138 research outputs found
HH 114 MMS: a new chemically active outflow
Context. A small group of bipolar protostellar outflows display strong
emission from shock-tracer molecules such as SiO and CH3OH, and are generally
referred to as "chemically active." The best-studied outflow from this group is
the one in L 1157. Aims. We study the molecular emission from the bipolar
outflow powered by the very young stellar object HH 114 MMS and compare its
chemical composition with that of the L1157 outflow. Methods. We have used the
IRAM 30m radio telescope to observe a number of transitions from CO, SiO,
CH3OH, SO, CS, HCN, and HCO+ toward the HH 114 MMS outflow. The observations
consist of maps and a two-position molecular survey. Results. The HH 114 MMS
outflow presents strong emission from a number of shock-tracer molecules that
dominate the appearance of the maps around the central source. The abundance of
these molecules is comparable to the abundance in L 1157. Conclusions. The
outflow from HH 114 MMS is a spectacular new case of a chemically active
outflow.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Non-isothermal filaments in equilibrium
The physical properties of the so-called Ostriker isothermal filament
(Ostriker 1964) have been classically used as benchmark to interpret the
stability of the filaments observed in nearby clouds. However, recent continuum
studies have shown that the internal structure of the filaments depart from the
isothermality, typically exhibiting radially increasing temperature gradients.
The presence of internal temperature gradients within filaments suggests that
the equilibrium configuration of these objects should be therefore revisited.
The main goal of this work is to theoretically explore how the equilibrium
structure of a filament changes in a non-isothermal configuration. We solve the
hydrostatic equilibrium equation assuming temperature gradients similar to
those derived from observations. We obtain a new set of equilibrium solutions
for non-isothermal filaments with both linear and asymptotically constant
temperature gradients. Our results show that, for sufficiently large internal
temperature gradients, a non-isothermal filament could present significantly
larger masses per unit length and shallower density profiles than the
isothermal filament without collapsing by its own gravity. We conclude that
filaments can reach an equilibrium configuration under non-isothermal
conditions. Detailed studies of both the internal mass distribution and
temperature gradients within filaments are then needed in order to judge the
physical state of filaments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Fibers in the NGC1333 proto-cluster
Are the initial conditions for clustered star formation the same as for
non-clustered star formation? To investigate the initial gas properties in
young proto-clusters we carried out a comprehensive and high-sensitivity study
of the internal structure, density, temperature, and kinematics of the dense
gas content of the NGC1333 region in Perseus, one of the nearest and best
studied embedded clusters. The analysis of the gas velocities in the
Position-Position-Velocity space reveals an intricate underlying gas
organization both in space and velocity. We identified a total of 14
velocity-coherent, (tran-)sonic structures within NGC1333, with similar
physical and kinematic properties than those quiescent, star-forming (aka
fertile) fibers previously identified in low-mass star-forming clouds. These
fibers are arranged in a complex spatial network, build-up the observed total
column density, and contain the dense cores and protostars in this cloud. Our
results demonstrate that the presence of fibers is not restricted to low-mass
clouds but can be extended to regions of increasing mass and complexity. We
propose that the observational dichotomy between clustered and non-clustered
star-forming regions might be naturally explained by the distinct spatial
density of fertile fibers in these environments.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures; Accepted for publication in A&
Gravitational collapse of the OMC-1 region
We have investigated the global dynamical state of the Integral Shaped
Filament in the Orion A cloud using new NH (1-0) large-scale, IRAM30m
observations. Our analysis of its internal gas dynamics reveals the presence of
accelerated motions towards the Orion Nebula Cluster, showing a characteristic
blue-shifted profile centred at the position of the OMC-1 South region. The
properties of these observed gas motions (profile, extension, and magnitude)
are consistent with the expected accelerations for the gravitational collapse
of the OMC-1 region and explain both the physical and kinematic structure of
this cloud.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; Accepted by A&
The Musca cloud: A 6 pc-long velocity-coherent, sonic filament
Filaments play a central role in the molecular clouds' evolution, but their
internal dynamical properties remain poorly characterized. To further explore
the physical state of these structures, we have investigated the kinematic
properties of the Musca cloud. We have sampled the main axis of this
filamentary cloud in CO and CO (2--1) lines using APEX
observations. The different line profiles in Musca shows that this cloud
presents a continuous and quiescent velocity field along its 6.5 pc of
length. With an internal gas kinematics dominated by thermal motions (i.e.,
) and large-scale velocity gradients, these results
reveal Musca as the longest velocity-coherent, sonic-like object identified so
far in the ISM. The transonic properties of Musca present a clear departure
from the predicted supersonic velocity dispersions expected in the Larson's
velocity dispersion-size relationship, and constitute the first observational
evidence of a filament fully decoupled from the turbulent regime over
multi-parsec scales.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for publication in A&
Chains of dense cores in the Taurus L1495/B213 complex
(Abridged) We study the kinematics of the dense gas in the Taurus L1495/B213
filamentary region to investigate the mechanism of core formation. We use
observations of N2H+(1-0) and C18O(2-1) carried out with the IRAM 30m
telescope. We find that the dense cores in L1495/B213 are significantly
clustered in linear chain-like groups about 0.5pc long. The internal motions in
these chains are mostly subsonic and the velocity is continuous, indicating
that turbulence dissipation in the cloud has occurred at the scale of the
chains and not at the smaller scale of the individual cores. The chains also
present an approximately constant abundance of N2H+ and radial intensity
profiles that can be modeled with a density law that follows a softened power
law. A simple analysis of the spacing between the cores using an isothermal
cylinder model indicates that the cores have likely formed by gravitational
fragmentation of velocity-coherent filaments. Combining our analysis of the
cores with our previous study of the large-scale C18O emission from the cloud,
we propose a two-step scenario of core formation in L1495/B213. In this
scenario, named "fray and fragment," L1495/B213 originated from the supersonic
collision of two flows. The collision produced a network of intertwined
subsonic filaments or fibers ("fray" step). Some of these fibers accumulated
enough mass to become gravitationally unstable and fragment into chains of
closely-spaced cores. This scenario may also apply to other regions of star
formation.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Characterizing the line emission from molecular clouds. II. A comparative study of California, Perseus, and Orion A
We characterize the molecular-line emission of three clouds whose
star-formation rates span one order of magnitude: California, Perseus, and
Orion A.
We use stratified random sampling to select positions representing
the different column density regimes of each cloud and observe them with the
IRAM-30m telescope. We cover the 3 mm wavelength band and focus our analysis on
CO, HCN, CS, HCO+, HNC, and N2H+.
We find that the line intensities depend most strongly on the H2
column density. A secondary effect, especially visible in Orion A, is a
dependence of the line intensities on the gas temperature. We explored a method
that corrects for temperature variations and show that, when it is applied, the
emission from the three clouds behaves very similarly. CO intensities vary
weakly with column density, while the intensity of traditional dense-gas
tracers such as HCN, CS, and HCO+ varies almost linearly with column density.
N2H+ differs from all other species in that it traces only cold dense gas. The
intensity of the rare HCN and CS isotopologs reveals additional
temperature-dependent abundance variations. Overall, the clouds have similar
chemical compositions that, as the depth increases, are sequentially dominated
by photodissociation, gas-phase reactions, molecular freeze-out, and stellar
feedback in the densest parts of Orion A. Our observations also allowed us to
calculate line luminosities for each cloud, and a comparison with literature
values shows good agreement. We used our HCN data to explore the behavior of
the HCN conversion factor, finding that it is dominated by the emission from
the outermost cloud layers. It also depends strongly on the gas kinetic
temperature. Finally, we show that the HCN/CO ratio provides a gas volume
density estimate, and that its correlation with the column density resembles
that found in extragalactic observations.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Characterizing the line emission from molecular clouds. Stratified random sampling of the Perseus cloud
The traditional approach to characterize the structure of
molecular clouds is to map their line emission.
We aim to test and apply a stratified random sampling technique that
can characterize the line emission from molecular clouds more efficiently than
We sampled the molecular emission from the Perseus cloud using the
H2 column density as a proxy. We divided the cloud into ten logarithmically
spaced column density bins, and we randomly selected ten positions from each
bin. The resulting 100 cloud positions were observed with the IRAM 30m
telescope, covering the 3mm-wavelength band and parts of the 2 and 1mm bands.
We focus our analysis on 11 molecular species detected toward most
column density bins. In all cases, the line intensity is tightly correlated
with the H2 column density. For the CO isotopologs, the trend is relatively
flat, while for high-dipole moment species such as HCN, CS, and HCO+ the trend
is approximately linear. We reproduce this behavior with a cloud model in which
the gas density increases with column density, and where most species have
abundance profiles characterized by an outer photodissociation edge and an
inner freeze-out drop. The intensity behavior of the high-dipole moment species
arises from a combination of excitation effects and molecular freeze out, with
some modulation from optical depth. This quasi-linear dependence with the H2
column density makes the gas at low column densities dominate the
cloud-integrated emission. It also makes the emission from most high-dipole
moment species proportional to the cloud mass inside the photodissociation
Stratified random sampling is an efficient technique for
characterizing the emission from whole molecular clouds. It shows that despite
the complex appearance of Perseus, its molecular emission follows a relatively
simple pattern.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Kinematics of dense gas in the L1495 filament
We study the kinematics of the dense gas of starless and protostellar cores
traced by the N2D+(2-1), N2H+(1-0), DCO+(2-1), and H13CO+(1-0) transitions
along the L1495 filament and the kinematic links between the cores and the
surrounding molecular cloud.
We measure velocity dispersions, local and total velocity gradients and
estimate the specific angular momenta of 13 dense cores in the four transitions
using the on-the-fly observations with the IRAM 30 m antenna. To study a
possible connection to the filament gas, we use the fit results of the
C18O(1-0) survey performed by Hacar et al. (2013).
All cores show similar properties along the 10 pc-long filament. N2D+(2-1)
shows the most centrally concentrated structure, followed by N2H+(1-0) and
DCO+(2-1), which show similar spatial extent, and H13CO+(1-0). The non-thermal
contribution to the velocity dispersion increases from higher to lower density
tracers. The change of magnitude and direction of the total velocity gradients
depending on the tracer used indicates that internal motions change at
different depths within the cloud. N2D+ and N2H+ show smaller gradients than
the lower density tracers DCO+ and H13CO+, implying a loss of specific angular
momentum at small scales. At the level of cloud-core transition, the core's
external envelope traced by DCO+ and H13CO+ is spinning up, consistent with
conservation of angular momentum during core contraction. C18O traces the more
extended cloud material whose kinematics is not affected by the presence of
dense cores. The decrease in specific angular momentum towards the centres of
the cores shows the importance of local magnetic fields to the small scale
dynamics of the cores. The random distributions of angles between the total
velocity gradient and large scale magnetic field suggests that the magnetic
fields may become important only in the high density gas within dense cores.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. The abstract is shortene
Survey of Orion Disks with ALMA (SODA) II: UV-driven disk mass loss in L1641 and L1647
External FUV irradiation of protoplanetary disks has an important impact on
their evolution and ability to form planets. However, nearby (<300 pc)
star-forming regions lack sufficiently massive young stars, while the Trapezium
Cluster and NGC 2024 have complicated star-formation histories and their O-type
stars' intense radiation fields () destroy disks too quickly to
study this process in detail. We study disk mass loss driven by intermediate
(10 - 1000 ) FUV radiation fields in L1641 and L1647, where it is driven
by more common A0 and B-type stars. Using the large (N=873) sample size offered
by the Survey of Orion Disks with ALMA (SODA), we search for trends in the
median disk dust mass with FUV field strength across the region as a whole and
in two separate regions containing a large number of irradiated disks. For
radiation fields between 1 - 100 , the median disk mass in the most
irradiated disks drops by a factor over the lifetime of the region,
while the 95th percentile of disk masses drops by a factor 4 over this range.
This effect is present in multiple populations of stars, and localized in
space, to within 2 pc of ionizing stars. We fit an empirical irradiation - disk
mass relation for the first time: . This work demonstrates
that even intermediate FUV radiation fields have a significant impact on the
evolution of protoplanetary disks.Comment: Accepted to A&A Letters. 5 pages, 4 figure
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