682 research outputs found
Management Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Mushollah Nurul Khoirot Desa Tanjung Tambak Kecamatan Tanjung Batu Kabupaten Ogan Ilir
This study discusses the efforts made by TPA Mushollah Nurul Khoirot in reducing illiteracy in reading and writing the Qur'an as well as the opportunities and challenges faced by TPA Mushollah Nurul Khoirot in reducing illiteracy in reading and writing the Qur'an in children in Tanjung Tambak village. Tanjung Batu district, Ogan Ilir district. This research is a descriptive or qualitative research. Qualitative research method is a method used to examine the condition of natural objects. In this method, the researcher uses a communication approach and a management approach. The object in this study is the founder of TPA Mushollah Nurul Khoirot. Data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results show that the management of TPA Mushollah Nurul Khoirot can be said to be good, this can be seen from the management functions that have been managed which consist of: 1) planning in determining goals 2) organizing in determining activities and organizational structures 3) implementation in terms of providing motivation to establish relations and communication 4) supervision in terms of setting standards, comparing activities carried out with standards and taking corrective actions. The implication of this research is that the government must pay special attention and then the place must be designed to attract children's interest, encouragement and motivation from parents to direct their children to be more active in deepening religious knowledge and students are expected to have the desire to be able and want to be able to read and practice the Qur'an
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of dialogue journals technique in improving students’ skill in writing narrative texts. The subjects were the year-12 of IPA students of MAN 3 Malang in the academic year 2008-2009. This study involved two intact groups of students. The experimental group was given weekly journal writing, while the control group followed the regular writing. At the end of the treatment, a writing test on narrative was assigned and the students’ works were scored using ESL Composition Profile. The result of analysis using ANCOVA indicated that not all of the mean score of writing components of the two groups were significantly different. However, the mean score of holistic aspects was significantly different. Besides, students’ responses showed a positive evaluation on the implementation of dialogue journals technique. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti keefektifan teknik dialogue journal dalam meningkatkan keterampilan siswa menulis teks naratif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII IPA MAN 3 Malang tahun pelajaran 2008-2009. Penelitian ini melibatkan dua kelompok siswa. Kelompok eksperimen diminta untuk menulis dan mengumpulkan jurnal tiap pekan sementara kelompok control tetap mengikuti pelajaran menulis seperti biasa. Pada akhir perlakuan, kedua kelompok siswa diminta menulis teks naratif yang kemudian dinilai menggunakan ESL Composition Profile. Setelah dianalisa menggunakan ANCOVA, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua nilai rerata dari tiap komponen menulis kedua kelompok berbeda secara signifikan. Akan tetapi, nilai rerata aspek secara keseluruhan berbeda secara signifikan. Disamping itu, siswa menanggapi positif terhadap penggunaan teknik dialogue journal. How to Cite: Mukti, A. (2016). The Effectiveness of Dialogue Journals in Improving the Skill in Writing Narrative Texts. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 3(1), 1-14 doi:10.15408/ijee.v3i1.3444 Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/ijee.v3i1.344
Eager Exspectationdan Motivasi Mahasiswa Jurusan Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Iain Salatiga
This article reveals about self motivation of KPI Student and study on new courses, both in psychological and social and social anthropologist confronting a range of very different situations. The psychological and social situation diversity and social anthropologist of KPI students is closelyrelated to motivation and expectation which is varied. There is also the motivation from student to fulfill the knowledge of the world of communications and broadcasting which is related with the educational background of his secondary education, or he wants to continue his hobby in the broadcasting world. Dealing with the eager expectation or the big dream of KPI Student is divided into some expectation; The hope dealing with the learning process and supporting material from the learning process, and the expectation of their future after graduating from this department as a Bachelor of communication and broadcasting connected with employment chance the expectation in the process of teaching or educating for example, most students of KPI IAIN Salatiga needs somefacilitation dealing with communications technology and the broadcasting technology such as, cameras, handy camp, and radio station
This training is an activity related to the economic empowerment of the community through the development of limited cultivation of vegetable crops using a hydroponic system. Counseling and Training on the use of hydroponic farming methods through residents of Anggadita villages will help them know how to grow vegetables by using the system to improve community welfare. For this reason, training activity will assist in the cultivation of vegetables using the system and will be able to become an example in the cultivation of hydroponic vegetable plants. Apart from being beneficial for themselves, this behavior will at least help reduce the economic burden of the family, especially for the fulfillment of healthy vegetables by utilizing the limited land. The expected output can be realized from this activity is the development of knowledge on how to grow hydroponics in the residents of the Anggadita villages, the formation of a social care group hydroponics in the Mitra village that can increase the awareness of the community members in the cultivation of hydroponic plants
Bahan Bakar Alternatif Bioethanol Dari Limbah Kulit Kelapa Muda Segar Sebagai Extender Premium
Penggunaan minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar di Indonesia setiap tahun mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan produksi minyak bumi yang terus menerus mengalami penurunan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, maka pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden No. 5 Tahun 2006 yang membahas tentang pengembangan bahan bakar alternatif, salah satunya adalah bioethanol. Bioethanol terbuat dari bahan yang mengandung karbohidrat atau glukosa, salah satunya adalah limbah kulit kelapa muda segar. Bioethanol digunakan sebagai sumber energi alternatif baru untuk mengatasi krisis bahan bakar di Indonesia, khususnya bahan bakar premium.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan membuat bioethanol berbahan baku limbah kulit kelapa muda segar. Proses ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan, yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap fermentasi dan tahap distilasi. Untuk dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar kadar bioethanol harus diatas 90%. Selanjutnya, bioethanol akan diuji spesifikasinya sesuai standart mengacu kepada ASTM (American Standart Testing of Materials). Bioethanol akan diuji nilai kalorinya (menggunakan metode bomb calorimeter), flash point (menggunakan metode ASTM D 93), pour point (menggunakan metode ASTM D 97), viskositas (menggunakan metode viscometer) dan densitas (menggunakan metode ASTM 1298-99).
Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan perbandingan yang optimal yaitu 250 gr limbah kulit kelapa muda segar, 1000 ml air, 6 gr ragi, dan lama waktu fermentasi 4 hari. Uji karakteristik yang dilakukan di laboratorium didapat hasil yaitu nilai kalori 5998,92 Kcal/kg, viskositas 3,8402 cPs, titik nyala (flash point) 15 ËšC, titik tuang (pour point) >-30 ËšC, dan densitas 0,8252 g/cm3. Karakteristik dari penelitian ini hamper sama dengan karakteristik dari bioethanol murni.
Kata kunci: Biopremium, Limbah kulit kelapa muda segar, Bioethano
Defect Reduction in The Manufacturing Industry: Systematic Literature Review
Defect reduction is an important aspect of quality improvement in the manufacturing industry, as it directly impacts product quality, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency. This paper presents a systematic literature review on defect reduction in the manufacturing industry. The study systematically reviewed articles published in the period 2012-2022 in the Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, Emerald, and Springer Link databases. The review aims to provide a synthesis of research studies, methodologies, and best practices employed to minimize defects and enhance overall product quality. This review identifies key themes, challenges, and future directions in defect reduction by analyzing the existing literature, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners
Sistem Pasca Westphalia, Interaksi Transnasional dan Paradiplomacy
Understanding world history will lead to understand world life today. World politics or international relations experiences many periodical momentums along the centuries, from barbarian to institutionalized system in Westphalia Treaty, with a lot of historical facts such as colonialism, world wars and cold war. The further period is from Westphalian system to post Westphalian system, where international societies have changed dramatically. This article will explore the new world system nowadays, and the responds of local actors in transnational relations
Communication of the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) in developing religious moderation in Salatiga City
Religious moderation is part of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Religious moderation is a form of government effort to counteract violent extremism. This program must be supported by all elements in Indonesia, such as society, government, and interfaith organizations such as the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB). The city of Salatiga is a portrait of diversity because of its diversity of cultures and religions. Communication is vital in the organization's center, uniting and integrating all elements to achieve organizational goals. This study aims to determine the communication the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) uses in developing religious moderation in Salatiga City. This study uses a qualitative method with an interpretive approach and data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that there are five communications carried out by the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) in developing religious moderation in Salatiga City, namely (1) social services, (2) counseling/socialization, (3) mock studies/work visits, (4) intensive involvement in the activities of other agencies and (5) building religious tourism sites. The obstacles faced by FKUB in developing religious moderation in Salatiga City are (1) the lack of Human Resources (HR) and (2) the lack of budgetary funds provided by the government. This study contributes to developing an interfaith organizational communication model for creating religious harmony in society. ***Moderasi beragama merupakan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) tahun 2020-2024. Moderasi beragama adalah bentuk usaha pemerintah dalam menangkal adanya ekstremisme-kekerasan. Program ini harus didukung oleh seluruh elemen yang ada di Indonesia seperti masyarakat, pemerintah dan organisasi-organisasi lintas agama seperti Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB). Kota Salatiga adalah salah satu kota yang menjadi potret kemajemukan karena keanekaragaman budaya dan agama yang ada didalamnya. Komunikasi memegang peranan penting dalam pusat organisasi untuk menyatukan dan mengintegrasikan semua elemen untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi yang digunakan Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB) dalam mengembangkan moderasi beragama di Kota Salatiga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan interpretif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian bahwa ada lima komunikasi yang dilakukan Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama (FKUB) dalam mengembangkan moderasi beragama di Kota Salatiga yaitu (1) bakti sosial, (2) penyuluhan/sosialisasi, (3) studi tiru/kunjungan kerja, (4) pelibatan intensif dalam kegiatan instansi lain dan (5) membangun tempat wisata religi. Hambatan yang dihadapi FKUB dalam mengembangkan moderasi beragama di Kota Salatiga adalah (1) minimnya Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dan (2) kurangnya anggaran dana yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Studi ini berkontribusi bagi pengembangan model komunikasi organisasi lintas agama dalam menciptakan harmoni beragama dalam masyarakat
Da'wah bi al-Hal in Empowering Campus-Assisted Community through Waste Bank Management
As an institution of education and agent of social change, the Faculty of Da'wah, IAIN Salatiga, has Islamic religious characteristics. These characteristics confirm its missionary effort as a part of social responsibility. The Da'wah Faculty pursues empowerment by rolling out a program of waste bank management. This program is a manifestation of the application of da’wah bi al-hal (preaching by actuating) to build assisted-communities who are empowered and independent in processing garbage. Furthermore, the program of waste bank management not only provides clean and healthy communities but also increases the community’s ability to gain environmental benefits and improving its economy. This study aims to analyze the implementation of da’wah movement through waste bank management, from assessment, recycling management, construction, to evaluation. The method of research in this study uses a qualitative method, Participatory Action Research (PAR) to make changes and benefits for the community, and empowerment theory as the mainframe of thought in carrying out da’wah bi al-hal. The results of participatory action research showed that preaching by actuating of Da’wah Faculty IAIN Salatiga in the assisted-communities has increased participation, trust, and cooperative relationships among them in managing the waste bank. Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Salatiga sebagai lembaga pemikiran dan agen perubahan sosial, memiliki karakteristik keagamaan Islam. Karakteristik ini meneguhkan upaya berdakwah sebagai tanggung jawab sosialnya. Dalam melakukan dakwah di masyarakat, Fakultas Dakwah menempuh cara pemberdayaan dengan menggulirkan program pengelolaan bank sampah. Hal ini sebagai wujud aplikasi dakwah bi al-hal untuk membangun masyarakat binaan yang berdaya dan mandiri dalam mengolah sampah. Program pengelolaan bank sampah tidak hanya memberikan manfaat lingkungan bersih dan sehat, tetapi juga meningkatkan kemampuan masyarakat untuk mengolah sampah dalam meningkatkan perekonomian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang implementasi dakwah bi al-hal dengan program pengelolaan bank sampah itu berjalan mulai assesment, manajemen daur ulang, pembangunan sarpras dan evaluasi. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif Participatory Action Research (PAR) untuk melakukan perubahan dan manfaat bagi masyarakat dengan teori pemberdayaan sebagai kerangka berfikir utama dalam melakukan dakwah bi al-hal. Hasil penelitian aksi partisipatif memperlihatkan bahwa sentuhan pendampingan yang telah dilakukan Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Salatiga terhadap masyarakat binaannya dapat meningkatkan partisipasi, kepercayaan dan hubungan kerja sama diantara mereka dalam pengelolaan bank sampah
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