593 research outputs found
Bottomonium spectrum at order v^6 from domain-wall lattice QCD: precise results for hyperfine splittings
The bottomonium spectrum is computed in dynamical 2+1 flavor lattice QCD,
using NRQCD for the b quarks. The main calculations in this work are based on
gauge field ensembles generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations with the
Iwasaki action for the gluons and a domain-wall action for the sea quarks.
Lattice spacing values of approximately 0.08 fm and 0.11 fm are used, and
simultaneous chiral extrapolations to the physical pion mass are performed. As
a test for gluon discretization errors, the calculations are repeated on two
ensembles generated by the MILC collaboration with the Luscher-Weisz gauge
action. Gluon discretization errors are also studied in a lattice potential
model using perturbation theory for four different gauge actions. The
nonperturbative lattice QCD results for the radial and orbital bottomonium
energy splittings obtained from the RBC/UKQCD ensembles are found to be in
excellent agreement with experiment. To get accurate results for spin
splittings, the spin-dependent order-v^6 terms are included in the NRQCD
action, and suitable ratios are calculated such that most of the unknown
radiative corrections cancel. The cancellation of radiative corrections is
verified explicitly by repeating the calculations with different values of the
couplings in the NRQCD action. Using the lattice ratios of the S-wave hyperfine
and the 1P tensor splitting, and the experimental result for the 1P tensor
splitting, the 1S hyperfine splitting is found to be
60.3+-5.5(stat)+-5.0(syst)+-2.1(exp) MeV, and the 2S hyperfine splitting is
predicted to be 23.5+-4.1(stat)+-2.1(syst)+-0.8(exp) MeV.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures. v2: added Appendix D containing detailed
analysis of gluon discretization errors using a lattice potential model and
comparison to results from MILC ensembles. Estimates of systematic errors in
hyperfine splittings now include gluon discretization errors and b-bbar
annihilation contribution. Accepted for publication in PR
On Fluctuations of Conserved Charges : Lattice Results Versus Hadron Resonance Gas
We compare recent lattice results on fluctuations and correlations of
strangeness, baryon number and electric charge obtained with p4 improved
staggered action with the prediction of hadron resonance gas model. We show
that hadron resonance gas can describe these fluctuations reasonably well if
the hadron properties are as calculated on the lattice.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, uses jpconf.cls, to appear in the proceedings of 26th
Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamic
Static meson correlators in 2+1 flavor QCD at non-zero temperature
We study correlation functions of various static meson operators of size r at
non-zero temperature in 2+1 flavor QCD, including Coulomb gauge fixed operators
and Wilson loops with smeared spatial parts. The numerical calculations are
performed on 24^3x6 lattices using highly improved staggered quark action. We
discuss possible implications of our findings on the temperature dependence of
the static energy of QQbar pair.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX, 7 figures, uses svjour.cl
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