112 research outputs found

    Gender perspective in Arabic language learning for youth moslem

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    Abstract: Youth Moslem who understand Islamic religion well and know it enough that to be basic source to get the information of gender perspective in arabic language learning. The young people will be agent of change for every value on society. So that value of gender equality.Tehir mastering of arabic language can be first step to go to play social change through gender perspective in arabic language learning. Because of that makes gender equaliity values can be socialized well and systemacally for society through learning and education, especially arabac language learning. Keywords: Learning, Arabic language, Gender equality, Youth Moslem

    Equal gender analysis on the meaning of words animals’ applelation in Arabic

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    Gender is a social-cultural construct of the role of women, their nature and characters, in their particular society. Peculiar among its forms is the one that exists in the language used to express the concept. Language is a product of culture which in its turn colors our understanding of gender and vice-versa there occurs interchange of influence between culture and language. Core components of language are words and their meanings. Some words and meanings in Arabic which reveal the appellation of the animals are interesting to note as they are accompanied with specific gender. In a manner similar with their counterpart in being, i.e. human being, they possess gender (sex) and its inherent characteristics. So the animals designated on the word for the female gender is not the one intended for another particular gender i.e. a male one; Special character refers therefore only to a specific gender. It can be assumed that denoting certain animals to a specific gender could indicate a degree of inequality in aspects of language. Certain characters are determined to be owned by only certain types of animals


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    Setiap bahasa memiliki karakteristik tersendiri, termasuk kekhasan aturan bahasa di dalamnya. Maka dalam rangka menerjemahkan kalimat bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa Indonesia memiliki aturan masing-masing yang berbeda. Ketika menerjemahkan kalimat bahasa Arab ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, selain menggunakan model dan teknik menerjemahkan, perlu juga tetap memperhatikan aturan rangkaian katanya dalam kalimat bahasa Arab yang berbeda dengan kalimat bahasa Indonesia. Selanjutnya kalimat hasil terjemahan terpaku pada aturan kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Meskipun aturan kalimat dalam bahasa Arab diabaikan tetapi pesan dan makna yang ada di dalamnya tetap tersampaikan dalam kalimat bahasa Indonesia

    Socialization and internalization of Qur’anic verse by enjoy learning Arabic

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    Arabic is a language of the Arabs and Muslims used for religious as well as mundane purposes. As one of the international languages spoken by many people, Arabic is also the language of science. Like any other languages in the world, Arabic has its characteristics. Among them is its ability to create and produce the sounds representing numbers and letters, in which a variety of meanings is so rich yet distinguishable. This study tries to elaborate on how the process of socialization and internalization of Al-Qur’anic verse by enjoy learning Arabic. By using the qualitative method, this study showed that mastery of Arabic can be done through fun learning of the language. Materials presented through this process of learning can support the efforts of both socialization and internalization of Al-Qur’an, because they are associated in such a way with the verses of Al-Qur’an. Learning the Arabic language, in any type and level of education, should be done with a variety of learning strategies and fun. Psychologically, this situation impacts good study output or a positive learning transfer to the learners, in order he/she may be able to read and understand Al-Qur’an. A fun learning process is expected to be a stimulus for “syi’ar” or dissemination of the values of Al-Qur’an and Arabic language as its vehicle

    تربيـة المســاواة الجندرية بين الجنسين بالجـامعـة الإسلامية

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    There are two definitions of gender equality. The first is according to United Nation Development Program and the second is in line with of Islamic view. The difference between its definitions lies in the implementation of total and balance equality. Total equality, as UNDP determi­nes, is that woman and man are totally equal (50/50) in all aspects. But Islamic view suggests that both women and man are equal with harmony. The meaning of harmony does not just equality for woman and man in all aspects but also refer to difference between them. Sometimes woman have better chance than man, an in other times the fact suggests the reverse. But still other, woman and man have same good chance. To socialize this thinking and Islamic view, education hold an important role. Socialization can run in Islamic education institution. One of the Islamic education institutions is Islamic university

    Al-kalimat al-Muta’lliqah bi almusawah al-jenderiyah fi al-lugah al-Arabiyyah wa al-Indonesiyyah

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    ENGLISH: The definition of gender is expectation and effort of society to construct character, characteristic and role of man and woman. Their character , characteristic and role determination which constructed by society is part of culture and civilization and it revealed in language expression. Language expression, both Arabic and Indonesia language, is something can be analyzed, how its effect from and to social life or culture society, also its effect from and to gender equality. Finally, there is continuity effect day by day, then new words and statements always come to strengthen gender equality. This condition needs good explanation and information for all people to understand this value. And one of the strategies for explanation and information is by education media, especially by language education based on gender equality values. INDONESIA: Pengertian istilah jender adalah harapan dan upaya masyarakat membentuk karakter dan sifat serta peran perempuan dan laki-laki. Perlakuan atau ketentuan sifat, peran dan karekter manusia itu merupakan bagian dari kebudayaan dan diungkapkan dalam suatu isi kebudayaan berupa bahasa. Ekspresi bahasa, baik bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Indonesia, suatu produk yang dapat dianalisa berdasarkan adanya pengaruh dari dan kepada masyarakat termasuk kaitannnya dengan kesetaraan jender. Selanjutnya nilai-nilai dalam kedua bahasa itu akan terus menerus mempengaruhi untuk melahirkan kata dan ungkapan lainnya yang berkiatan dengan kesetaraan jender. Perlu keterangan dan informasi serta nilai-nilai penyeimbang untuk menjelaskan nilai-nilai itu. Salah satu cara strategis untuk menyampaikan hal itu adalah melalui pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan bahasa berdasarkan nilai-nilai kesetaraan gender

    Implementation of Child-Friendly values in an Islamic Boarding School: A Case study of Arabic Language teaching in Darul Arqam Boarding School in Indonesia

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    Teaching Arabic in a Muslim community is both essential and fundamental to understand pertinent sources as a way to realize religious values in their life. Its reason lies in the fact that religion’s teaching sources that contain these values, primarily the Quran and the Prophet’s tradition, are all written in Arabic. Teaching Arabic language in Darul Arqam Boarding School in Garut, Indonesia, is an effort by its teachers to help spread these religious values among students. The main problem here is whether this teaching of Arabic language may run in harmony with the child-friendly environment needed by children. This paper analyzes this problem through studying all these teaching components: the proficiency and awareness of the teachers, teaching materials, learning process and evaluation, and also the students as the receivers of the child-friendly treatment. Using descriptive analysis as a method, it elaborates how these related components of Arabic teaching comprising of educators, students, materials, learning process and its evaluation, put into work, and how these connect closely to child-friendly values. Based on the results of the study, teaching Arabic in Darul Arqam Boarding School has all its components as child-friendly. Teachers transfer knowledge in a way convenient and inspiring to the students; it encourages them to seek further, and they also communicate with them effectively and in a friendly manner so that suitable environment required for a good development of skill and knowledge in Arabic language may be attained. In general, the components of teaching comprised of educators have been put in full commitment to meet the requirements needed in any child-friendly environmen

    Praanggapan tindak tutur tokoh Beik dalam Novel Himar Hakim karya Taufik Hakim (Kajian Pragmatik)

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    Novel Himar Hakim by Taufiq Hakim tells about the friendship that exists between a writer named Beik with a pet donkey, which sometimes Beik equates his habit with the donkey. The novel is very philosophical and full of psychic experiences from the main characters described. The main character of the novel is the Taufiq Hakim, in terms of the background in Egypt, and the professor, a writer who in the novel is portrayed by a film dialog writer. The form of the conversation in the novel Himar Hakim by Taufik Hakim is inseparable from the act of speech or the intent to be conveyed by the author to the reader. In Himar Hakim's novel, there are speeches of Beik figures with various forms and objectives of the act of speech and the type of preoccupation. The problems discussed in this research are: how the act of indirect illustration of Beik in the novel of Judge Himar Hakim by Taufik Hakim, and how the presupposition of Beik speech acts in the novel Himar Hakim by Taufik Hakim. The purpose of this research is to know the act of indirect illusions of Beik in the novel of Himar Hakim by Taufik Hakim, and to know the type of presupposition of Beik's speech acts in the novel Himar Hakim by Taufik Hakim. To achieve these objectives, this research uses descriptive analytic method. Then in the data collection techniques using the method refer, then the data were analyzed by using the method of extralingual padan and grouping Beik's speech by using pragmatic approach of speech acting theory and pre-response. Based on the analysis of the novel Himar Hakim by Taufik Hakim, it can be concluded that in the novel there are speeches that contain representative, directive, expressive, commodative and declarative illustrations, with various purposes, including: affirming, stating, asking , ordering, suggesting, commanding, blaming, denouncing, apologizing, insinuating, complaining, refusing, declaring ability, swearing, offering, promising, expecting, praying, and decisive. Expressive speech acts with the purpose of mocking into the findings that dominate Beik's speech. The types of presuppositions contained in the speech are such as existential prejudice, factual presupposition, lexical presuppositions, non-factual presuppositions, structural presuppositions and counterfactual presuppositions. Factual acceptability became the findings that dominated Beik's speech

    Fi'il Amr: Studi analisis kontrastif Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Indonesia

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    Proses pembelajaran fi'il amr (kara kerja perintah) dalam Bahasa Arab (B2) untuk peserta didik yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (B1) dapat dimulai dengan analisis kontrastif pada bahasa Arab dan bahasa Indonesia. Analisis kontrastif yaitu perbandingan struktur dua bahasa yaitu bahasa pertama (B1) atau bahasa ibu dan bahasa kedua (B2), sebagai bahasa yang akan dipeserta didiki dengan mencari tingkat perbedaan yang paling tinggi. Tingkat perbedaan itu untuk menjadi acuan atas tingkatan materi pembelajaran. Analisis kontrastif dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kontrastif fi'il amr pada Bahasa Arab dan Indonesia. Kegiatan analisis kontrastif fi'il amr dalam bahasa Arab bagi pengguna Bahasa Indonesia diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pembelajarannya. Karena dalam analisis kontrastif pada bahasa Arab dan bahasa Indonesa akan ditemukan beberapa perbedan, dan tingkat perbedaan oti akan menjadi pedoman atas tingkatan kemudahan dan kesulitannya. Selanjutnya tingkat kesulitan itu akan menetapkan urutan materi pembelajaran berdasarkan tingkatannya dan mulai tingkatan paling mudah hingga yang tersulit serta penggunaan metode yang tepat