24 research outputs found
Aspects of topological actions on the lattice
We consider a lattice action which forbids large fields, and which remains
invariant under smooth deformations of the field. Such a "topological" action
depends on one parameter, the field cutoff, but does not have a classical
continuum limit as this cutoff approaches zero. We study the properties of such
an action in 4d compact U(1) lattice gauge theory, and compare them with those
of the Wilson action. In both cases, we find a weakly first-order transition
separating a confining phase where monopoles condense, and a Coulomb phase
where monopoles are exponentially suppressed. We also find a different,
critical value of the field cutoff where monopoles completely disappear.
Finally, we show that a topological action simplifies the measurement of the
free energy.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, talk presented at LATTICE 2015. V2: one
reference adde
Deformations of infrared-conformal theories in two dimensions
We study two exactly solvable two-dimensional conformal models, the critical
Ising model and the Sommerfield model, on the lattice. We show that finite-size
effects are important and depend on the aspect ratio of the lattice. In
particular, we demonstrate how to obtain the correct massless behavior from an
infinite tower of finite-size-induced masses and show that it is necessary to
first take the cylindrical geometry limit in order to get correct results. In
the Sommerfield model we also introduce a mass deformation to measure the mass
anomalous dimension, . We find that the explicit scale breaking of
the lattice setup induces corrections which must be taken into account in order
to reproduce at the infrared fixed point. These results can be used
to improve the methodology in the search for the conformal window in QCD-like
theories with many flavors.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Talk presented at the 32nd International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014), 23-28 June, 2014, Columbia
University, New York, N
Scale hierarchy in high-temperature QCD
Because of asymptotic freedom, QCD becomes weakly interacting at high
temperature: this is the reason for the transition to a deconfined phase in
Yang-Mills theory at temperature . At high temperature , the
smallness of the running coupling induces a hierachy betwen the "hard",
"soft" and "ultrasoft" energy scales , and . This hierarchy
allows for a very successful effective treatment where the "hard" and the
"soft" modes are successively integrated out. However, it is not clear how high
a temperature is necessary to achieve such a scale hierarchy.
By numerical simulations, we show that the required temperatures are
extremely high. Thus, the quantitative success of the effective theory down to
temperatures of a few appears surprising a posteriori.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Talk presented at 31st International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2013), July 29 - August 3, 2013, Mainz, German
Higgs-Yukawa model with higher dimension operators via extended mean field theory
Using extended mean field theory (EMFT) on the lattice, we study properties
of the Higgs-Yukawa model as an approximation of the standard model Higgs
sector, and the effect of higher dimension operators. We note that the
discussion of vacuum stability is completely modified in the presence of a
term, and that the Higgs mass no longer appears fine tuned. We also
study the finite temperature transition. Without higher dimension operators the
transition is found to be second order (crossover with gauge fields) for the
experimental value of the Higgs mass GeV. By taking a
interaction in the Higgs potential as a proxy for a UV completion of the
standard model, the transition becomes stronger and turns first order if the
scale of new physics, i.e. the mass of the lightest mediator particle, is
around TeV. This implies that electroweak baryogenesis may be viable in
models which introduce new particles around that scale.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, v2: Improved discussion and added table, made to
match published versio
Gauge-invariant signatures of spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking by the Hosotani mechanism
The Hosotani mechanism claims to achieve gauge-symmetry breaking, for
instance . To verify this claim, we propose to
monitor the stability of a topological defect stable under a gauge subgroup but
not under the whole gauge group, like a flux state or monopole in the
case above. We use gauge invariant operators to probe the presence of the
topological defect to avoid any ambiguity introduced by gauge fixing. Our
method also applies to an ordinary gauge-Higgs system.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, talk presented at the 32nd International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014), 23 - 28 June, 2014,
Columbia University New York, N
Mean distribution approach to spin and gauge theories
We formulate self-consistency equations for the distribution of links in spin
models and of plaquettes in gauge theories. This improves upon known
mean-field, mean-link, and mean-plaquette approximations in such that we
self-consistently determine all moments of the considered variable instead of
just the first. We give examples in both Abelian and non-Abelian cases.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
Effects of higher dimension operators on the Standard Model Higgs sector
We study the effect of higher dimension operators on the electroweak finite
temperature phase transition in two sectors of the Standard Model. Firstly, the
Higgs-Yukawa sector, consisting of the Higgs doublet and the massive Standard
Model fermions, is studied with an approximate method, Extended Mean Field
Theory. Secondly, the gauge-Higgs sector, consisting of the Higgs doublet and
the gauge fields of the weak interaction, is studied using Monte Carlo
simulations. In both cases we find that a cutoff scale of around 1.5 TeV is
needed to make the electroweak phase transition first order at the experimental
value of the Higgs boson mass, which is a requirement for making electroweak
baryogenesis viable.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, Proceedings for the 33rd International Symposium
on Lattice Field Theory 14 -18 July 2015 Kobe International Conference
Center, Kobe, Japan; v2 Reference adde
Sampling of General Correlators in Worm Algorithm-based Simulations
Using the complex -model as a prototype for a system which is
simulated by a worm algorithm, we show that not only the charged correlator
or , can be measured at every step of the Monte
Carlo evolution of the worm instead of on closed-worm configurations only. The
method generalizes straightforwardly to other systems simulated by worms, such
as spin or sigma models.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figure
Oscillating propagators in heavy-dense QCD
Using Monte Carlo simulations and extended mean field theory calculations we
show that the -dimensional spin model with complex external fields has
non-monotonic spatial correlators in some regions of its parameter space. This
model serves as a proxy for heavy-dense QCD in dimensions.
Non-monotonic spatial correlators are intrinsically related to a complex mass
spectrum and a liquid-like (or crystalline) behavior. A liquid phase could have
implications for heavy-ion experiments, where it could leave detectable signals
in the spatial correlations of baryons.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, updated to match published versio
Extended mean field study of complex φ4-theory at finite density and temperature
We review the extended mean field theory (EMFT) approximation and apply it to complex, scalar φ4 theory on the lattice. We study the critical properties of the Bose condensation driven by a nonzero chemical potential μ at both zero and nonzero temperature and determine the (T,μ) phase diagram. The results are in very good agreement with recent Monte Carlo data for all parameter values considered. EMFT can be formulated directly in the thermodynamic limit which allows us to study lattice spacings for which Monte Carlo studies are not feasible with present techniques. We find that the EMFT approximation accurately reproduces many known phenomena of the exact solution, like the “Silver Blaze” behavior at zero temperature and dimensional reduction at finite temperature