368 research outputs found

    The digital cumulative complexity model: a framework for improving engagement in digital mental health interventions

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    Mental health disorders affect a substantial portion of the global population. Despite preferences for psychotherapy, access remains limited due to various barriers. Digital mental health interventions (DMHIs) have emerged to increase accessibility, yet engagement and treatment completion rates are concerning. Evidence across healthcare where some degree of self-management is required show that treatment engagement is negatively influenced by contextual complexity. This article examines the non-random factors influencing patient engagement in digital and face-to-face psychological therapies. It reviews established models and introduces an adapted version of the Cumulative Complexity Model (CuCoM) as a framework for understanding engagement in the context of digital mental health. Theoretical models like the Fogg Behavior Model, Persuasive System Design, Self-Determination Theory, and Supportive Accountability aim to explain disengagement. However, none adequately consider these broader contextual factors and their complex interactions with personal characteristics, intervention requirements and technology features. We expand on these models by proposing an application of CuCoM’s application in mental health and digital contexts (known as DiCuCoM), focusing on the interplay between patient burden, personal capacity, and treatment demands. Standardized DMHIs often fail to consider individual variations in burden and capacity, leading to engagement variation. DiCuCoM highlights the need for balancing patient workload with capacity to improve engagement. Factors such as life demands, burden of treatment, and personal capacity are examined for their influence on treatment adherence. The article proposes a person-centered approach to treatment, informed by models like CuCoM and Minimally Disruptive Medicine, emphasizing the need for mental healthcare systems to acknowledge and address the unique burdens and capacities of individuals. Strategies for enhancing engagement include assessing personal capacity, reducing treatment burden, and utilizing technology to predict and respond to disengagement. New interventions informed by such models could lead to better engagement and ultimately better outcomes

    Supporting Young People With Psychosis In The Community: An ICT Enabled Relapse Prevention Tool

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    Psychotic disorders are the most disabling of all mental illnesses and place a heavy demand on limited mental health services. Consequently, this research aims to develop novel approaches to care which are less demanding of public resources. This research-in-progress is based in an innovative youth mental health service in Australia. It presents a model for a web-based platform which provides support for relapse prevention in young people with first-episode psychosis (FEP). This study combines Information Systems and Psychology theory and research to develop an advanced web-based interactive psychosocial intervention for relapse prevention and recovery in FEP. While web-based applications to support schizophrenia, depression and anxiety have been researched such approaches have not been applied to the problem of relapse prevention in young people with FEP. The research uses focus groups to study case managers, clients of the support organisation and usability experts to inform an initial prototype which has then been presented to a group of clients for evaluation. It concludes that an intervention based on intelligent technologies which combine social networking and web-based treatment to promote independent home based care would best suit the characteristics of the target group and should be tested in large-scale in the community

    Moderated online social therapy for carers of young people recovering from firstepisode psychosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: First-episode psychosis most often has its onset during late adolescence. In caring for the young person, families endure high levels of stress and depression. Meanwhile, the social networks of families often erode. Our group has previously shown that family cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) leads to significantly improved perceived stress compared with specialist first-episode treatment as usual; however, there are well-known barriers to the dissemination of effective family interventions. To address this, we have developed a novel online intervention entitled ‘Altitudes’ that fully integrates purpose-built online social networking, expert and peer moderation, and evidence-based psychoeducation within a single application. The primary aim of this trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of Altitudes in reducing stress in carers over a 6-month period. Methods/design: We describe here a single-blinded cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) with permutated blocks. The clusters comprise individual families. The two treatment conditions include Altitudes plus Specialist Treatment as Usual (STAU) and STAU alone. Altitudes involves participation in our novel online programme whereas STAU comprises specialist family work at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC), Melbourne, Australia. We aim to recruit 160 family members of young, 15–27 year-old, patients registered for treatment for firstepisode psychosis (FEP) at EPPIC. The design includes two assessment time points, namely, baseline and 6-month follow-up. The study is due for completion within 2 years including an 18-month recruitment period and a 6- month treatment phase. The primary outcome is carers’ perceived stress at 6 months. Secondary outcome measures include a biomarker of stress, depressive symptoms, worry, substance use, loneliness, social support, satisfaction with life, and a range of measures that tap into coping resources. We seek to gain a dynamic picture of carer stress through our Smartphone Ecological Momentary Assessment (SEMA) tool. Discussion: This is the first randomised controlled trial designed to evaluate an online intervention for carers of young people recovering from FEP. It has the potential to produce evidence in support of a highly novel, accessible, and cost-effective intervention to reduce stress in carers who are providing support to young people at a critical phase in their recovery from psychosis. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinica

    OA Lal 2023 Digital health innovation to prevent relapse and support recovery in young people with first-episode psychosis : A pilot study of Horyzons-Canada

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    Digital health innovations may help to improve access to psychosocial therapy and peer support; however, the existence of evidence-based digital health interventions for individuals recovering from a first-episode psychosis (FEP) remains limited. This study aims to investigate the feasibility, acceptability, safety, and pre-post outcomes of Horyzons-Canada (HoryzonsCa), a Canadian adaptation of a digital mental health intervention consisting of psychosocial interventions, online social networking, and clinical and peer support moderation. Using a convergent mixed-methods research design, we recruited participants from a specialized early intervention clinic for FEP in Montreal, Canada. Twenty-three participants (mean age = 26.8) completed baseline assessments, and 20 completed follow-up assessments after 8 weeks of intervention access. Most participants provided positive feedback on general experience (85%, 17/20) and the utility of Horyzons for identifying their strengths (70%, 14/20). Almost all perceived the platform as easy to use (95%, 19/20) and felt safe using it (90%, 18/20). There were no adverse events related to the intervention. Participants used HoryzonsCa to learn about their illness and how to get better (65%, 13/20), receive support (60%, 12/20), and access social networking (35%, 7/20) and peer support (30%, 6/20). Regarding adoption, 65% (13/20) logged in at least 4 times over 8 weeks. There was a nonsignificant increase in social functioning and no deterioration on the Clinical Global Impression Scale. Overall, HoryzonsCa was feasible to implement and perceived as safe and acceptable. More research is needed with larger sample sizes and using in-depth qualitative methods to better understand the implementation and impact of HoryzonsCa

    Virtual reality as a clinical tool in mental health research and practice

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    Virtual reality (VR) is a potentially powerful technology for enhancing assessment in mental health. At any time or place, individuals can be transported into immersive and interactive virtual worlds that are fully controlled by the researcher or clinician. This capability is central to recent interest in how VR might be harnessed in both treatment and assessment of mental health conditions. The current review provides a summary of the advantages of using VR for assessment in mental health, focusing on increasing ecological validity of highly controlled environments, enhancing personalization and engagement, and capturing real-time, automated data in real-world contexts. Considerations for the implementation of VR in research and clinical settings are discussed, including current issues with cost and access, developing evidence base, technical challenges, and ethical implications. The opportunities and challenges of VR are important to understand as researchers and clinicians look to harness this technology to improve mental health outcomes.

    Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Online Social Therapy for Youth Mental Health

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    Introduction: Benefits from mental health early interventions may not be sustained over time, and longer-term intervention programs may be required to maintain early clinical gains. However, due to the high intensity of face-to-face early intervention treatments, this may not be feasible. Adjunctive internet-based interventions specifically designed for youth may provide a cost-effective and engaging alternative to prevent loss of intervention benefits. However, until now online interventions have relied on human moderators to deliver therapeutic content. More sophisticated models responsive to user data are critical to inform tailored online therapy. Thus, integration of user experience with a sophisticated and cutting-edge technology to deliver content is necessary to redefine online interventions in youth mental health. This paper discusses the development of the moderated online social therapy (MOST) web application, which provides an interactive social media-based platform for recovery in mental health. We provide an overview of the system's main features and discus our current work regarding the incorporation of advanced computational and artificial intelligence methods to enhance user engagement and improve the discovery and delivery of therapy content.Methods: Our case study is the ongoing Horyzons site (5-year randomized controlled trial for youth recovering from early psychosis), which is powered by MOST. We outline the motivation underlying the project and the web application's foundational features and interface. We discuss system innovations, including the incorporation of pertinent usage patterns as well as identifying certain limitations of the system. This leads to our current motivations and focus on using computational and artificial intelligence methods to enhance user engagement, and to further improve the system with novel mechanisms for the delivery of therapy content to users. In particular, we cover our usage of natural language analysis and chatbot technologies as strategies to tailor interventions and scale up the system.Conclusions: To date, the innovative MOST system has demonstrated viability in a series of clinical research trials. Given the data-driven opportunities afforded by the software system, observed usage patterns, and the aim to deploy it on a greater scale, an important next step in its evolution is the incorporation of advanced and automated content delivery mechanisms

    Ownership, use of, and interest in digital mental health technologies among clinicians and young people across a spectrum of clinical care needs : cross-sectional survey

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    Background: There is currently an increased interest in and acceptance of technology-enabled mental health care. To adequately harness this opportunity, it is critical that the design and development of digital mental health technologies be informed by the needs and preferences of end users. Despite young people and clinicians being the predominant users of such technologies, few studies have examined their perspectives on different digital mental health technologies. Objective: This study aims to understand the technologies that young people have access to and use in their everyday lives and what applications of these technologies they are interested in to support their mental health. The study also explores the technologies that youth mental health clinicians currently use within their practice and what applications of these technologies they are interested in to support their clients’ mental health. Methods: Youth mental health service users (aged 12-25 years) from both primary and specialist services, young people from the general population (aged 16-25 years), and youth mental health clinicians completed a web-based survey exploring technology ownership, use of, and interest levels in using different digital interventions to support their mental health or that of their clients. Results: A total of 588 young people and 73 youth mental health clinicians completed the survey. Smartphone ownership or private access among young people within mental health services and the general population was universal (611/617, 99%), with high levels of access to computers and social media. Youth technology use was frequent, with 63.3% (387/611) using smartphones several times an hour. Clinicians reported using smartphones (61/76, 80%) and video chat (69/76, 91%) commonly in clinical practice and found them to be helpful. Approximately 50% (296/609) of the young people used mental health apps, which was significantly less than the clinicians (χ23=28.8, n=670; P.23). Young people were most interested in web-based self-help, mobile self-help, and blended therapy. Conclusions: Technology access is pervasive among young people within and outside of youth mental health services; clinicians are already using technology to support clinical care, and there is widespread interest in digital mental health technologies among these groups of end users. These findings provide important insights into the perspectives of young people and clinicians regarding the value of digital mental health interventions in supporting youth mental health

    User experiences of an American-adapted moderated online social media platform for first-episode psychosis : Qualitative analysis

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    Objectives The current study sought to qualitatively characterize the experiences of American users in a recent open trial of the Horyzons digital platform. Methods In total, 20 users on Horyzons USA completed semistructured interviews 12 weeks after their orientation to the platform and addressed questions related to (1) the platform, (2) their online therapist, and (3) the peer workers and community space. A hybrid inductive-deductive coding strategy was used to conduct a thematic analysis of the data (NCT04673851). Results The authors identified seven prominent themes that mapped onto the three components of self-determination theory. Features of the platform itself as well as inter- and intra-personal factors supported the autonomous use of Horyzons. Users also reflected that their perceived competence in social settings and in managing mental health was increased by the familiarity, privacy, and perceived safety of the platform and an emphasis on personalized therapeutic content. The behaviors or traits of online therapists as perceived by users and regular contact with peers and peer support specialists satisfied users’ need for relatedness and promoted confidence in social settings. Users also described aspects of Horyzons USA that challenged their satisfaction of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, highlighting potential areas for future iterations of the platform's content and interface. Conclusions Horyzons USA is a promising digital tool that provides young adults with psychosis with the means to access tailored therapy material on demand and a supportive digital community to aid in the recovery process

    User experiences of an American-adapted moderated online social media platform for first-episode psychosis: Qualitative analysis

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    Objectives The current study sought to qualitatively characterize the experiences of American users in a recent open trial of the Horyzons digital platform. Methods In total, 20 users on Horyzons USA completed semistructured interviews 12 weeks after their orientation to the platform and addressed questions related to (1) the platform, (2) their online therapist, and (3) the peer workers and community space. A hybrid inductive-deductive coding strategy was used to conduct a thematic analysis of the data (NCT04673851). Results The authors identified seven prominent themes that mapped onto the three components of self-determination theory. Features of the platform itself as well as inter- and intra-personal factors supported the autonomous use of Horyzons. Users also reflected that their perceived competence in social settings and in managing mental health was increased by the familiarity, privacy, and perceived safety of the platform and an emphasis on personalized therapeutic content. The behaviors or traits of online therapists as perceived by users and regular contact with peers and peer support specialists satisfied users’ need for relatedness and promoted confidence in social settings. Users also described aspects of Horyzons USA that challenged their satisfaction of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, highlighting potential areas for future iterations of the platform's content and interface. Conclusions Horyzons USA is a promising digital tool that provides young adults with psychosis with the means to access tailored therapy material on demand and a supportive digital community to aid in the recovery process
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