8,536 research outputs found

    LHC Dark Matter Signals from Vector Resonances and Top Partners

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    Extensions of the Standard Model which address the hierarchy problem and dark matter (DM) often contain top partners and additional resonances at the TeV scale. We explore the phenomenology of a simplified effective model with a vector resonance Z′Z', a fermionic vector-like coloured partner of the top quark T′T' as well as a scalar DM candidate ϕ\phi and provide publicly available implementations in CalcHEP and MadGraph. We study the pp→Z′→T′T′‾→ttˉ ϕϕpp \to Z' \to T'\overline{T'} \to t\bar{t}\,\phi\phi process at the LHC and find that it plays an important role in addition to the T′T′‾T'\overline{T'} production via strong interactions. It turns out that the presence of the Z′Z' can provide a dominant contribution to the ttˉ+ETmisst\bar{t}+E_T^{\text{miss}} signature without conflicting with existing bounds from Z′Z' searches in di-jet and di-lepton final states. We find that through this process, the LHC is already probing DM masses up to about 900 GeV and top partner masses up to about 1.5 TeV, thus exceeding the current bounds from QCD production alone almost by a factor of two for both particles.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    The Technicolor Higgs in the Light of LHC Data

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    We consider scenarios in which the 125 GeV resonance observed at the Large Hadron Collider is a Technicolor (TC) isosinglet scalar, the TC Higgs. By comparison with quantum chromodynamics, we argue that the couplings of the TC Higgs to the massive weak bosons are very close to the Standard Model (SM) values. The couplings to photons and gluons are model-dependent, but close to the SM values in several TC theories. The couplings of the TC Higgs to SM fermions are due to interactions beyond TC, such as Extended Technicolor: if such interactions successfully generate mass for the SM fermions, we argue that the couplings of the latter to the TC Higgs are also SM-like. We suggest a generic parameterization of the TC Higgs interactions with SM particles that accommodates a large class of TC models, and we perform a fit of these parameters to the Higgs LHC data. The fit reveals regions of parameter space where the form factors are of order unity and consistent with data at the 95% CL, in agreement with expectations in TC theories. This indicates that the discovered Higgs boson is consistent with the TC Higgs hypothesis for several TC theories.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    BSM Physics: What the Higgs Can Tell Us

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    This discovery of the Higgs boson last year has created new possibilities for testing candidate theories for explaining physics beyond the Standard Model. Here we explain the ways in which new physics can leave its marks in the experimental Higgs data, and how we can use the data to constrain and compare different models. In this proceedings paper we use two models, Minimal Universal Extra Dimensions and the 4D Composite Higgs model, as examples to demonstrate the technique.Comment: V2 corrected typo in author name. Submitted to the proceedings of the 41st ITEP Winter School, Mosco

    Nuclear Schiff moment and soft vibrational modes

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    The atomic electric dipole moment (EDM) currently searched by a number of experimental groups requires that both parity and time-reversal invariance be violated. According to current theoretical understanding, the EDM is induced by the nuclear Schiff moment. The enhancement of the Schiff moment by the combination of static quadrupole and octupole deformation was predicted earlier. Here we study a further idea of the possible enhancement in the absence of static deformation but in a nuclear system with soft collective vibrations of two types. Both analytical approximation and numerical solution of the simplified problem confirm the presence of the enhancement. We discuss related aspects of nuclear structure which should be studied beyond mean-field and random phase approximations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    A to Z of the Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the MSSM with Pati-Salam at the GUT scale

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    We analyse the low energy predictions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) arising from a GUT scale Pati-Salam gauge group further constrained by an A4 × Z5 family symmetry, resulting in four soft scalar masses at the GUT scale: one left-handed soft mass m0 and three right-handed soft masses m1, m2, m3, one for each generation. We demonstrate that this model, which was initially developed to describe the neutrino sector, can explain collider and non-collider measurements such as the dark matter relic density, the Higgs boson mass and, in particular, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)μ. Since about two decades, (g − 2)μ suffers a puzzling about 3σ excessoftheexperimentallymeasuredvalueoverthetheoreticalprediction,whichour model is able to fully resolve. As the consequence of this resolution, our model predicts specific regions of the parameter space with the specific properties including light smuons and neutralinos, which could also potentially explain di-lepton excesses observed by CMS and ATLAS

    Identifying Better Effective Higgsless Theories via W_L W_L Scattering

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    The three site Higgsless model has been offered as a benchmark for studying the collider phenomenology of Higgsless models. In this talk, we present how well the three site Higgsless model performs as a general representative of Higgsless models in describing W_L W_L scattering, and which modifications can make it more representative. We employ general sum rules relating the masses and couplings of the Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of the gauge fields in continuum and deconstructed Higgsless models as a way to compare the different theories. After comparing the three site Higgsless model to flat and warped continuum Higgsless models, we analyze an extensions of the three site Higgsless model, namely, the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) Higgsless model. We demonstrate that W_LW_L scattering in the HLS Higgsless model can very closely approximate scattering in the continuum models, provided that the parameter `a' is chosen to mimic rho-meson dominance of pi-pi scattering in QCD

    Thermodynamics of pairing in mesoscopic systems

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    Using numerical and analytical methods implemented for different models we conduct a systematic study of thermodynamic properties of pairing correlation in mesoscopic nuclear systems. Various quantities are calculated and analyzed using the exact solution of pairing. An in-depth comparison of canonical, grand canonical, and microcanonical ensemble is conducted. The nature of the pairing phase transition in a small system is of a particular interest. We discuss the onset of discontinuity in the thermodynamic variables, fluctuations, and evolution of zeros of the canonical and grand canonical partition functions in the complex plane. The behavior of the Invariant Correlational Entropy is also studied in the transitional region of interest. The change in the character of the phase transition due to the presence of magnetic field is discussed along with studies of superconducting thermodynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 24 figure

    Constraints on Electroweak Contact Interactions from LEP and Tevatron Data

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    A complete set of dimension-6 effective contact interactions involving Higgs, gauge bosons and quarks is studied. Limits on the coefficients of these new operators are obtained from the experimental values of the ZZ and WW gauge bosons widths.Comment: 14 pages, ReVTe

    Prospects for heavy supersymmetric charged Higgs boson searches at hadron colliders

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    We investigate the production of a heavy charged Higgs boson at hadron colliders within the context of the MSSM. A detailed study is performed for all important production modes and basic background processes for the t\bar{t}b\bar{b} signature. In our analysis we include effects of initial and final state showering, hadronization, and principal detector effects. For the signal production rate we include the leading SUSY quantum effects at high \tan\beta>~ mt/mb. Based on the obtained efficiencies for the signal and background we estimate the discovery and exclusion mass limits of the charged Higgs boson at high values of \tan\beta. At the upgraded Tevatron the discovery of a heavy charged Higgs boson (MH^+ >~ 200 GeV) is impossible for the tree-level cross-section values. However, if QCD and SUSY effects happen to reinforce mutually, there are indeed regions of the MSSM parameter space which could provide 3\sigma evidence and, at best, 5\sigma charged Higgs boson discovery at the Tevatron for masses M_H^+<~ 300 GeV and M_H^+<~ 250 GeV, respectively, even assuming squark and gluino masses in the (500-1000) GeV range. On the other hand, at the LHC one can discover a H^+ as heavy as 1 TeV at the canonical confidence level of 5\sigma; or else exclude its existence at 95% C.L. up to masses ~ 1.5 TeV. Again the presence of SUSY quantum effects can be very important here as they may shift the LHC limits by a few hundred GeV.Comment: Latex2e, 44 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, uses JHEP3.sty, axodraw.sty. Comments added. Discussion on QCD factors clarified. Added discussion on uncertainties. Change of presentation of Tables 4 and 5 and Fig.6. Results and conclusions unchanged. Version accepted in JHE
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