26 research outputs found

    Liposuction Anaesthesia: Considerations and Techniques

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    This study aimed at recognizing the ultimate decision to select the type of anesthesia depends on the type and extent of the liposuction surgery planned, the patient’s underlying health condition and the psychological disposition of the patient. The study also describes the four types of liposuction techniques based on the volume of infiltration or wetting solution injected, dry, wet, superwet, and tumescent technique. Besides analyzing the main differences between these techniques and the amount of infiltration done into the tissues and the resultant blood loss as a percentage of aspirated fluid, highlighting that the tumescent technique is the most common of all liposuction techniques. The study found that liposuction is a popular procedure for reducing excessive fat from the body. It is associated with major hemodynamic changes, especially in large-volume liposuction surgery. Anaesthesia for these procedures requires a thorough understanding of the physiological changes and likely complications associated with them. Keywords: Anaesthesia, liposuction, techniques

    Gestational diabetes prevalence and risk factors among pregnant women — Jazan Region, Saudi Arabia

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    Background. The gestational diabetes (GDM) is considered as a global public health problem that affects pregnant women. GDM can become chronic type II and usually it is associated with many risk factors that may lead to many serious complications for the mother and the fetus. The main objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of GDM among pregnant women in Jazan region and to determine the possible associated factors of the GDM. Material and methods. The study involved pregnant women attending department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at government hospitals of Jazan region. A sample of 440 pregnant women were randomly selected. Interviews were conducted using a questionnaire prepared to measure the GDM prevalence, risk factors, awareness and adherence to the advice of the doctor and medications. Results. The prevalence of gestational diabetes among pregnant women in Jazan is estimated at 8.2%. The GDM prevalence was significantly higher among obese women (20.2%; 95% CI 13.2–29.2) compared with women with normal weight (7.1%; 95% CI 1.7–7.6). The analysis showed that GDM was significantly associated with child weight more than 3.5 kg (OR 4.315; p = 0.004), mother’s BMI more than 30 kg/m2 (OR 4.703; p = 0.001), and family history of GDM (OR 2.606; p = 0.046). Conclusion. In conclusion, the GDM prevalence obtained in this study is more than global prevalence and less than other studies in KSA. The BMI of mothers and having neonates that weight more than 3.5 kg are the main risk factors for GDM. Suitable interventions programs are highly required for control and risk factor modifications

    Częstość występowania cukrzycy ciążowej i jej czynników ryzyka u ciężarnych kobiet w prowincji Dżazan w Arabii Saudyjskiej

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    Wstęp. Cukrzycę ciążową (GDM) uważa się za globalny problem zdrowotny dotyczący ciężarnych kobiet. Może ona przejść w cukrzycę typu 2 i zwykle wiąże się z wieloma czynnikami ryzyka, które mogą prowadzić do poważnych powikłań u matki i płodu. Głównym celem badania było oszacowanie częstości GDM u kobiet w ciąży mieszkających w prowincji Dżazan oraz określenie czynników, które mogą wiązać się z GDM. Materiał i metody. Badanie obejmowało kobiety w ciąży będące pod opieką oddziałów położniczo-ginekologicznych szpitali państwowych w prowincji Dżazan. Wybrano losowo próbę liczącą 440 ciężarnych kobiet. Przeprowadzając wywiady z uczestniczkami badania, korzystano z kwestionariusza opracowanego w celu oceny częstości występowania GDM, czynników ryzyka, wiedzy kobiet na temat GDM i przestrzegania zaleceń lekarskich oraz przyjmowania leków. Wyniki. Częstość GDM wśród ciężarnych kobiet w prowincji Dżazan wynosiła 8,2%. Była ona istotnie wyższa u kobiet otyłych [20,2%; 95-procentowy przedział ufności (CI) 13,2–29,2) niż u osób z prawidłową masą ciała (7,1%; 95% CI 1,7–7,6). Analiza wykazała, że GDM wiązała się istotnie z urodzeniem dziecka o masie ciała wynoszącej ponad 3,5 kg [iloraz szans (OR) 4,315; p = 0,004), wskaźnikiem masy ciała (BMI) matki wynoszącym ponad 30 kg/m2 (OR 4,703; p = 0,001) oraz dodatnim wywiadem rodzinnym dotyczącym GDM (OR 2,606; p = 0,046). Wnioski. Podsumowując, częstość GDM stwierdzona w badaniu była większa niż globalna częstość występowania GDM, lecz mniejsza niż obserwowana w innych badaniach w populacji saudyjskiej. Wskaźnik BMI matki i urodzenie dziecka o masie ciała powyżej 3,5 kg to główne czynniki ryzyka GDM. Potrzebne są odpowiednie programy interwencyjne w celu kontroli i modyfikacji czynników ryzyka

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Unveiling the Depths of the African Woman Experience: An Africana Womanist Interpretation of Sefi Atta's Swallow

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    This study is an attempt to analyse Sefi Atta's novel Swallow (2010), from an Africana womanist perspective. The objective is to contribute a deeper and more unique understanding of the African woman’s experience. Additionally, it seeks to challenge the superficial labelling of S. Atta as merely a feminist, based on Western standards. The research adequately demonstrates the key features of Africana womanism that are effectively integrated by the female protagonists in Swallow. The traits of these womanists encompass authenticity, true affiliation via sisterhood, compatibility with males and a natural aptitude for mothering and caring. This study assesses the African woman’s struggle against patriarchal oppression and subjugation, aided by the doctrines of Africana womanism. The research highlights the importance of Africana womanism as an essential theoretical framework for evaluating women's experiences and accomplishments in African and African American literature, using the principles of Africana womanism

    Illness Perception and Medication Adherence among Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Scoping Review

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    (1) Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a global disease with a compelling impact on developed and developing economies across the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) (2020) reported a global prevalence of 8.5% in 2014 among adults aged at least 18 years. Consequently, the condition led to a 5% increase in premature mortality from 2000 to 2016. Aim: The scoping review sought to examine illness perception and medication adherence among adult patients with T2DM. (2) Methods: The study was conducted in 2021 and covered articles published in English in the last five years. PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ScienceDirect were the primary search engines used to generate the required scholarly records. A total of 20 studies met the inclusion criteria. (3) Results: The 20 studies selected for the scoping review covered different themes on the overall concept of illness perception and medication adherence in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Each study presented unique implications for research and influence on the policymaking relating to the treatment or the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults of different aged groups. (4) Conclusions: The studies reveal both high and low adherence to medications in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The management and treatment of the condition depend on the uptake of oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin as well as the recommended therapies to enhance the clinical outcomes of the patients

    Illness Perception and Medication Adherence among Adult Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Scoping Review

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    (1) Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a global disease with a compelling impact on developed and developing economies across the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) (2020) reported a global prevalence of 8.5% in 2014 among adults aged at least 18 years. Consequently, the condition led to a 5% increase in premature mortality from 2000 to 2016. Aim: The scoping review sought to examine illness perception and medication adherence among adult patients with T2DM. (2) Methods: The study was conducted in 2021 and covered articles published in English in the last five years. PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and ScienceDirect were the primary search engines used to generate the required scholarly records. A total of 20 studies met the inclusion criteria. (3) Results: The 20 studies selected for the scoping review covered different themes on the overall concept of illness perception and medication adherence in adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Each study presented unique implications for research and influence on the policymaking relating to the treatment or the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults of different aged groups. (4) Conclusions: The studies reveal both high and low adherence to medications in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The management and treatment of the condition depend on the uptake of oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin as well as the recommended therapies to enhance the clinical outcomes of the patients

    Nanoparticles Enhanced Ligninolytic Enzymes Activity of Rotten Wood Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium

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    White-rot fungi are vital microorganisms that can decay lignocellulosic biomass. This study investigated the ability of white-rot fungus found on rotten wood to produce ligninolytic enzymes and their enhancement using nanoparticles (NPs). Phanerochaete chrysosporium was isolated from decayed wood. Its ability to produce ligninolytic enzymes, namely CMCase, FPase, Laccase, and MnPase, was recorded. The enzymes’ productivity was enhanced via utilization of the surfactant polysorbate 80 with optimum concentration 0.20 mL/L for maximum CMCase (201.33 ± 2.31 U/mL) and FPase (66.33 ± 0.58 U/mL), whereas the corresponding value was 0.15 mL/L for laccase and MnPase production. Mn2O3NPs and CuONPs enhanced the enzymes’ productivity but with different levels according to their concentrations, where the maximum productivity of CMCase (220.67 ± 2.31 U/mL) and (FPase 74.63 ± 3.51 U/mL) were at 50 ppm, but MnPase (0.52 ± 0.01 U/mL) and laccase (2.88 ± 0.01U/mL) were at 25 ppm and 75 ppm of CuONPs, respectively. Mn2O3NPs at 75 ppm enhanced the productivity of CMCase (219.33 ± 1.15 U/mL) and FPase (74.63 ± 3.51U/mL); but at 25 ppm and 75 ppm enhanced the productivity of laccase (2.40 ± 0.04U/mL) and MnPase (0.73 ± 0.03 U/mL), respectively. Thus, NPs were found to play a vital role in improving the productivity of ligninolytic enzymes

    Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) of Montelukast in Children

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    Montelukast is a leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) commonly prescribed for asthma, allergic rhinitis and sleep-related breathing disorders. Recently, some studies have reported several adverse events, such as neuropsychiatric disorders and sleep disturbances, among children. Objective: To obtain more insight into the safety profile of montelukast for children with asthma, allergic rhinitis and sleep-related breathing disorders. Method and results: We retrospectively studied all adverse drug reactions to montelukast among 385 children 6 months or older in six tertiary centers over a two-year period. A total of 89.6% were asthmatic, 50% had allergic rhinitis and 13.6% had sleep-related breathing disorders; Singulair was the most common type of montelukast used (67.9%). This study reported a high prevalence of adverse drug reactions among 123 patients (31.9%), predominantly in those aged 4–9 years (52.8%), followed by adolescents (24.4%) and toddlers (22.8%). Two (ADRs) were reported in 9.8% of the children, while three or more were reported in 5.5%. Sleep disturbance was the most common (ADRs), affecting 15.1% of participants (overlap was common; 5.5% of children experienced sleep difficulties, 4.4% experienced sleep interruption and decreased sleep, and 1.82% experienced nightmares), followed by agitation (10.4%), pain (9.4%) and hyperactivity (6.8%). No serious (ADRs) were reported. Eleven percent of families faced difficulties in purchasing montelukast, and only 57% of families had insurance. Misconceptions were common (9.8% reported it to be a steroid, while 30.6% believed it to be a bronchodilator). Although 81% of the families believed it was an effective and preventive medication, 5.3% stopped the drug due to concern about side effects, especially agitation (3%) and nightmares (0.6%). Conclusion: These data demonstrate that montelukast is effective, but the associated adverse neuropsychiatric drug reactions are more prevalent than those reported in the literature. In particular, sleep disturbance, agitation, pain and hyperactivity were observed. Pediatricians should be aware of such (ADRs). Misconceptions about montelukast are still common, and parental counseling and urgent epidemiological studies are needed to quantify the risk for management plans

    Heat-Induced Proteotoxic Stress Response in Placenta-Derived Stem Cells (PDSCs) Is Mediated through HSPA1A and HSPA1B with a Potential Higher Role for HSPA1B

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    Placenta-derived stem cells (PDSCs), due to unique traits such as mesenchymal and embryonic characteristics and the absence of ethical constraints, are in a clinically and therapeutically advantageous position. To aid in stemness maintenance, counter pathophysiological stresses, and withstand post-differentiation challenges, stem cells require elevated protein synthesis and consequently augmented proteostasis. Stem cells exhibit source-specific proteostasis traits, making it imperative to study them individually from different sources. These studies have implications for understanding stem cell biology and exploitation in the augmentation of therapeutic applications. Here, we aim to identify the primary determinants of proteotoxic stress response in PDSCs. We generated heat-induced dose-responsive proteotoxic stress models of three stem cell types: placental origin cells, the placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells (pMSCs), maternal origin cells, the decidua parietalis mesenchymal stem cells (DPMSCs), and the maternal–fetal interface cells, decidua basalis mesenchymal stem cells (DBMSCs), and measured stress induction through biochemical and cell proliferation assays. RT-PCR array analysis of 84 genes involved in protein folding and protein quality control led to the identification of Hsp70 members HSPA1A and HSPA1B as the prominent ones among 17 significantly expressed genes and with further analysis at the protein level through Western blotting. A kinetic analysis of HSPA1A and HSPA1B gene and protein expression allowed a time series evaluation of stress response. As identified by protein expression, an active stress response is in play even at 24 h. More prominent differences in expression between the two homologs are detected at the translational level, alluding to a potential higher requirement for HSPA1B during proteotoxic stress response in PDSCs