36 research outputs found

    Failure of Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem and fragile topology in two-dimensional systems with space-time inversion symmetry: application to twisted bilayer graphene at magic angle

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    We show that the Wannier obstruction and the fragile topology of the nearly flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene at magic angle are manifestations of the nontrivial topology of two-dimensional real wave functions characterized by the Euler class. To prove this, we examine the generic band topology of two dimensional real fermions in systems with space-time inversion ISTI_{ST} symmetry. The Euler class is an integer topological invariant classifying real two band systems. We show that a two-band system with a nonzero Euler class cannot have an ISTI_{ST}-symmetric Wannier representation. Moreover, a two-band system with the Euler class e2e_{2} has band crossing points whose total winding number is equal to −2e2-2e_2. Thus the conventional Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem fails in systems with a nonzero Euler class. We propose that the topological phase transition between two insulators carrying distinct Euler classes can be described in terms of the pair creation and annihilation of vortices accompanied by winding number changes across Dirac strings. When the number of bands is bigger than two, there is a Z2Z_{2} topological invariant classifying the band topology, that is, the second Stiefel Whitney class (w2w_2). Two bands with an even (odd) Euler class turn into a system with w2=0w_2=0 (w2=1w_2=1) when additional trivial bands are added. Although the nontrivial second Stiefel-Whitney class remains robust against adding trivial bands, it does not impose a Wannier obstruction when the number of bands is bigger than two. However, when the resulting multi-band system with the nontrivial second Stiefel-Whitney class is supplemented by additional chiral symmetry, a nontrivial second-order topology and the associated corner charges are guaranteed.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Topological Circular Dichroism in Chiral Multifold Semimetals

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    Uncovering the physical contents of the nontrivial topology of quantum states is a critical problem in condensed matter physics. Here, we study the topological circular dichroism in chiral semimetals using linear response theory and first-principles calculations. We show that, when the low-energy spectrum respects emergent SO(3) rotational symmetry, topological circular dichroism is forbidden for Weyl fermions, and thus is unique to chiral multifold fermions. This is a result of the selection rule that is imposed by the emergent symmetry under the combination of particle-hole conjugation and spatial inversion. Using first-principles calculations, we predict that topological circular dichroism occurs in CoSi for photon energy below about 0.2 eV. Our work demonstrates the existence of a response property of unconventional fermions that is fundamentally different from the response of Dirac and Weyl fermions, motivating further study to uncover other unique responses.Comment: 6+7 pages, 4+4 figure

    Band Topology and Linking Structure of Nodal Line Semimetals with Z2 Monopole Charges

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    We study the band topology and the associated linking structure of topological semimetals with nodal lines carrying Z2Z_{2} monopole charges, which can be realized in three-dimensional systems invariant under the combination of inversion PP and time reversal TT when spin-orbit coupling is negligible. In contrast to the well-known PTPT-symmetric nodal lines protected only by π\pi Berry phase in which a single nodal line can exist, the nodal lines with Z2Z_{2} monopole charges should always exist in pairs. We show that a pair of nodal lines with Z2Z_{2} monopole charges is created by a {\it double band inversion} (DBI) process, and that the resulting nodal lines are always {\it linked by another nodal line} formed between the two topmost occupied bands. It is shown that both the linking structure and the Z2Z_{2} monopole charge are the manifestation of the nontrivial band topology characterized by the {\it second Stiefel-Whitney class}, which can be read off from the Wilson loop spectrum. We show that the second Stiefel-Whitney class can serve as a well-defined topological invariant of a PTPT-invariant two-dimensional (2D) insulator in the absence of Berry phase. Based on this, we propose that pair creation and annihilation of nodal lines with Z2Z_{2} monopole charges can mediate a topological phase transition between a normal insulator and a three-dimensional weak Stiefel-Whitney insulator (3D weak SWI). Moreover, using first-principles calculations, we predict ABC-stacked graphdiyne as a nodal line semimetal (NLSM) with Z2Z_{2} monopole charges having the linking structure. Finally, we develop a formula for computing the second Stiefel-Whitney class based on parity eigenvalues at inversion invariant momenta, which is used to prove the quantized bulk magnetoelectric response of NLSMs with Z2Z_2 monopole charges under a TT-breaking perturbation.Comment: 4+28 pages, 3+17 figure

    Superconductivity-Induced Spectral Weight Transfer due to Quantum Geometry

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    Optical spectral weight transfer associated with the onset of superconductivity at high energy scales compared with the superconducting gap has been observed in several systems such as high-TcT_c cuprates. While there are still debates on the origin of this phenomenon, a consensus is that it is due to strong correlation effects beyond the BCS theory. Here we show that there is another route to a nonzero spectral weight transfer based on the quantum geometry of the conduction band in multiband systems. We discuss applying this idea to twisted multilayer graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Unconventional Topological Phase Transition in Two-Dimensional Systems with Space-Time Inversion Symmetry

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    We study a topological phase transition between a normal insulator and a quantum spin Hall insulator in two-dimensional (2D) systems with time-reversal and twofold rotation symmetries. Contrary to the case of ordinary time-reversal invariant systems, where a direct transition between two insulators is generally predicted, we find that the topological phase transition in systems with an additional twofold rotation symmetry is mediated by an emergent stable 2D Weyl semimetal phase between two insulators. Here the central role is played by the so-called space-time inversion symmetry, the combination of time-reversal and twofold rotation symmetries, which guarantees the quantization of the Berry phase around a 2D Weyl point even in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling. Pair creation and pair annihilation of Weyl points accompanying partner exchange between different pairs induces a jump of a 2D Z2 topological invariant leading to a topological phase transition. According to our theory, the topological phase transition in HgTe/CdTe quantum well structure is mediated by a stable 2D Weyl semimetal phase because the quantum well, lacking inversion symmetry intrinsically, has twofold rotation about the growth direction. Namely, the HgTe/CdTe quantum well can show 2D Weyl semimetallic behavior within a small but finite interval in the thickness of HgTe layers between a normal insulator and a quantum spin Hall insulator. We also propose that few-layer black phosphorus under perpendicular electric field is another candidate system to observe the unconventional topological phase transition mechanism accompanied by the emerging 2D Weyl semimetal phase protected by space-time inversion symmetry. © 2017 American Physical Society1651sciescopu

    Two-dimensional higher-order topology in monolayer graphdiyne

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    Based on first-principles calculations and tight-binding model analysis, we propose monolayer graphdiyne as a candidate material for a two-dimensional higher-order topological insulator protected by inversion symmetry. Despite the absence of chiral symmetry, the higher-order topology of monolayer graphdiyne is manifested in the filling anomaly and charge accumulation at two corners. Although its low energy band structure can be properly described by the tight-binding Hamiltonian constructed by using only the pzp_z orbital of each atom, the corresponding bulk band topology is trivial. The nontrivial bulk topology can be correctly captured only when the contribution from the core levels derived from px,yp_{x,y} and ss orbitals are included, which is further confirmed by the Wilson loop calculations. We also show that the higher-order band topology of a monolayer graphdyine gives rise to the nontrivial band topology of the corresponding three-dimensional material, ABC-stacked graphdiyne, which hosts monopole nodal lines and hinge states.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, new titl

    Unconventional Majorana fermions on the surface of topological superconductors protected by rotational symmetry

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    Topological superconductors are exotic gapped phases of matter hosting Majorana mid-gap states on their boundary. In conventional topological superconductors, Majorana in-gap states appear in the form of either localized zero-dimensional modes or propagating spin-1/2 fermions with a quasi-relativistic dispersion relation. Here we show that unconventional propagating Majorana states can emerge on the surface of three-dimensional topological superconductors protected by rotational symmetry. The unconventional Majorana surface states fall into three different categories: a spin-SS Majorana fermion with (2S+1)(2S+1)-fold degeneracy (S≥3/2)(S\geq3/2), a Majorana Fermi line carrying two distinct topological charges, and a quartet of spin-1/2 Majorana fermions related by fourfold rotational symmetry. The spectral properties of the first two kinds, which go beyond the conventional spin-1/2 fermions, are unique to topological superconductors and have no counterpart in topological insulators. We show that the unconventional Majorana surface states can be obtained in the superconducting phase of doped Z2Z_2 topological insulators or Dirac semimetals with rotational symmetry.Comment: 15+10 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Note adde

    Higher-Order Topological Superconductivity of Spin-Polarized Fermions

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    We study the superconductivity of spin-polarized electrons in centrosymmetric ferromagnetic metals. Due to the spin-polarization and the Fermi statistics of electrons, the superconducting pairing function naturally has odd parity. According to the parity formula proposed by Fu, Berg, and Sato, odd-parity pairing leads to conventional first-order topological superconductivity when a normal metal has an odd number of Fermi surfaces. Here, we derive generalized parity formulae for the topological invariants characterizing higher-order topology of centrosymmetric superconductors. Based on the formulae, we systematically classify all possible band structures of ferromagnetic metals that can induce inversion-protected higher-order topological superconductivity. Among them, doped ferromagnetic nodal semimetals are identified as the most promising normal state platform for higher-order topological superconductivity. In two dimensions, we show that odd-parity pairing of doped Dirac semimetals induces a second-order topological superconductor. In three dimensions, odd-parity pairing of doped nodal line semimetals generates a nodal line topological superconductor with monopole charges. On the other hand, odd-parity pairing of doped monopole nodal line semimetals induces a three-dimensional third-order topological superconductor. Our theory shows that the combination of superconductivity and ferromagnetic nodal semimetals opens up a new avenue for future topological quantum computations using Majorana zero modes.Comment: 6+13 pages, 2+1 figures; accepted versio