formation in the centre, building up nuclear star clusters simultaneously with the growth of the central black hole

    High-redshift SMBHs can grow from stellar-mass seeds via chaotic accretion

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    Extremely massive black holes, with masses MBH>109M⊙⁠, have been observed at ever higher redshifts. These results create ever tighter constraints on the formation and growth mechanisms of early black holes. Here we show that even the most extreme black hole known, Pōniuā’ena, can grow from a 10M⊙ seed black hole via Eddington-limited luminous accretion, provided that accretion proceeds almost continuously, but is composed of a large number of episodes with individually uncorrelated initial directions. This chaotic accretion scenario ensures that the growing black hole spins slowly, with the dimensionless spin parameter a∼<0.2⁠, so its radiative efficiency is also low, ϵ ≃ 0.06. If accretion is even partially aligned, with 20−40 per cent of accretion events happening in the same direction, the black hole spin and radiative efficiency are much higher, leading to significantly slower growth. We suggest that the chaotic accretion scenario can be completely falsified only if a 109M⊙ black hole is discovered at z ≥ 9.1, approximately 150 Myr before Pōniuā’ena. The space density of extreme quasars suggests that only a very small fraction, roughly one in 4 × 107, of seed black holes need to encounter favourable growth conditions to produce the observed extreme quasars. Other seed black holes grow much less efficiently, mainly due to lower duty cycles, so are much more difficult to detect.<br

    Predicting ultraluminous X-ray source demographics from geometrical beaming

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    The ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) population is known to contain neutron stars (NS), but the relative number of these compared to black hole (BH) primaries is unknown. Assuming classical supercritical accretion and resultant geometrical beaming, we show that the observed population ratio can be predicted from the mean masses of each family of compact objects and the relative spatial density of NSs to BHs. Conversely – and perhaps more importantly – given even a crude estimate for the spatial densities, an estimate of the fraction of the population containing NSs will begin to constrain the mean mass of BHs in ultraluminous X-ray sources