4 research outputs found
A Design of Practice Activities Cloudstorage, Promotion and Protocol
The role of PR has a big role in recording the development and journey of the Batam Concession Agency (BP) from time to time. The importance of documentation activities defines documentation as the activity or process of providing documents using accurate evidence based on recording various sources of information. So that users do not have to look for storage media from year to year by coming directly to the office, but simply by accessing the Batam Concession Agency (BP) public relations activity documentation website easily and does not take a long time. The design method used in designing this documentation will use the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) design method with the stages of planning, analysis, design, implementation and UML modelin
Virtual Asisten Pusat Informasi Mahasiswa Berbasis Android Menggunakan Flutter
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang chatbot virtual asisstant pusat informasi mahasiswa pada Universitas Ibnu Sina Fakultas Teknik prodi Teknik Informatika. Pemodelan yang digunakan yaitu Flowchart dan Data Flow Diagram (DFD), sedangkan untuk pengembangan sistem penelitian yaitu Waterfall dengan tahapan Analisis, Desain, Kode Program, Pengujian, dan Pemeliharaan. Chatbot dirancang berbasis Android dan Website dengan menggunakan Flutter yang berfungsi sebagai media percakapan dengan fitur webview, sedangkan untuk tampilan percakapan menggunakan Framework Bootstrap. Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya chatbot yang bisa melakukan percakapan mengenai informasi umum mahasiswa dengan bot yang berbasis teks, dan juga bisa melakukan interaksi dengan menekan tombol chip atau card menu, dengan adanya chatbot ini diharapkan memudahkan mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan informasi secara cepat tanpa kendala
The Effectiveness of Learning Media as A Supporter of Online Learning in Computer Networking Courses
With the issuance of a study from home policy by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic, the learning process is carried out online. this makes lecturers innovate in using learning media in the learning process. The lack of use of learning media during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in students being less motivated and having low learning enthusiasm in the computer network learning process. To overcome this problem, one alternative is to develop learning media in the pandemic era. The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of the media developed to support the online learning process. The research method of developing learning media used is Research and Development (R&D) using the Instructional Development Institute (IDI) model approach. The IDI approach model includes three stages, namely define, develop, and evaluate. The effectiveness test is carried out at the evaluation stage by treating the control class and the experimental class to students who take computer networking courses using question instruments. The results of this study are the effectiveness of the developed media and can improve student learning outcomes with an average post-test value of 84.78%. By doing this research, it is hoped that students can be motivated and have a passion for learning in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
Augmented Reality TECHNOLOGY for 3D Photoelectric Simulation
The research has been conducted on the development of the 3D Photoelectric Simulation based on Augmented Reality. This Preliminary study is to analyze the availability of used photoelectric visulations and prakticum in High Schools in Lampung and how many physics teachers have not used teaching aids in the form of photoelctric tools or mercury light source enclosure. Based on the preliminary research, it was concluded that there are still very few physics teachers who use the photoelctric tools or mercury light source enclosure in High School physics learning. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop the Polariskop KIT along with teaching materials with LMS Assistance. The stages of developing the KIT in this preliminary study have only reached the 3D Simulation photoelectric design stage and design validation test