75 research outputs found

    Policing “Radicalization”

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    Under the Radar: Muslims Deported, Detained, and Denied on Unsubstantiated Terrorism Allegations

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    Through the targeted use of a wide set of immigration and law enforcement policies and actions, the U.S. government has cast Muslims as dangerous threats to national security, leaving Muslim communities across the United States vulnerable to discrimination and discriminatory profiling. This Briefing Paper by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) documents the U.S. government's deployment of lower evidentiary standards and lack of due process guarantees in the immigration system against Muslims to further marginalize this targeted group in the name of national security and counterterrorism. A number of particular immigration programs and practices -- such as the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (NSEERS),the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) name-check system in the naturalization process, and racial profiling at U.S. borders have received critical attention for their discriminatory impacts on Muslim communities. This Briefing Paper draws on interviews with immigration and criminal defense attorneys and community-based groups, court documents, and media accounts to identify five key under-documented patterns of government practices that appear to be targeting Muslim communities through the immigration system

    Movement Law

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    Wave function dependent Form Factors and Radii of Mesons

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    In this work, meson wave functions are selected to investigate the properties of charmonium, bottomonium, and charmed-bottom mesons. To find the masses of the ground, radial and orbital excited states of mesons, variational method is applied on the selected meson wave functions. In addition, mesons are treated non-relativistically by considering the chromodynamic potential model in the linear plus coulombic form along with the incorporation of spin. Our mass predictions show good agreement with the available experimental data and the theoretical predictions found by different methods. Moreover, RMS radii, form factors and charged radii are calculated by using the selected trial wave functions. Momentum dependance of the form factors is shown graphically. Predicted RMS radii and charged radii are compared with the theoretical results, wherever available. Results show that RMS radii and charged radii have inverse relation with the masses of mesons, i.e., heavier mesons have smaller radii and vice versa.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 6 table

    Movement Law

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    In this Article we make the case for “movement law,” an approach to legal scholarship grounded in solidarity, accountability, and engagement with grassroots organizing and left social movements. In contrast to law and social movements—a field of study that unpacks the relationship between lawyers, legal process, and social change—movement law is a methodology for scholars across substantive areas of expertise to draw on and work alongside social movements. We identify seeds for this method in the work of a growing number of scholars that are organically developing methods for movement law. We make the case that it is essential in this moment of crisis to cogenerate ideas alongside grassroots organizing that aims to transform our political, economic, social landscape.In articulating movement law as a methodology for undertaking and shifting the scholarly enterprise, we identify four methodological moves. First, movement law scholars pay close attention to modes of resistance by social movements and local organizing. Paying attention to resistance is in itself significant, for it meaningfully diversifies the voices and sources relevant to legal scholarship. Second, movement law scholars work to understand the strategies, tactics, and experiments of resistance and contestation. By studying the range of strategies, tactics, and experiments—including but not limited to traditional law reform campaigns—movement law scholars engage new pathways to and possibilities for justice. Third, movement law scholars shift their epistemes, away from courts and silos of legal expertise, and toward the stories, strategies, and histories of left social movements. Adopting the episteme of social movement horizons denaturalizes the status quo and allows more radical possibilities to emerge—beyond the status quo, and toward political, economic, social transformation. Fourth, movement law scholars embody an ethos of solidarity, collectivity, and accountability with left social movements, rather than a hierarchical or oppositional relationship. Writing in solidarity with social movements displaces the legal scholar as an individual expert and centers collective processes of ideation and struggles for social change

    Hubungan Kadar Bilirubin Transkutan dengan Bilirubin Serum Total pada ikterus Neonatorum di Rumah Sakit Umum dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh

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    Ikterus pada minggu pertama kehidupan ditemukan 60% pada neonatus cukup bulan dan 80% pada neonatus kurang bulan. Pemeriksaan kadar bilirubin penting dalam membedakan hiperbilirubinemia fisiologis dan patologis pada neonatus, juga untuk menentukan pengobatan pada ikterus neonatorum. Selama ini penentuan kadar bilirubin dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan serum darah vena, namun memiliki beberapa efek samping. Pengukuran bilirubin transkutan merupakan metode non-invasif untuk mengukur kadar bilirubin pada bayi baru lahir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi kadar bilirubin transkutan dengan bilirubin serum total pada ikterus neonatorum di Rumah Sakit dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analitik obervasional dengan desain cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan dari neonatus yang dirawat dalam periode Januari – Maret 2023. Subjek penelitian merupakan neonatus yang mengalami ikterus neonatorum dan menjalani pemeriksaan kadar bilirubin serum total dan kadar bilirubin transkutan dengan interval waktu maksimal 30 menit antara kedua pemeriksaan tersebut. Semua subjek penelitian belum pernah mendapatkan fototerapi. Total 30 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi penelitian. Rerata kadar bilirubin serum total 14,46 ± 3,36 mg/dL dan rerata kadar bilirubin transkutan 12,50 ± 3,55 mg/dL pada dahi serta 13,10 ± 3,25 mg/dL pada sternum. Koefisien korelasi antara kadar bilirubin serum total dengan bilirubin transkutan adalah 0,85 pada dahi dan 0,88 pada sternum, p<0,000. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan kadar bilirubin transkutan memiliki korelasi yang baik dengan bilirubin serum total sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alat skrining untuk memperkirakan kadar bilirubin serum total pada ikterus neonatorum. Pemeriksaan kadar bilirubin transkutan pada sternum memiliki akurasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan pada dahi

    Genetic variability and evolutionary dynamics of atypical Papaya ringspot virus infecting Papaya

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    Papaya ringspot virus biotype-P is a detrimental pathogen of economically important papaya and cucurbits worldwide. The mutation prone feature of this virus perhaps accounts for its geographical dissemination. In this study, investigations of the atypical PRSV-P strain was conducted based on phylogenetic, recombination and genetic differentiation analyses considering of it’s likely spread across India and Bangladesh. Full length genomic sequences of 38 PRSV isolates and 35 CP gene sequences were subjected to recombination analysis. A total of 61 recombination events were detected in aligned complete PRSV genome sequences. 3 events were detected in complete genome of PRSV strain PK whereas one was in its CP gene sequence. The PRSV-PK appeared to be recombinant of a major parent from Bangladesh. However, the genetic differentiation based on full length genomic sequences revealed less frequent gene flow between virus PRSV-PK and the population from America, India, Colombia, other Asian Countries and Australia. Whereas, frequent gene flow exists between Pakistan and Bangladesh virus populations. These results provided evidence correlating geographical position and genetic distances. We speculate that the genetic variations and evolutionary dynamics of this virus may challenge the resistance developed in papaya against PRSV and give rise to virus lineage because of its atypical emergence where geographic spread is already occurring

    Association between Soft Drink Consumption and Asthma among Qatari Adults.

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    We aimed to examine the association between soft drink consumption and asthma and lung function among Qatari adults. In the cross-sectional study, we used data from 986 Qatari participants aged 20 years and above attending the Qatar Biobank Study. Usual consumption of soft drink was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Lung function was measured by spirometry and asthma was based on self-report. The associations between soft drink consumption and asthma and lung function were assessed using multivariable logistic and linear regression, respectively. In total, 65 participants out of 986 (6.6%) reported having asthma. A clear dose-response relationship between soft drink consumption and asthma was found. High soft drink consumers (≥7 times/week) were 2.60 (95% CI 1.20⁻5.63) times more likely to have asthma as compared to non-consumers. The association was partly mediated by BMI and inflammation. Diet soft drink consumption was positively associated with asthma (OR 1.12 (95% CI 1.02⁻1.23)) but not with lung function. Regular soft drink consumption was inversely associated with FEV1, but not with FVC. In conclusion, soft drink consumption is positively associated with asthma in Qatari adults. The association is partly mediated by obesity and inflammation. Limiting soft drink consumption should be taken into consideration for asthma prevention

    Prevalence and risk of hepatitis E virus infection in the HIV population of Nepal

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    Background: Infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV) can cause acute hepatitis in endemic areas in immune-competent hosts, as well as chronic infection in immune-compromised subjects in non-endemic areas. Most studies assessing HEV infection in HIV-infected populations have been performed in developed countries that are usually affected by HEV genotype 3. The objective of this study is to measure the prevalence and risk of acquiring HEV among HIV-infected individuals in Nepal. Methods: We prospectively evaluated 459 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-positive individuals from Nepal, an endemic country for HEV, for seroprevalence of HEV and assessed risk factors associated with HEV infection. All individuals were on antiretroviral therapy and healthy blood donors were used as controls. Results: We found a high prevalence of HEV IgG (39.4%) and HEV IgM (15.3%) in HIV-positive subjects when compared to healthy HIV-negative controls: 9.5% and 4.4%, respectively (OR: 6.17, 95% CI 4.42-8.61, p \u3c 0.001 and OR: 3.7, 95% CI 2.35-5.92, p \u3c 0.001, respectively). Individuals residing in the Kathmandu area showed a significantly higher HEV IgG seroprevalance compared to individuals residing outside of Kathmandu (76.8% vs 11.1%, OR: 30.33, 95% CI 18.02-51.04, p = 0.001). Mean CD4 counts, HIV viral load and presence of hepatitis B surface antigen correlated with higher HEV IgM rate, while presence of hepatitis C antibody correlated with higher rate of HEV IgG in serum. Overall, individuals with HEV IgM positivity had higher levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) than IgM negative subjects, suggesting active acute infection. However, no specific symptoms for hepatitis were identified. Conclusion: HIV-positive subjects living in Kathmandu are at higher risk of acquiring HEV infection as compared to the general population and to HIV-positive subjects living outside Kathmandu