915 research outputs found

    A canonical approach to S-duality in Abelian gauge theory

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    We examine the electric-magnetic duality for a U(1) gauge theory on a general 4-manifold. The partition function for such a theory transforms as a modular form of specific weight. However, in the canonical approach, we show that S-duality, like T-duality, is generated by a canonical transformation leading to a modular invariant partition function.Comment: latex, 10 page

    Bulk Higgs with 4D Gauge Interactions

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    We consider a model with an extra compact dimension in which the Higgs is a bulk field while all other Standard Model fields are confined on a brane. We find that four-dimensional gauge invariance can still be achieved by appropriate modification of the brane action. This changes accordingly the Higgs propagator so that, the Higgs, in all its interactions with Standard Model fields, behaves as an ordinary 4D field, although it has a bulk kinetic term and bulk self-interactions. In addition, it cannot propagate from the brane to the bulk and, thus, no charge can escape into the bulk but it remains confined on the brane. Moreover, the photon remains massless, while the dependence of the Higgs vacuum on the extra dimension induces a mixing between the graviphoton and the Z-boson. This results in a modification of the sensitive \rho-parameter.Comment: 16 page

    Conformal Symmetries of FRW Accelerating Cosmologies

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    We show that any accelerating Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology with equation of state w < -1/3 (and therefore not only a de Sitter stage with w =-1) exhibits three-dimensional conformal symmetry on future constant-time hypersurfaces. We also offer an alternative derivation of this result in terms of conformal Killing vectors and show that long wavelength comoving curvature perturbations of the perturbed FRW metric are just conformal Killing motions of the FRW background. We then extend theb boundary conformal symmetry to the bulk for accelerating cosmologies. Our findings indicate that one can easily generate perturbations of scalar fields which are not only scale invariant, but also fully conformally invariant on super-Hubble scales. Measuring a scale-invariant power spectrum for the cosmological perturbation does not automatically imply that the universe went through a de Sitter stage.Comment: 25 page

    Mirage Cosmology

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    A brane universe moving in a curved higher dimensional bulk space is considered. The motion induces a cosmological evolution on the universe brane that is indistiguishable from a similar one induced by matter density on the brane. The phenomenological implications of such an idea are discussed. Various mirage energy densities are found, corresponding to dilute matter driving the cosmological expansion, many having superluminal properties ∣w∣>1|w|>1 or violating the positive energy condition. It is shown that energy density due to the world-volume fields is nicely incorporated into the picture. It is also pointed out that the initial singularity problem is naturally resolved in this context.Comment: JHEP LateX, 20 pages, no figures;v2 references added and a few minor changes; (v3) Corrected an inconsequential error in eq. 6.2, 6.3. We thank D. Kutasov for bringing this to our attention (v4) Corrected inconsequential errors in (4.4)-(4.7) and (5.11). We thank A. Psinas for bringing them to our attentio

    Discontinuities and collision of gravitational waves in string theory

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    We examine here discontinuities in the metric, the antisymmetric tensor and the dilaton field which are allowed by conformal invariance. We find that the surfaces of discontinuity must necessarily be null surfaces and shock and impulsive waves are both allowed. We employ our results for the case of colliding plane gravitational waves and we discuss the SL(2,R)XSU(2)/RXR WZW model in the present prespective. In particular, the singularities encountered in this model may be viewed as the result of the mutual focusing of the colliding waves.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    Localized Gravitons, Gauge Bosons and Chiral Fermions in Smooth Spaces Generated by a Bounce

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    We study five-dimensional solutions to Einstein equations coupled to a scalar field. Bounce-type solutions for the scalar field are associated with AdS_5 spaces with smooth warp functions. Gravitons are dynamically localized in this framework in analogy to the Randall-Sundrum solution whereas, a bulk fermion gives rise to a single chiral zero mode localized at the bounce. Additional bulk scalar fields are incorporated in this picture. The dilaton, as a bulk scalar leads, through its coupling, to localized gauge boson fields, something that holds also in the case that the bounce system is replaced by a brane.Comment: latex, 14 page
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