2,916 research outputs found
Theoretical Analysis of the Reduction of Neel Temperature in La(CuZn(or Mg)O
Using Tyablikov's decoupling approximation, we calculate the initial
suppression rate of the Neel temperature, , in a quasi two-dimensional diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet with
nonmagnetic impurities of concentration . In order to explain an
experimental fact that of the Zn-substitution is different
from of the Mg-substitution, we propose a model in which
impurity substitution reduces the intra-plane exchange couplings surrounding
impurities, as well as dilution of spin systems. The decrease of 12% in
exchange coupling constants by Zn substitution and decrease of 6% by Mg
substitution explain those two experimental results, when an appropriate value
of the interplane coupling is used.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figure
Microwave Spectroscopy
Contains reports on two research projects.Lincoln Laboratory, Purchase Order DDL BB-107U. S. Air Force under Contract AF 19(628)-50
Microwave Spectroscopy
Contains reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force) under Contract DA 36-039-AMC-03200(E
Stability and flow fields structure for interfacial dynamics with interfacial mass flux
We analyze from a far field the evolution of an interface that separates
ideal incompressible fluids of different densities and has an interfacial mass
flux. We develop and apply the general matrix method to rigorously solve the
boundary value problem involving the governing equations in the fluid bulk and
the boundary conditions at the interface and at the outside boundaries of the
domain. We find the fundamental solutions for the linearized system of
equations, and analyze the interplay of interface stability with flow fields
structure, by directly linking rigorous mathematical attributes to physical
observables. New mechanisms are identified of the interface stabilization and
destabilization. We find that interfacial dynamics is stable when it conserves
the fluxes of mass, momentum and energy. The stabilization is due to inertial
effects causing small oscillations of the interface velocity. In the classic
Landau dynamics, the postulate of perfect constancy of the interface velocity
leads to the development of the Landau-Darrieus instability. This
destabilization is also associated with the imbalance of the perturbed energy
at the interface, in full consistency with the classic results. We identify
extreme sensitivity of the interface dynamics to the interfacial boundary
conditions, including formal properties of fundamental solutions and
qualitative and quantitative properties of the flow fields. This provides new
opportunities for studies, diagnostics, and control of multiphase flows in a
broad range of processes in nature and technology
PS-MRT Lattice Boltzmann model for direct simulation of granular soils and seepage flow
We proposed a direct numerical simulation model of granular soils and seepage flow by combining the discrete element method and the lattice Boltzmann method. The MRT model was introduced in order to obtain stable solutions of fluid flow under high Reynolds number condition. The PS model, which retains a local operation at each fluid node and keep from intensive increasing the computational costs for the calculation of collision term, was also introduced as a solid-fluid coupled model. We show the effectiveness of the PS-MRT lattice Boltzmann model through several validation tests
Two-Triplet-Dimer Excitation Spectra in the Shastry-Sutherland Model for SrCu_2(BO_3)_2
By using the perturbation expansion up to the fifth order, we study the
two-triplet-dimer excitation spectra in the Shastry-Sutherland model, where the
localized nature of a triplet-dimer, the propagation of a triplet-dimer pair by
the correlated hopping and the long-range interactions between triplet-dimers
play an essential role. It is found that the dispersion relations for
first-neighbor triplet-dimer pair excitations with S=1 and p-type symmetry
qualitatively explain the second-lowest branch observed in the neutron
inelastic scattering experiment. It is also predicted that the second-lowest
branch consists of two components, p_x- and p_y-states, with slightly different
excitation energies. The origin of the singlet mode at 3.7meV observed in the
Raman scattering experiment is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Instability of isolated triplet excitations on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL)
Configurations of singlets and triplets on the SSL have been proposed in the
literature as variational ground states of the Shastry-Sutherland model at
fixed magnetization M. We prove, that isolated triplet excitations on the SSL
are unstable if the coupling alpha falls below a critical value alpha_c=2.0
(approx.). The instability should be visible in the compound SrCu_2(BO_3)_2
where a coupling alpha^*=1.48 is realized.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe
Competing Spin-Gap Phases in a Frustrated Quantum Spin System in Two Dimensions
We investigate quantum phase transitions among the spin-gap phases and the
magnetically ordered phases in a two-dimensional frustrated antiferromagnetic
spin system, which interpolates several important models such as the
orthogonal-dimer model as well as the model on the 1/5-depleted square lattice.
By computing the ground state energy, the staggered susceptibility and the spin
gap by means of the series expansion method, we determine the ground-state
phase diagram and discuss the role of geometrical frustration. In particular,
it is found that a RVB-type spin-gap phase proposed recently for the
orthogonal-dimer system is adiabatically connected to the plaquette phase known
for the 1/5-depleted square-lattice model.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in JPSJ 70 (2001
Magnetization Plateaus in the Shastry-Sutherland Model for SrCu_2(BO_3)_2: Results of Fourth-Order Perturbation Expansion with a Low-Density Approximation
Magnetization plateaus in the Shastry-Sutherland model for are studied by the perturbation expansion method. The
fourth-order effective Hamiltonian which describes the dynamics of triplet
dimers (TD's) with in the singlet sea is derived and then
partially diagonalized for the space that consists of the TD configurations
with the lowest second-order energy. The fourth-order terms are treated within
a low-density approximation. Our procedure makes clear how TD interactions are
responsible for the formation of magnetization plateaus. Particularly, the
1/4-plateau is obtained by the fourth-neighbor TD repulsion in the fourth-order
perturbation, and a diagonal stripe arrangement of TD's appears at this
plateau.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure
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