33 research outputs found

    Potensi Penerapan Energi Terbarukan Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Kemandirian Desa: Studi Kasus Desa Lendang Nangka Lombok Timur

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    Desa saat ini didorong menjadi desa mandiri, baik dalam bidang energi maupun ekonomi dengan mengimplementasikan energi terbarukan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian energi sebagai salah satu langkah meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi penggunaan energi terbarukan seperti Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu (PLTB), Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), dan Konversi Energi Gasifikasi di desa Lendang Nangka, Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data baik dari BMKG dan pengujian secara langsung menggunakan alat Air Flow Anemometer GM8902 untuk mengetahui kecepatan angin dan DIGITAL TECHNOMETER LX-1010B untuk mengetahui intensitas cahaya matahari. Selain itu dilakukan wawancara kepada pengusaha kecil dan menengah untuk mengetahui penggunaan energi dalam menyokong proses produksinya. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi PLTB yang dapat diemplementasikan adalah PLTB sekala kecil dengan daya sekitar 23,4-632,88 kWh/turbin. Untuk potensi PLTS menghasilkan daya sebesar 410-566 kWh per meter persegi panel surya. Untuk potensi PLTA, turbin yang cocok adalah turbin ukuran kecil dengan potensi daya sekitar 0,3024-2,2194 kWh. Sedangkan untuk potensi penggunaan converter energi jenis gasifikasi dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar tidak terbarukan sekaligus menghemat biaya porduksi. Sebab, nilai High Heating Value gas sintetik yang dihasilkan 1,7 kali lebih besar daripada pembakaran langsung dengan kayu


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    Urea is an important nitrogen source for plant but the price of urea fertilizer is relatively high. Urea uptake from urea manufacture waste water and its application as fertilizer is of high interest. The purpose of this study is to find out desorption ability of urea adsorbed porous carbon to be applied as fertilizer. Theoritically, urea released from  porous carbon to environment has slower rate of mass transfer compare to conventional urea fertilizer because urea molecules in porous carbon has to pass through pores of carbon during its movement out of carbon. The porous carbon as adsorbent was made from coconut shell by pyrolysis, followed by sulfuric acid oxidation treatment  Oxidation treatment carried out to extent adsorption capacity as well as to give additional sulfur nutrient when applied as fertilizer. Oxidation of carbon surface was performed using sulfuric acid (50%w) to soak porous carbon followed by heating at 90oC temperature for 2 hours. Desorption was conducted by placing porous carbon into beaker contain water and the raising of urea concentration in water recorded after 3,5,10, 30, and 60 minutes. Results reveal that the value of mass transfer coefficient (kc) and effective diffusivity (De) of urea desorption from porous carbon are 0,0293 – 0,0743 cm/s and 8 x 10-10 – 5 x 10-9 cm2/s with initial concentration of urea 1000, 2000, and 4000 mg/L. Release rate of urea from porous carbon and urea prill are 0,07 ppm/s  and 1,23 ppm/s. Slower release rate of urea off  porous carbon than urea prill shows the promising of urea recovery using porous carbon as slow release fertilizer

    Efektifitas Konsentrasi Ragi Tape Terhadap Karakteristik Bioetanol: %Kemurnian, Ph, Dan Nilai Brix Hasil Dari Fermentasi Nira Tebu (Saccharum Officinarum)

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    Currently, fossil energy is the spearhead of Indonesia's energy needs and even the world. The fossil energy in question includes gasoline, natural gas and coal. This is due to the increasing population growth, even though energy reserves in Indonesia and even in the world continue to run low. So it is necessary to have alternative fuels such as bioethanol, which is a renewable fuel, especially from sugar cane juice. So this study aims to see the effect of the amount of yeast tape content on the characteristics of the bioethanol product produced. This type of research is experimental using a completely randomized design using 1 factor (the concentration of tape yeast is 5%, 10%, 15%).The results of this study indicate that there is an effect on the amount of tape concentration used as an active ingredient on the bioethanol product produced. The highest bioethanol content obtained from this fermentation result is the best at 15% tape yeast concentration, namely with an average of 6.67%, with an average pH of 3.3 and Brix 6%. Meanwhile, the lowest bioethanol content was obtained from the addition of 5% tape yeast concentration with an average of 3.67%, with an average pH of 3.13 and 5% brix

    Karakterisasi Alat Filtrasi Air Portable Berdasarkan Variasi Jumlah Absorber Karbon Aktif Limbah Tongkol Jagung

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    Sumbawa Regency is an area with soil water content containing lime. There was even lime blockage in the pipe holes used. So this research aims to create a portable filtration device that is cheap and efficient. The aim of this research is to characterize a portable water filtration device with an innovative absorber from corncob waste. The way this research works is the process of carbonizing corn cob waste and then activating it using 0.5 M NaOH for 24 hours. The absorber is then filled into a portable filter with dimensions of 50 cm in length and 4 inches in diameter. Filtration is carried out by flowing the collected well water into the water reservoir through a filter. Tests are carried out on water that has not been passed through a filter. After that, characterization was also carried out on the water that had passed through the filter. This characterization consists of Total Dispended Solid (TDS), Temperature, pH, Ca levels, and turbidity. The TDS value obtained decreases with the increasing number of absorbers used, namely from 203, 163, to 123 ppm. In addition, the temperature of the test water has almost no change. The resulting results were temperatures of 32, 33, and 32oC. The resulting pH value shows a decrease with an increase in the number of absorbers used, namely from 8.3; 7.7; 7.3. For turbidity, there was a decrease in the turbidity rate with an increase in the number of absorbers used, namely from 0.29 NTU to 0.3 NTU, and 0.28 NTU. In addition, CaCO3 levels decreased with an increase in the number of absorbers used, namely from 330 mg/l, 290 mg/l, and 240 mg/l. This value has met the threshold set by PMK No. 32 of 2017

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Udara Primer dan Sekunder terhadap Kenerja Kompor Biomassa Berbahan Bakar Cangkang Kemiri

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    Household energy need in Indonesia, especially for cooking, are still dominated by LPG fossil fuels with 70% of LPG needs being imported. On the other hand, the availability of biomass waste, especially candlenut shells, is abundant. One way to optimize the use of candlenut shells is to use candlenut shells as fuel for biomass stoves by optimizing the efficiency of biomass stoves. In this study, a biomass stove with primary and secondary airflow was used with a combustion chamber diameter of 200 mm and a height of 340 mm. The biomass waste used is candlenut shells as fuel. The purpose of this study was to explain the increase in the performance of a biomass stove fueled with candlenut shell which is influenced by primary and secondary air velocity. Biomass stove testing includes thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, CO and CO2 emissions. The performance test results show that the biomass stove with a primary air velocity of 3.7 m/s, a secondary air velocity of 3.7 m/s has the highest thermal efficiency of 45.77%. The lowest specific fuel consumption is obtained from a biomass stove with a primary air velocity of 1.5 m/s, a secondary air velocity of 1.5 m/s, which is 0.583 kg/hour, and the emission test results show that complete combustion occurs with 0% CO emotion. on all air velocity variables studied

    Dehidrasi Bioetanol Dari Nira Tebu (Saccharum officinarum) Dengan Proses Adsorpsi Menggunakan Bentonite Clay

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    The increase in population will automatically increase the use of motorized fuel, especially motorbikes and cars. That way, of course the need for fuels such as petrol, diesel, and the like will continue to increase, so there is a need for alternative renewable fuels such as bioethanol which is a renewable fuel that can substitute for these needs. Bioethanol itself is known to have a knock rate value equal to the gasoline and diesel phases when the purity reaches 99.5%. In this study, the characterization process of bioethanol products made from sugarcane juice was carried out using bentonite clay purifiers and looked at the characteristics of pH, brix, and bioethanol content. This research was conducted experimentally, using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments, namely variations in the weight of bentonite clay 40 grams, 50 grams, and 60 grams with 3 replications. The results showed that there was an effect of adding variations in the weight of bentonite clay on the bioethanol content of sugarcane juice and there was an effect on the pH value, but there was no effect on the sugar content (brix). The best treatment in this study was bioetano from sugarcane juice with the addition of a weight of 60 grams, with alcohol content production of 9.33%, a pH of 5.13, and 6.33% brix

    Analisis Campuran Limbah Daun Gamal, Daun Lamtoro, dan Kulit Pisang sebagai Pakan Alternatif Udang

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    The waste of several organic materials in several areas in West Nusa Tenggara continues to increase. One of the most commonly found is banana peel waste, lamtoro leaf waste, and gamal leaf waste. One alternative to reduce this waste, can be converted into alternative shrimp feed. The advantage of using these ingredients is the vegetable protein content which is equivalent to sea fish. In this study, researchers carried out the process of making shrimp feed using gamal leaf waste, lamtoro leaves and banana peels. The research treatments used a variety of raw material mixtures, namely Formula 1, Formula 2 and Formula 3. The quality indicators tested in this study were moisture content, ash content, crude protein. The results showed a decrease in water content from 22.96%-15.86% from formula 1 to formula 3. The ash content increased from 4.8% to 9% from formula 1 to 3. Meanwhile, the crude protein content increased from 5.9% to 8.48% from formulas 1 to 3. Based on the three formulas, it can be concluded that formula 3 can be said to be the best with a mixture of 500 grams of gamal, 150 grams of lamtoro leaves, 150 grams of fine bran, 100 grams of corn flour, tapioca flour 30 grams, 20 grams of EM4 and 50 grams of banana peel. Based on these results it can also be concluded that the waste obtained from the remaining banana peels, gamal and lamtoro can be made into more useful shrimp feed

    Simulasi Dispersi dan %Fatality Gas Buang SO2 dan CO2 Hasil Pembakaran Low Rank Coal PLTU Independent Power Producer (IPP) Lombok Timur (50 MW) Menggunakan Gaussian Model

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    The combustion of coal in coal-fired power plants produces air pollution such as SO2, NOx, CO2, and particulates. The Sembelia Coal-Fired Power Plant, located on Sambelia Road, Padak Guar, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, managed by PT. Lombok Energy Dynamic, utilizes 200,000 tons/year of young coal to generate 50 MW of electricity. This poses a significant potential for environmental pollution. This research aims to simulate the potential dispersion of SO2 and CO2 emissions into the environment and the % fatality resulting from the combustion of coal at the Sembelia Coal-Fired Power Plant using the Gaussian Model. The research was conducted through literature review and direct observations at the Sembelia Coal-Fired Power Plant. Subsequently, the study calculated the simulation potential of SO2 and CO2 concentrations for varying distances. At the end of the study, the potential dispersion and % fatality due to SO2 and CO2 emissions were also calculated at four points around the power plant.The research findings indicate that the dispersion of SO2, with a dispersion mass of 0.096 kg/second, increases from 2,000 to 46,000 meters, ranging from 6.876x10^-46 ppm to a concentration of 1.276x10^-5 ppm. Afterward, it decreases to 0 ppm, resulting in a % fatality of 0%. The potential dispersion of CO2 into the environment, with an exit mass of 8.252 kg/second, increases from 2,000 to 58,000 meters, from a concentration of 62.47x10^-63 ppm to a concentration of 7.9x10^-4 ppm. Subsequently, the CO2 concentration decreases to 0 ppm, with a % fatality of 0%. The dispersion calculations at four points around the Sembelia Coal-Fired Power Plant indicate that it is safe from SO2 and CO2 dispersion, resulting in a % fatality of 0%. Keywords: Air Pollution, Coal youth, Gaussian Model, Dispersion Potential, %Fatality ABSTRAK Pembakaran batubara pembangkit listrik tenaga batubara menghasilkan polusi udara seperti SO2, NOx, CO2 dan juga Partikulat. PLTU Sembelia yang berada di Jalan Raya Sambelia, Padak Guar, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat Sambelia yang dikelola oleh PT. Lombok Energy Dinamic menggunakan 200.000 ton/tahun batubara muda untuk menghasilkan 50 MW listrik. Ini bisa menjadi potensi besar pencemaran lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasikan potensi dispersi gas buang SO2 dan CO2 ke lingkungan serta %fatality akibat pembakaran batubara PLTU Sembelia menggunakan Gaussian-Model. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi literatur dan observasi langsung ke PLTU Sembelia. Setelah itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menghitung potensi simulasi konsentrasi SO2 dan CO2 untuk variabel jarak. Pada akhir penelitian, perhitungan potensi dispersi dan%fatality oleh gas SO2 dan CO2 juga dihitung pada empat titik di sekitar pembangkit listrik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dispersi SO2 dengan massa dispersi 0,096 kg/detik dari jarak 2.000 hingga 46.000 m meningkat dari 6,876x10-46 ppm hingga konsentrasi 1,276x10-5 ppm. Setelah itu turun menjadi 0 ppm. % Fatality yang dihasilkan adalah 0%. Dan potensi dispersi CO2 ke lingkungan dengan massa keluar 8,252 kg/detik meningkat pada jarak 2.000 hingga 58.000 m, dari konsentrasi 62,47x10-63 ppm hingga konsentrasi 7,9x10-4ppm. Selanjutnya konsentrasi CO2 berkurang menjadi 0 ppm. %Fatality yang dihasilkan adalah 0%. Untuk perhitungan dispersi di empat titik di sekitar PLTU Sembelia dapat dikatakan aman dari dispersi SO2 dan CO2, dan%fatality yang dihasilkan adalah 0%. Kata Kunci: Polusi udara, batubara muda, Gaussian-Model, Potensi dispersi, %fatalit

    Uji Karakteristik Briket Berbahan Baku Bonggol Jagung Berdasarkan Variasi Jumlah Perekat

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    Charcoal briquettes are the newest form of energy from biomass, which is an alternative fuel to replace oil and gas, both in industrial and household activities. This study aims to analyze the effect of variations in the amount of adhesive on the water destruction index, ash content and calorific value of corn cob briquettes. the use of tapioca flour concentration of 0%, 3%, 5%, and 7%, this study used one factor RAL with ANOVA analysis to determine the effect of the use of various adhesives on corn cob briquettes. This research produces briquettes that have met SNI standards, 0% adhesive concentration produces a moisture content of 0.19%, an ash content of 0.14%, an index of destruction of 0.19% and a calorific value of 5,655 Cal/gr. The adhesive concentration is 3% with a water content value of 0.21%, an ash content of 0.33%, a destruction index of 0.28% and a calorific value of 5.398 Cal/gr. The adhesive concentration is 5% with a moisture content value of 0.22%, an ash content of 0.35%, a destruction index of 0.34% and a calorific value of 4.431 Cal/gr. The adhesive concentration is 7% with a water content value of 0.31%, an ash content of 0.89%, a destruction index of 0.38% and a calorific value of 3.382 Cal/gr