10 research outputs found
İlaç Bileşimlerinde İslam İnancına Göre Haram Olan Maddelerin Bulunma Durumu
The demandfor halal products by Muslim communities in Islamic and in foreign countrieshave been dealt with by civil society organizations. Moreover, initiatives havebeen made to convey this demand to official institutions. These initiativeshave led to the recognition by official authorities of the rights of muslimsand members of other religions to access health products that meet theirdefinition. The haram issue of drugs is mainly based on the use ofanimal-derived tissues and non-halal components interfered with the productionprocess. Substances derived from animals are used, directly or after treatment,in medicines and vaccines of various pharmaceutical forms, such as tablets,capsules, creams, and injectable solutions. These products can be activesubstances of the drug as well as adjuvants. Nowadays, it is possible toproduce active substances, adjuvants and excipients from alternative sources.Therefore, the necessity of the relevant authorities to ensure that Muslims arenot irrelevant to the demand for halal products and to establish the necessarylegal basis can be considered at least a human rights phenomenon. However,since the survival of people is a priority, it is a valid approach to use theproducts in which the alternative option is not available.İslamülkelerindeki ve ecnebi ülkelerdeki Müslüman toplulukların helal ürün taleplerisivil toplum kuruluşlarında önemle ele alınmış ve resmi kuruluşlar nezdindegirişimlerde bulunulmuştur. Yapılan girişimler resmi otoritelerin, Müslümanlarve diğer din mensupları için kendi tanımlarına uygun (helal) sağlık ürünlerineulaşma hakkını tanımasını sağlamıştır. İlaçlardaki haramlık meselesi, dahaziyade hayvansal dokuların üretimde kullanılmasına dayanmaktadır. Hayvanlardanelde edilen maddeler doğrudan veya işleme tabi tutulduktan sonra tablet,kapsül, krem, enjeksiyonluk çözeltiler gibi çeşitli farmasötik şekillerde, ilaçve aşılarda kullanılmaktadır. Bu ürünler ilacın etkin maddesi olabildiği gibiyardımcı maddeler de olabilmektedir. Günümüzde ilaç etkin ve yardımcımaddelerin alternatif kaynaklardan üretilmesi mümkündür. Dolayısıyla konuylailgili resmi otoritelerin Müslümanların helal ürün taleplerine kayıtsızkalmaması ve gerekli yasal zeminin oluşturulmasını sağlaması gerekliliği enazından bir insan hakları olgusu olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bununla birlikteinsanın yaşatılması öncelikli olduğundan, alternatif seçeneğin bulunmadığıürünlerin tedavide kullanılmaları geçerli bir yaklaşımdır.
Morphine modulates microvascular leakage dose-dependently in the airway of ovalbumin-sensitized rats
ARSLAN, SEYFULLAH OKTAY/0000-0001-9328-9373WOS: 000278446800016Aim: To investigate the effect of morphine on ovalbumin-evoked airway microvascular leakage in sensitized rats. Materials and methods: Rats were sensitized on clays 0, 14, and 21 with ovalbumin. Intravenous ovalbumin (2 mg/kg) or capsaicin (50 mu g/kg) increased the extravasation of Evans blue dye in trachea, bronchi, and intra-pulmonary tissues of sensitized rats. Results: Morphine (1-10 mg/kg) inhibited ovalbumin-evoked increase in microvascular plasma leakage in a dose-dependent manner; however, it had no significant effect at the doses of 0.1 or 30 mg/kg. In addition, morphine, at the closes of 1-30 mg/kg, abolished microvascular leakage increased by capsaicin. The inhibition caused by morphine was blocked by the peripheral opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone methiodide, in ovalbumin or capsaicin series. Morphine or naloxone methiodide has alone no effect on plasma leakage. Conclusion: These results conclude that morphine inhibits microvascular leakage, maybe mediated by neurogenic inflammation in sensitized rats, via peripheral opioid receptors.Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Zonguldak Karaelmas UniversityBulent Ecevit UniversityThe author wish to thank Dr F. Bayiroglu for many helpful discussions and for the critical review of the manuscript. This work was supported by intramural funding of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Zonguldak Karaelmas University. Preliminary results of the present study were presented at the 18th National Pharmacology Congress of Turkish Pharmacological Society, 28 September-1 October 2005, Izmir, Turkiye
The curative effect of cannabinoid 2 receptor agonist on functional failure and disruptive inflammation caused by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion
ARSLAN, SEYFULLAH OKTAY/0000-0001-9328-9373; Parlar, Ali/0000-0002-4656-3402WOS: 000484102600001PubMed: 31373049Ischemia and reperfusion of intestinal tissue (intestinal I/R) induce disruption of ileal contractility and chain responses of inflammatory. The aim of this study was to reveal whether therapeutic value of cannabinoid 2 (CB2) receptor activity in the intestinal I/R, via to the exogenous administration of CB2 agonist (AM-1241). Intestinal I/R injury were performed through 30-min ischemia and 150-min reperfusion of mesenteric artery in Wistar rats. The pre-administered doses of 0.1, 1, and 5 mg/kg of CB2 agonist were studied to inhibit inflammation of intestinal I/R injury including ileum smooth muscle contractility, polymorphonuclear cell migration, oxidant/antioxidant defense system, and provocative cytokines. Pre-administration with CB2 receptor agonist ensured to consider improving the disrupted contractile responses in ileum smooth muscle along with decreased the formation of MDA that production of lipid peroxidation, reversed the depleted glutathione, inhibited the expression of TNF-alpha and of IL-1 beta in the intestinal I/R of rats. Taken together results of this research, the agonistic activity of CB2 receptor for healing of intestinal I/R injury is ensuring associated with anti-inflammatory mechanisms such as the inhibiting of migration of inflammatory polymorphonuclear cells that origin of acute and initial responses of inflammation, the inhibiting of production of provocative and pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta, the rebalancing of oxidant/antioxidant redox system disrupted in injury of reperfusion period and the supporting of physiologic defensive systems in endothelial and inducible inflammatory cells.Duzce UniversityDuzce University [2012.04. HD. 057]This study was extracted from the thesis titled 'The investigation of the effects of cannabinoids on the ileum smooth muscle function disorders in the injury of rat small bowel ischemia/reperfusion'. The study was supported as financial with project number 2012.04. HD. 057 by Duzce University
Regulation of Protein Escape Outside of Vasculars on Ileum and Lung Tissues with Cannabinoids 2 Receptor Agonist (Am1241) In Ischemia/Reperfusion Rat Intestine Model
WOS: 000518456300013Amaç: Kanabinoid 2 reseptör agonistinin İskemi/Reperfüzyon (İ/R) hasarı modelinde antiinflamatuvar etkisinin olup olmadığını kanıtlamaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmada; sıçanlarda barsak iskemi ve reperfüzyon modeli oluşturuldu.
Kanabinoid 2 reseptör agonisti (AM-1241), iskemi ve reperfüzyon oluşturmadan hemen önce
abdominal venden (iv) verildi. Sonrasında evans mavisi iv olarak uygulandı. Dokulara evans
mavisinin geçişi çıplak gözle görüldü. Bu aşamadan hemen sonra sıçanın göğüs kafesi açıldı ve
sistemik kan dolaşım havuzu usulüne uygun olarak boşaltıldı. Dokular tartıldıktan sonra 48 saat
formamidde inkübasyona bırakıldı ve spektrofotometrede 620 nm dalgaboyunda ölçüm yapıldı.
Bulgular: İ/R grubu şam kontrol grubunu göre yaklaşık % 803 evans mavisi kaçışı izlendi. İ/R
ve İ/R+CB2 agonist arasındaki fark ise agonistin proteinleri tutup, protein ve evans mavisinin
doku sıvısına geçişini azalttığı görülür.
Sonuç: Kanabinoid 2 reseptör agonistinin, hem ileum dokusunda ve hem de uzak organda
(akciğer) kılcal damarlardan dokuya protein kaçışını engellediği ve dolayısıyla ileum İ/R
hasarında antiinflamatuar etki gösterdiği bulundu.Objective: To prove whether the cannabinoid 2 receptor agonist has an anti-inflammatory
effect in the model of Ischemia/Reperfusion (I/R) injury.
Methods: Intestinal ischemia and reperfusion model was created in rats. The cannabinoid 2
receptor agonist (AM-1241) was given through the abdominal vein (iv) just before creating
ischemia and reperfusion. Afterwards, evans blue was applied iv. The transition of evans
blue to the tissues was seen with the naked eye. Immediately after this stage, the systemic
blood circulation pool was emptied properly. Tissues were incubated at formamide for 48
hours after weighing, and measurements were made at a wavelength of 620 nm on a
Results: About 803% evans blue escape was observed in the I/R group compared to the
sham control group. The difference between the I/R and the I/R+CB2 agonist is that the
agonist holds proteins and reduces the transition of protein and evans blue to tissue fluid.
Conclusions: The cannabinoid 2 receptor agonist was found to inhibit the escape of protein
from both the ileum and the distant organ (lung) capillaries, and thus showed
antiinflammatory effect in the ileum I/R injury
Effect of glabridin on microvascular permeability of plasma proteins induced by carrageenan
In present study, investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of glabridin (GLA) in the carrageenan-induced paw edema test of rats. Inflammation is an answer to the body's immune response to various stimuli such as physical trauma, various antigens chemicals, microorganisms radiation- damaged tissues. The cause of this edema is the increase of vascular permeability. an increase in local blood flow as well as the penetration of neutrophils and macrophages into the inflamed tissue. The current study aimed to determine the mechanism of microvascular leakage on carrageenan (CAR)-induced paw. edema of GLA. Therefore 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg doses of GLA were given intraperitoneal 3 days before intraplantar administration of CAR by using Evans blue (EB) method and by measuring paw thickness with electronic digital calipers. As a result, GLA inhibited both edema and microvascular leak. The results of our study suggest that pretreat-GLA to CAR -induced paw edema of rats via anti-inflammatory potential through inhibition of parameters such as microvascular escape and anti-edematous effect. These findings may be a new treatment of inflammation by anti-protein leakage of GLA
The Measurement Of Alpha Amanitin Levels Using Hplc Method In Amanita Phalloides From Düzce Province
Amaç: Düzce ili sınırlarında 2010 yılında toplanan Amanita phalloides mantarındaki alfa amanitin toksin düzeyinin HPLC yöntemiyle ölçümü amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Bir mantar bütün olarak, diğeri ise parçalara ayrılarak ekstraksiyon yapılmıştır. Ölçümler HPLC cihazında 303 nm UV dalga boyu, 250x4,6 mm C18 5 µm partikül içeren kolon kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mobil faz olarak amonyum asetat metanol asetonitril (801010, v/v/v) kullanılmış ve akış hızı 1 mL/dakikaya ayarlanmıştır. Sonuçlar 1 g kuru mantardaki toksin miktarı olarak verilmiştir. Bulgular: Bütün mantardaki alfa amanitin miktarı 4,806 mg (0,033), şapkada 3,522 mg (0,024), lamelde 5,318 mg (0,056), halkada 0,903 mg (0,004), sapta 2,577 mg (0,037), kapçıkta 0,698 mg (0,008) olarak ölçüldü. Sonuç: Düzce yöresinde yetişen Amanita phalloides mantarlarındaki alfa amanitin düzeyleri, başka bölgelerde yetişenlerden farklılık göstermektedir. Bulduğumuz sonuçlardan daha yüksek ve daha düşük seviyede toksin düzeyi ölçülmüş araştırmalar literatürde mevcuttur. Bu farklılığın etkenleri arasında iklim şartları yanında ekstraksiyon ve analiz yöntemlerindeki farklılıklar da rol oynayabilir.Aim: The aim of this study is to measure the level of alpha amanitin toxin using HPLC method from Amanita phalloides mushroom collected in the province of Düzce in 2010. Method: One of the mushrooms as a whole body. The other one was extracted after seperated into parts. The measurement was done by HPLC using 303 nm UV wavelength and 250x4,6 mm C18 5 µm particle included column. Ammonium acetatemethanolacetonitrile (801010, v/v/v) was used as a mobile phase, and the flow rate was set 1 ml/min. The results were given as a toxin quantity in 1 g dry mushroom. Results: The amount of alpha amanitin was measured as 4,806 mg (±0,033) in the whole body, 3,522 mg (±0,024) in the cap, 5,318 mg (±0,056) in the lamellar, 0,903 mg (±0,004) in the ring, 2,577 mg (±0,037) in the stipe, 0,698 mg (±0,008) in the volva. Conclusion: The level of alpha amanitin in Amanita phalloides from Duzce Province is differ from different countries. Higher and lower levels of toxin than our data obtained investigations are present in the literature. The reason of this differences might be several factors like extraction methods, analysis methods and environmental conditions
Düzce yöresinde yetişen amanita phalloides mantarındaki alfa amanitin düzeyinin hplc yöntemiyle ölçümü
Aim: The aim of this study is to measure the level of alpha amanitin toxin using HPLC method from Amanita phalloides mushroom collected in the province of Düzce in 2010. Method: One of the mushrooms as a whole body. The other one was extracted after seperated into parts. The measurement was done by HPLC using 303 nm UV wavelength and 250x4,6 mm C18 5 ?m particle included column. Ammonium acetate+methanol+acetonitrile (80+10+10, v/v/v) was used as a mobile phase, and the flow rate was set 1 ml/min. The results were given as a toxin quantity in 1 g dry mushroom. Results: The amount of alpha amanitin was measured as 4,806 mg (±0,033) in the whole body, 3,522 mg (±0,024) in the cap, 5,318 mg (±0,056) in the lamellar, 0,903 mg (±0,004) in the ring, 2,577 mg (±0,037) in the stipe, 0,698 mg (±0,008) in the volva. Conclusion: The level of alpha amanitin in Amanita phalloides from Duzce Province is differ from different countries. Higher and lower levels of toxin than our data obtained investigations are present in the literature. The reason of this differences might be several factors like extraction methods, analysis methods and environmental conditions. © 2012 Düzce Medical Journal
Extracto de raíz de Glycyrrhiza glabraatenúa la nocicepción en modelos experimentales de dolor: El rolde los canales BKCa
The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional interaction of Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract (GGRE) on the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels expressed in the peripheral nervous system by using nociception and inflammation models in rodents in vivo. Besides toxicity studies and open field tests, nociception and inflammation tests were performed on rodents. Different doses of GGRE were given orally to rats and mice. Naloxone, indomethacin, morphine, NS1619 and iberiotoxin (IbTX) were administered. GGRE had both anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity in rats and mice. GGRE exhibited an analgesic effect by decreasing the time-course of the pain threshold or reaction time in some nociceptive tests. Furthermore, GGRE reduced level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta. As a conclusion, GGRE can alleviate the pain sensation of the afferent nerves and can reduce inflammation and associated pain by activating BKCa channels and reducing the levels of TNF-alpha, IL1 beta.Resumen:El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la interacción funcional del extracto de raíz de Glycyrrhiza glabra(GGRE) en los canales de K+(BKCa) activados por Ca2+de gran conductancia expresados en el sistema nervioso periférico mediante el uso de modelos de nocicepción e inflamación en roedores in vivo. Además de los estudios de toxicidad y las pruebas de campo abierto, se realizaron pruebas de nocicepción e inflamación en roedores. Se administraron por vía oral diferentes dosis de GGRE a ratas y ratones. Se administraron naloxona, indometacina, morfina, NS1619 e iberiotoxina (IbTX). GGRE tenía actividad tanto antinociceptiva como antiinflamatoria en ratas y ratones. GGRE mostró un efecto analgésico al disminuir la evolución temporal del umbral del dolor o el tiempo de reacción en algunas pruebas nociceptivas. Además, GGRE redujo el nivel de citocinas proinflamatorias, incluidas TNF-α e IL-1β. Como conclusión, GGRE puede aliviar la sensación de dolor de los nervios aferentes y puede reducir la inflamación y el dolor asociado activando los canales BKCa y reduciendo los niveles de TNF-α, IL1β