219 research outputs found
The Milk Yield by Cinisara Cows in Different Management Systems: 1. Effect of Season of Calving
The Cinisara cow is Sicilian autochthonous breed; the milk has very interesting qualitative characteristics (chemical, physical and technologic parameters, principally due to its high part β of K casein) and is processed to make Caciocavallo cheese. Characteristics of milk yield are influenced by exogenous factors, such as management system, lactation number and season of calving. Pastures provide the basic feed but grazing is not continuous through the year. The aim of this research was to optimize the distribution of production over the year through the study of the effect of season of calving on qualitative characteristics of milk from Cinisara cows on three farms located at different altitudes (P=plain, C=hill and M=mountain) near Trapani
The Milk Yield by Cinisara Cows in Different Management Systems: 2. Effect of Season of Production
Cinisara is a Sicilian autochthonous breed of dairy cow. Qualitative characteristics of milk yield are influenced by composition of pasture and its changes over the seasons (Di Grigoli et al., 2000). The grazing resource is characterized by notable variability, even in adjacent areas, because of different environmental conditions, such as aspect, the nature of soil and altitude. The aim of this research is to study the effect of season of production on qualitative characteristics of Cinisara cow milk in farms located at different altitudes
Effects of Grazing Season on Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Fatty Acids of Nutritional Interest of Caciocavallo Palermitano Cheese
The aim of this work was to evaluate, in the different production seasons of the year, the physico-chemical quality of an artisanal cheese traditionally obtained from autochthonous grazing cows, with particular reference to fatty acids (FA) of nutritional interest that play an important role in the risk or prevention of some human pathologies. For this purpose, cheeses were sampled in 11 farms, repeating the samplings in 3 different periods of the year (summer, autumn–winter, and spring) when the productive conditions of the pastures varied. The cheeses produced in the spring period, when cows ingest a greater amount of grazed forage, resulted in a more adequate composition of the main FA, which are recognized as having a health effect, such as α-linolenic, trans-vaccenic, rumenic, docosapentaenoic (DPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. Branched-chain FA were found in greater quantities in spring cheeses, as well as in summer ones. The FA composition of cheeses produced in the different seasons was reflected in some nutritional indexes that also resulted as more suitable in cheeses obtained in the spring period. The positive effects induced on the FA profile of cheeses are presumably linked to the diet of autochthonous cows, which is mainly based on forage from natural pastures. Therefore, the results obtained confirm the benefits of grazing, which is able to guarantee the production of healthier cheeses for consumers
Fatty acid composition of salami made by meat from different commercial categories of indigenous dairy cattle
In autochthonous dairy cattle farms, the production of salami could represent an alternative commercial opportunity. Therefore, a study was carried out to investigate the fatty acid (FA) composition of salami made using the meat from grazing (GB) or housed (HB) young bulls and grazing adult cows (AC) of Cinisara breed. The products were manufactured by adding 20% of pork lard. Animal category influenced the FA composition, although the addition of lard mitigated the differences found in fresh meat. The salami from GB showed higher polyunsaturated FA content (p ≤0.01) and, in particular, a higher level of linoleic acid (p ≤0.05), than from other animal categories. Salami made from AC meat showed lower polyunsaturated/saturated FA ratio (p ≤0.05), but a better n-6/n-3 ratio compared to HB (p ≤0.05), due to the lower content of linoleic acid. Multivariate analysis showed an important influence of animal category on FA composition due to age, feeding system and meat fat content of animals, despite the addition of lard
Effect of the Pasture, in Different Seasons, and of the Ripening Time on the Caciocavallo Palermitano Cheese
Effect of the inclusion of fresh lemon pulp in the diet of lactating ewes on the properties of milk and cheese
This study investigated the effects of fresh lemon pulp (FLP), as a natural antioxidant in the diet, on the intake of feed and the production of milk and cheese of Valle del Belice lactating ewes during the hot summer in Sicily. A total of 15 second-lambing ewes, kept individually in 3
7 3 m pens, were divided into 3 homogeneous groups fed with 3 diets in a 3
7 3 Latin square design, with 3 experimental phases of 21 days each. The diets were: mixed hay ad libitum plus 600 g/day of concentrate (FLP0); mixed hay ad libitum plus 400 g/day of concentrate and 1 kg/day of FLP (FLP1); and mixed hay ad libitum plus 200 g/day of concentrate and 2 kg/day of FLP (FLP2). Nine experimental Pecorino cheeses were manufactured with bulk milk collected at the end of each phase from each group. The ewes of each group showed the same dry matter (DM) intake (2 kg/day/head), but the FLP2 group received lower (P = 0.001) net energy for lactation (NEL) than other groups (2.13, 2.36, and 2.31 Mcal/day per head for FLP2, FLP0, and FLP1, respectively). The FLP constituted 9% and 16% of the total DM intake in the FLP1 and FLP2 groups, respectively. In general, the daily milk yield was low, reflecting the effect of the high environmental temperatures, and was lower (P = 0.001) in the FLP2 group than in the other groups (323, 355, and 369 g/day for FLP2, FLP1, and FLP0, respectively), probably due to the lower daily energy intake. Milk protein (P = 0.046) and casein (P = 0.033) percentages were higher in the FLP2 group than in the FLP1 group; the FLP-fed groups had higher levels of (P = 0.011) milk urea than the FLP0 group, due to a higher (P = 0.001) CP/NELratio in the ingested diet (96.4, 95.8, and 95.3 g/Mcal for FLP2, FLP1, and FLP0, respectively). The fatty acid composition of milk from FLP2-fed ewes was higher in vaccenic (10.6 vs. 7.96 mg/g fat; P = 0.031) and rumenic acids (6.21 vs. 5.30 mg/g fat; P = 0.048) than that in milk from FLP0 ewes. The characteristics of the cheeses were not influenced by the diet, with the exception of the total content of phenolic compounds (P = 0.011) and antioxidant activity (P = 0.051), both of which were higher in cheeses made with milk from FLP-fed ewes
Effects of foal presence at milking and dietary extra virgin olive oil on jennet milk fatty acids profile
TwelveRagusanajennetswerestudiedtoinvestigatetheeffectsof dietaryextra Twelve Ragusana jennets were studiedtoinvestigatetheeffectsof dietaryextra studied to investigatetheeffectsof dietaryextra the effects of dietaryextra dietary extra virgin olive oil and thepresenceofthefoal duringmilkingonmilkfattyacids(FA)profile.At20, 50 thepresenceofthefoal duringmilkingonmilkfattyacids(FA)profile.At20, 50 he presence of the foal during milking on milk fatty acids (FA) profile. At 20, 50 and 90 days post-foaling, each jennet was milked 4 times per day. The feeding system and the milking procedures are given by Alabiso et al. (2009). FA profiles of the composites from milkings without foals (1MNF+3MNF) and with foals (2MYF+4MYF) were analyzed by gas chromatography. Dietary oil had no significant effect on milk yield or fat content but increased the proportion of C18:1 (n-9) in milk. Jen- net milk had a beneficial FA profile compared to bovine milk and thus would be suitable for consump- tion by infants suffering from cows milk protein allergy, however, augmentation of the long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated FA content warrants further study
Room-temp 2D photonic bandgap laser
Concerns the results of a research carried out on religious architectural monuments in the historical centre of Naples consiststing of an accurate census, cataloguing and mapping, in addition to the survey and representation of many churches and small chapels . The resulting data gave rise to an unprecedented documentation, made of traditional and laser scanner surveys, by providing the formal and historical architectural values of each artifact, with different degrees of analysis, from the metric and material determination up to the state of conservation, the decay of surfaces and the structural verification
Fatty acids as biomarkers of the production season of caciocavallo palermitano cheese
This experiment aims to evaluate the potential of fatty acids (FA) of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese as biomarkers of production season and pasture-based diet. A total of 48 cheeses were made in the four seasons with milk from two farms that raised cows of Cinisara breed. The animals were fed on pasture with supplementation of wheat bran and wheat straw in the barn, and in summer also with Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes. The chemical composition and FA profile of cheese were influenced by the season and not by the farm. In particular, cheeses produced in spring were characterized by higher protein and lower fat, and showed higher contents in trans-vaccenic acid, α-linolenic acid, rumenic acid, n-3 polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), and total PUFA. In winter, the lower availability of grazing forage, requiring a higher level of feeding integration, was responsible for an increase of saturated FA (SFA). The multivariate analysis distinguished clearly the cheeses made in winter and spring, while those produced in autumn and summer showed some overlapping points. Further investigations should be carried out to evaluate the effects of type and level of feeding integration on the presence of FA more suitable to be used as biomarkers of period and diet
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