2,503 research outputs found

    The World Is Their Oyster? Interpreting the Scope of Native American Off-Reservation Shellfish Rights in Washington State

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    This Comment explores the shellfish issue in light of the Stevens Treaties and their historical context, the rules of treaty interpretation, the relevant treaty fishing cases, and the recent court decisions on the shellfish issue. Part II.A explores the magnitude of the debate, the historical background of the case, and identifies the parties involved and their diverging interests. Part II.B describes the traditional methods and rules of treaty interpretation and recognizes their application in this case. Part II.C examines the treaty fishing cases that established much of the precedent that governed the shellfish case. Part II.D outlines the relevant holdings of the district and circuit courts in the shellfish case. Part III.A scrutinizes the courts\u27 holdings in the case, finds that the courts\u27 analyses were cursory and subjective, and concludes that the courts should have considered alternative resolutions that would have offered enhanced protection of the interests of all parties without violating prior case law. Finally, Part III.B concludes the discussion with a solution that could have better served all of the parties while remaining consistent with the law of the case

    The World Is Their Oyster? Interpreting the Scope of Native American Off-Reservation Shellfish Rights in Washington State

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    This Comment explores the shellfish issue in light of the Stevens Treaties and their historical context, the rules of treaty interpretation, the relevant treaty fishing cases, and the recent court decisions on the shellfish issue. Part II.A explores the magnitude of the debate, the historical background of the case, and identifies the parties involved and their diverging interests. Part II.B describes the traditional methods and rules of treaty interpretation and recognizes their application in this case. Part II.C examines the treaty fishing cases that established much of the precedent that governed the shellfish case. Part II.D outlines the relevant holdings of the district and circuit courts in the shellfish case. Part III.A scrutinizes the courts\u27 holdings in the case, finds that the courts\u27 analyses were cursory and subjective, and concludes that the courts should have considered alternative resolutions that would have offered enhanced protection of the interests of all parties without violating prior case law. Finally, Part III.B concludes the discussion with a solution that could have better served all of the parties while remaining consistent with the law of the case

    Shaping 21st Century Journalism: Leveraging a "Teaching Hospital Model" in Journalism Education

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    Calls on journalism programs to become "anchor institutions" in the digitally networked age by pursuing a broader, community-oriented mission, testing new journalism models, exploring how journalistic ecosystems evolve, and shaping policymaking processes

    Synthetic Image Data for Deep Learning

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    Realistic synthetic image data rendered from 3D models can be used to augment image sets and train image classification semantic segmentation models. In this work, we explore how high quality physically-based rendering and domain randomization can efficiently create a large synthetic dataset based on production 3D CAD models of a real vehicle. We use this dataset to quantify the effectiveness of synthetic augmentation using U-net and Double-U-net models. We found that, for this domain, synthetic images were an effective technique for augmenting limited sets of real training data. We observed that models trained on purely synthetic images had a very low mean prediction IoU on real validation images. We also observed that adding even very small amounts of real images to a synthetic dataset greatly improved accuracy, and that models trained on datasets augmented with synthetic images were more accurate than those trained on real images alone. Finally, we found that in use cases that benefit from incremental training or model specialization, pretraining a base model on synthetic images provided a sizeable reduction in the training cost of transfer learning, allowing up to 90\% of the model training to be front-loaded

    Electric field effect on superconductivity at complex oxide interfaces

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    We examine the enhancement of the interfacial superconductivity between LaAlO3_{3} and SrTiO3_{3} by an effective electric field. Through the breaking of inversion symmetry at the interface, we show that a term coupling the superfluid density and an electric field can augment the superconductivity transition temperature. Microscopically, we show that an electric field can also produce changes in the carrier density by relating the measured capacitance to the density of states. Through the electron-phonon induced interaction in bulk SrTiO3_{3}, we estimate the transition temperature.Comment: 7 Pages, Submitted to Physical Revie

    Random Access in Nondelimited Variable-length Record Collections for Parallel Reading with Hadoop

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    The industry standard Packet CAPture (PCAP) format for storing network packet traces is normally only readable in serial due to its lack of delimiters, indexing, or blocking. This presents a challenge for parallel analysis of large networks, where packet traces can be many gigabytes in size. In this work we present RAPCAP, a novel method for random access into variable-length record collections like PCAP by identifying a record boundary within a small number of bytes of the access point. Unlike related heuristic methods that can limit scalability with a nonzero probability of error, the new method offers a correctness guarantee with a well formed file and does not rely on prior knowledge of the contents. We include a practical implementation of the algorithm with an extension to the Hadoop framework, and a performance comparison to serial ingestion. Finally, we present a number of similar storage types that could utilize a modified version of RAPCAP for random access

    Patterns of Maturity, Seasonal Migration, and Spawning of Atlantic Croaker in the Western Gulf of Mexico

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    Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) are one of the more common finfishes in the Gulf of Mexico. They are a significant component of Gulf bait fisheries and an important midtrophic component of nearshore food webs. In this study, life-history parameters associated with growth, maturity, and seasonal migration were estimated for Atlantic croaker in Texas and integrated into previously described data throughout the rest of the species range. The major findings of this work were the following: (1) a majority (\u3e76%) of age-1 female Atlantic croaker were sexually mature; (2) egress of adults from inshore habitats took place in late fall (Oct./Nov.) in consecutive years (2002 and 2003); (3) egress of adults was predictably coincident with declining growth after age-1 and the onset of sexual maturity; and (4) ingress of juvenile Atlantic croaker into inshore nursery grounds began in early winter and progressed through early summer, but a majority of recruits appeared in a short span between Feb. and April. Seasonal patterns of migration of both adult and juvenile Atlantic croaker are consistent with those described in other parts of the species’ range and imply offshore spawning in the fall and winter followed by year-round inshore development of postlarvae and juveniles. Given the importance of inshore residency of juvenile Atlantic croaker, abundance estimates from fishery-independent sampling were scaled up to system-wide estimates of juvenile abundance in two prominent Texas estuaries and used to qualitatively assess the potential impacts of the commercial fishery on the inshore segment of the population

    Performance Considerations of Network Functions Virtualization using Containers

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    The network performance of virtual machines plays a critical role in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and several technologies have been developed to address hardware-level virtualization shortcomings. Recent advances in operating system level virtualization and deployment platforms such as Docker have made containers an ideal candidate for high performance application encapsulation and deployment. However, Docker and other solutions typically use lower-performing networking mechanisms. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of using technologies designed to accelerate virtual machine networking with containers, in addition to quantifying the network performance of container-based VNFs compared to the state-of-the-art virtual machine solutions. Our results show that containerized applications can provide lower latency and delay variation, and can take advantage of high performance networking technologies previously only used for hardware virtualization

    Sortie-Based Aircraft Component Demand Rate to Predict Requirements

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    Purpose — Forecasting techniques improve supply chain resilience by ensuring that the correct parts are available when required. In addition, accurate forecasts conserve precious resources and money by avoiding new start contracts to produce unforeseen part requests, reducing labor intensive cannibalization actions and ensuring consistent transportation modality streams where changes incur cost. This study explores the effectiveness of the United States Air Force’s current flying hour-based demand forecast by comparing it with a sortie-based demand forecast to predict future spare part needs. Design/methodology/approach — This study employs a correlation analysis to show that demand for reparable parts on certain aircraft has a stronger correlation to the number of sorties flown than the number of flying hours. The effect of using the number of sorties flown instead of flying hours is analyzed by employing sorties in the United States Air Force (USAF)’s current reparable parts forecasting model. A comparative analysis on D200 forecasting error is conducted across F-16 and B-52 fleets. Findings — This study finds that the USAF could improve its reparable parts forecast, and subsequently part availability, by employing a sortie-based demand rate for particular aircraft such as the F-16. Additionally, our findings indicate that forecasts for reparable parts on aircraft with low sortie count flying profiles, such as the B-52 fleet, perform better modeling demand as a function of flying hours. Thus, evidence is provided that the Air Force should employ multiple forecasting techniques across its possessed, organically supported aircraft fleets. The improvement of the forecast and subsequent decrease in forecast error will be presented in the Results and Discussion section. Research limitations/implications — This study is limited by the data-collection environment, which is only reported on an annual basis and is limited to 14 years of historical data. Furthermore, some observations were not included because significant data entry errors resulted in unusable observations. Originality/value — There are few studies addressing the time measure of USAF reparable component failures. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no studies that analyze spare component demand as a function of sortie numbers and compare the results of forecasts made on a sortie-based demand signal to the current flying hour-based approach to spare parts forecasting. The sortie-based forecast is a novel methodology and is shown to outperform the current flying hour-based method for some aircraft fleets

    The NASA-UC Eta-Earth Program: I. A Super-Earth Orbiting HD 7924

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    We report the discovery of the first low-mass planet to emerge from the NASA-UC Eta-Earth Program, a super-Earth orbiting the K0 dwarf HD 7924. Keplerian modeling of precise Doppler radial velocities reveals a planet with minimum mass M_P sin i = 9.26 M_Earth in a P = 5.398 d orbit. Based on Keck-HIRES measurements from 2001 to 2008, the planet is robustly detected with an estimated false alarm probability of less than 0.001. Photometric observations using the Automated Photometric Telescopes at Fairborn Observatory show that HD 7924 is photometrically constant over the radial velocity period to 0.19 mmag, supporting the existence of the planetary companion. No transits were detected down to a photometric limit of ~0.5 mmag, eliminating transiting planets with a variety of compositions. HD 7924b is one of only eight planets known with M_P sin i < 10 M_Earth and as such is a member of an emerging family of low-mass planets that together constrain theories of planet formation.Comment: ApJ accepted, 10 pages, 10 figures, 4 table