12 research outputs found
Factors related to road accidents in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death and injury worldwide. More than 90% of all road deaths occur in lowand middle-income countries, which own less than half of the world's vehicles. The research aimed was to identify the factors related to road accidents in Palembang, Indonesia. The research method used was qualitative approach by using in-depth interviews and observation. This research was conducted from August to December, 2019. The results showed that the factors related to road accidents were human factor, environmental and climatic factor. From this research, the working areas identified as accidentprone zone were Sukarami II and Ilir Barat I Police Station. Referring to the accident and interviews, it is known that the road locations that have the highest casualties were in the road of Kolonel H. Barlian, Jendral Sudirman, Demang Lebar Daun, Ahmad Yani, and Soekarno Hatta. The conclusion was the accident-prone zone located on the main arterial road in Palembang City, Jendral Sudirman Road with a total of 81 cases of traffic accidents in the last three years that need further investigation to minimize traffic injury
Implementasi Gerakan Respon Diare pada Balita di Kecamatan Jejawi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir
The cause of diarrhea in infants and children is different from adults. In children, it is usually caused by a virus, whereas in adults it is caused by bacteria. Diarrhea in adults can be triggered by several factors, for example due to wrong eating, impaired digestion of food, the influence of drugs and due to psychiatric conditions whereas in infants can be infected if, swallowing these germs when passing through the birth canal is affected by germs or when touched by a hand germic. Children are also easily infected by germs because they often put their dirty hands and toys into their mouths. This research is a quantitative study in which the dependent variable data collection is done once at a time. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019. The sample in this study were all toddler mothers in Talang Cempedak Village, Jejawi District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2019 by 18 people using total sampling technique. The results of this study from 18 respondents showed that 10 respondents amounted to 55.6% poor mother of toddler knowledge, as well as the behavior of 9 mothers of toddlers 50.0% bad and 50.0% good, and environmental sanitation in Talang Cempedak Village as many as 55.6 bad%. The action in order to increase the movement to prevent diarrhea response in infants, such as counseling about diarrhea by health workers is needed so that the incidence of diarrhea can be prevented. Keywords: Diarrhea, Ogan Komering Ilir, Jejari, Counselin
Bowtie Method: Study of Occupational Health and Safety Risks in Cement Production Process
The kiln area is an area that has a very complex hazard potential in the cement production process. This study aimed to assess the risks of occupational safety and health during the production process in the kiln area of ​​PT. X uses the bowtie method. This study used a qualitative descriptive design. The informants used were three managers of the clinker production department, one safety manager, and one field operator. Research data were collected through interviews and observations. The data were analyzed qualitatively using the bowtie method. The study results stated that hot dust could be dangerous if it comes out of the system caused by positive pressure, such as the Induced Draft Fan (IDF) turning off, causing losses such as burns to workers. Heat can be dangerous if it experiences a significant increase due to excess fuel, causing losses, such as health-related illnesses. Preventive controls were carried out such as routine inspections. Mitigation controls were carried out such as light signals. Escalation factors can thwart hot dust and heat control, such as the deformation of raw meals. Escalation factor control, such as the implementation of work instructions. PT. X has carried out control in the kiln area, but additional controls are needed
Bencana merupakan serangkaian kejadian yang mengancam kehidupan dan dapat mengakibatkan kerugian baik secara materil maupun moril. Bencana disebabkan oleh adanya faktor bahaya, pemicu, dan kondisi lingkungan yang rentan. Pengelolaan tanggap darurat terhadap suatu bencana sangat dibutuhkan guna menekan angka kerugian yang dapat ditimbulkan. Mall merupakan salah satu tempat yang rentan terjadi bencana seperti kebakaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran kesiapsiagaan pengunjung salah satu mall di Kota Palembang mengenai pemahaman bencana dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi dampak kerugian. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pengambilan data dilakukan dalam satu waktu secara bersamaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pengunjung mall dengan sampel sebanyak 47 pengunjung yang diperoleh melalui teknik total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 63,8% pengunjung mall tidak memiliki pengalaman tanggap darurat dan sebanyak 51,1% pengunjung memiliki pengetahuan yang tergolong rendah mengenai tanggap darurat. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar pengunjung salah satu mall di Kota Palembang tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai upaya tanggap darurat yang dapat dilakukan selama berada di dalam mall sehingga diperlukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan yang melibatkan seluruh pengunjung mall untuk ikut serta agar dapat terlatih dalam menghadapi bencana yang seringkali datangnya tidak terduga
Determination of Ammonia Gas Safe Concentration in chicken Farm Workers in Lembak Village, South Sumatra Indonesia
Ammonia is an alkaline gas with colorless and a strong odor characteristics. It can be formed naturally in the air, soil and water. Ammonia is also produced by humans and animals as part of normal biological processes. This study aims to determine the safe (C safe) concentration of ammonia gas in Chicken Farms in Lembak Village, South Sumatra Indonesia. This study was an observational with a sample of 14 chicken farm workers taken by purposive sampling. This study was analyzed based on primary and secondary data and processed through safe C calculations by determining the weight of experimental animals (W animals), body surface area of the experimental animal (BSA of experimental animals), workers’ body weight (W), workers’ body surface area (BSA), workers’ breathing rate (BR), benzene concentration in the workplace (C), factor Km in animals (Animal Km), factor Km in humans (Human Km), highest dose of toxin without effect (NOAEL), and reference concentration of ammonia gas on workers (RfC).The measurement results of the highest concentration of ammonia gas in the chicken farm around Lembak Selatan village, Sumatra was 0.006 mg/m3 (0.0086) ppm and the average concentration of ammonia gas from 14 measurement points on the farm was 0.003214 mg/m3 (0.0046 ppm). The concentration level is below the threshold value set by PERMENAKER No. 5 of 2018, OSHA, NIOSH and ACGIH of 25 ppm. In contrast to these results, the manual calculation of safe (C safe) concentration of ammonia gas was 0.022 mg/m3 (0.031 ppm). With these results, the concentration of ammonia gas in the chicken farms of Desa Lembak Sumatera Selatan Indonesia is in the safe category. Nevertheless, prevention measures are needed to prevent the increase level of the gas
Menulis Itu Mudah: Teori dan Aplikasi Penulisan Karya Ilmiah
Buku ini disusun dengan harapan menjadi jawaban dari keresahanpara pembaca yang akan menulis sebuah karya ilmiah, terutama untukmahasiswa kesehatan masyarakat, baik Strata 1 (S-1) dan Master (S-2). Mulailah membaca, lalu awal yang baik dari menulis ia
Library is one of the workplaces that most of its activities rely heavily on the eyes. Good lighting in the library room will improve comfort for work both for employees and visitors. Libraries in Sriwijaya University is a very important facility for the academic community to achieve the vision of Sriwijaya University in facing global challenges, where the library is actually a place for the source of all information, written or digitally. Therefore a library requires an adequate illumination level to support the activities of its academic community to stay active in working. Methods: Evaluating the illumination level in the libraries at Sriwijaya University by measuring and comparing the results of these measurements to the standards / requirements of Kepmenkes No. 1405/Menkes/SK/XI/2002.Results: From a total of 16 libraries measured both in Indralaya and Palembang campus, it was known that illumination levels were in the range of 100-1000 lux, on the other words, some libraries at Sriwijaya University still has unstandard illumination level, either lower or higher. Conclusion: Illumination level of libraries in Sriwijaya University does not fully meet the standard that it needs to be improved to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases caused by poor or strong lighting. Keywords: Lighting, Illumination, Librarie
Background:, There is a work practice programme that can cause accidents in the Vocational School. The tendency of vocational education and technology today has shifted into a small factory in a school environment for students to practice. SMKN 2 Palembang is a school with Community College model which is proclaimed as one of the excellent school and have new equipment assistance in Lab TSM and TPM . Risk assessment of occupational health and safety is never conducted and they have no system in managing hazard in lab unit which could potentially cause an accident in the work, so it�s important for conducting risk assessments.
Objective: To perform an occupational health and safety risk assessments in TSM and TPM unit of SMKN 2 Palembang
Method: This research was a qualitative study with semi quantitative risk assessment analysis and research design in the form of case studies ( case study ). Research subjects were three key informant and five informant . Information obtained by observation, literature, in-depth interviews, walk- through survey, risk management worksheet, and hazard checklist.
Result: The result showed that hazard identification and risk assessment in SMKN 2 Palembang were divided on Motorcycles Technical Unit and Machine Techniques Unit. Some of identified hazard were bruised, fire, noise, CO, heat , slip, electric shock, dust and smoke, struck down tool, fatigue, weight lifting, human error , asbestos powder, used oil, chlorinated hydrocarbon and H2SO4.
Conclusion:, There were 41 hazard from hazard identification. Risk assessment showed that the most risk was in acceptable category, and the highest risk was in significant category. Risk evaluation showed that noise measurement result was above threshold value. Control activities for the highest risk were by routine supervision, safety talk, and personal protective equipment for teacher and student