12 research outputs found
Respon Pemberian Phytoestrogen Berasal Dari Tepung Kedelai Pada Kelinci (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) Luas Jaringan Interstitial, Spermatogenesis Dan Kualitas Sperma
Kedelai, sebagai salah satu bahan penyusun ransum ternak diketahui mengandung senyawa phytoestrogen. Akumulasi senyawa phytoestrogen ini dalam ternak jantan telah mempengaruhi sistem reproduksi mencakup Perubahan anatomi makro, mikro, dan fungsi organ reproduksi, menghambat pertumbuhan sel gamet, kemampuan fertilisasi dan tingkah laku seksual. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh pemberian tepung kedelai dan mencari dosis tepung kedelai yang tidak mengganggu terhadap luas jaringan interstitial, spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma pada kelinci. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimental di laboratorium dengan menggunakan pola rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan terdiri dari 4 macam dosis tepung kedelai yaitu kontrol (K1), tepung kedelai dosis 123 mg/kg berat badan (bb) kelinci (K2), tepung kedelai dosis 246 mg/kg bb kelinci (K3) dan tepung kedelai dosis 490 mg/kg bb kelinci (K4). Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali. Kelinci jantan umur dua bulan digunakan sebagai hewan model berjumlah 16 ekor. Pengujian variabel meliputi pengukuran persentase sperma hidup, abnormalitas sperma, pengamatan spermatogenesis serta luas jaringan interstitial. Data hasil pengujian variabel dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varians (ANAVA) dan Uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung kedelai sebagai sumber phytoestrogen pada kelinci menurunkan luas jaringan interstitial, spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma akan tetapi dari ketiga dosis tepung kedelai yang diberikan, dosis 123 mg/kg bb kelinci memberikan hasil yang sama dengan kontrol bagi terbentuknya sperma hidup, terbentuknya abnormalitas sperma dan luas jaringan interstitial sehingga dapat dikatakan dosis 123 mg/kg bb kelinci adalah dosis yang relatif aman diberikan pada kelinci
Kedelai, sebagai salah satu bahan penyusun ransum ternak diketahui mengandung senyawa phytoestrogen. Akumulasi senyawa phytoestrogen ini dalam ternak jantan telah mempengaruhi sistem reproduksi mencakup perubahan anatomi makro, mikro, dan fungsi organ reproduksi, menghambat pertumbuhan sel gamet, kemampuan fertilisasi dan tingkah laku seksual. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh pemberian tepung kedelai dan mencari dosis tepung kedelai yang tidak mengganggu terhadap luas jaringan interstitial, spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma pada kelinci. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimental di laboratorium dengan menggunakan pola rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan terdiri dari 4 macam dosis tepung kedelai yaitu kontrol (K1), tepung kedelai dosis 123 mg/kg berat badan (bb) kelinci (K2), tepung kedelai dosis 246 mg/kg bb kelinci (K3) dan tepung kedelai dosis 490 mg/kg bb kelinci (K4). Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali. Kelinci jantan umur dua bulan digunakan sebagai hewan model berjumlah 16 ekor. Pengujian variabel meliputi pengukuran persentase sperma hidup, abnormalitas sperma, pengamatan spermatogenesis serta luas jaringan interstitial. Data hasil pengujian variabel dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varians (ANAVA) dan Uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung kedelai sebagai sumber phytoestrogen pada kelinci menurunkan luas jaringan interstitial, spermatogenesis dan kualitas sperma akan tetapi dari ketiga dosis tepung kedelai yang diberikan, dosis 123 mg/kg bb kelinci memberikan hasil yang sama dengan kontrol bagi terbentuknya sperma hidup, terbentuknya abnormalitas sperma dan luas jaringan interstitial sehingga dapat dikatakan dosis 123 mg/kg bb kelinci adalah dosis yang relatif aman diberikan pada kelinci.Kata Kunci : phytoestrogen, tepung kedelai, kualitas sperma, spermatogenesis, luas jaringan interstitial, kelinci
The Effects of Temulawak extract and Yoghurt on HDL-LDL mice blood exposed waste cooking oil
Using cooking oil repeatedly in processing the fried foods can cause health problems, especially cholesterol metabolism that affect levels of HDL, LDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol blood that can cause blockage of blood vessels leading to coronary heart disease. This study aimed to determine the effect of temulawak extracts and yoghurt in lowering levels of LDL-HDL mice after given used cooking oil. The Treatments were temulawak extract at a dose of 280 mg/kg bw mice and 560 mg/kg bw mice and yoghurt concentration of 4% of the body weight of mice. Parameters measured were the levels of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). The results showed that temulawak extract 560 mg/kg bw and yoghurt 4 % bw effective in increasing HDL levels and decreasing LDL levels mice blood
Histological Structure of Male Wistar Rats’ Stomach Fed with Yam Tuber Flour Supplementation
A residential rat might harm human health because it acts as a disease reservoir. It has been many efforts to control this rate using synthetic rodenticide. Nevertheless, synthetic rodenticides broke the environment and made rats resistant. Yam (Dioscorea hispida) tube application on rat’s bite could solve the problem. This study evaluated the histology of male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) fed with bite block supplemented with different yam tuber flour concertation to control residential rat populations. Five different treatments were applied with five replications. The treatments were negative control and brodifacoum 0.005% (positive control), 30%, 50%, and 70% of yam tuber flour. The results show that yam tuber supplementation caused damage to male Wistar rat stomachs, as indicated by mucosal erosion and the presence of inflammatory cells. The statistical test indicated that stomach damage significantly differed among treatments, with the severest damages caused by 50% yam tuber supplementation. It could be concluded that the rat’s bite containing yam tuber flour caused stomach damage, and the feed bite containing 70% yam tuber flour was the most effective. This result proved that yam tuber has good potential as a natural rodenticide to control residential rat populations
Hasil Review Artikel Prosiding Internasional C28: Volatility Modeling Using Hybrid Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) – Support Vector Regression (SVR)
Volatility Modelling Using Hybrid Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) - Support Vector Regression (SVR)
High fluctuations in stock returns is one problem that is considered by the investors. Therefore we need a model that is able to predict accurately the volatility of stock returns. One model that can be used is a model Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH). This model can serve as a model input in the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model, known as Hybrid ARCH-SVR. This modeling is one of the alternatives in modeling the volatility of stock returns. This method is able to show a good performance in modeling the volatility of stock returns. The purpose of this study was to determine the stock return volatility models using a Hybrid ARCH-SVR model on stock price data of PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. The result shows that the determination of the input variables based on the ARIMA (3,0,3)-ARCH (5), so that the SVR model consists of 5 lags as input vector. Using a this model was obtained that the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 1,98% and R2 = 99.99%.
Keywords: ARCH; ARIMA; SVR; Volatilit
Modification of Rice Husk-Based Activated Carbon using Sodium Lauryl Sulfat (SLS) for Lead (Pb) Ions Removal
A rice husk-based active carbon modified using SLS surfactant showed an increase on Pb ionic metal removal with the efficiency of 99.96%. Activated carbon is commonly applied as adsorben in waste water treatment, in particularly, waste water containing heavy metals and dye molecules. Even though it is commonly used, the adsorption efficiency of activated carbon to the heavy metal waste is still low. Therefore, in the present work, carbon from rice husk was modified using surfactant which further it is called surfactant modified active carbon (SMAC). Firstly, rice husk-based carbon was activated using 40% H3PO4 for 2,
6, 10, 14, 15 and 16 hours. The activated carbon was then modified by contacting it into SLS in different concentration 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 ppm for 5 hours. Finally, the SMAC was then applied to remove Pb ionic metal. Moreover, several characterisation techniques were performed including FTIR, SEM, UV-Vis and AAS.
Keywords: activated carbon, surfactant-modified active carbon, adsorption, rice hus
Treatment of PLGA Nanoparticles Ointment-Ethanol Extract of Archidendron pauciflorum in the Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice
Diabetic wounds lead to severe tissue damage and are diffi-cult to cure. Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is a plant commonly used by local Indonesian communities to treat diabetic wounds. The efficiency of herbal medicine still has a deficiency of its ability to reach the target organs, therefore nanotechnology is applied in the hope that all drug concentrations can reach the target organs successfully. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PLGA nanoparticle ointment-ethanol extract jengkol fruit peel (EEJFP) to accelerate the wound healing process in the skin of streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. The research method used was experimental with a completely randomized design using six treatments and four replications. Diabe-tes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin 180 mg/ kg BW. Mice with a blood glucose level of ≥150 mg/dL were used for diabetic mice models. The incision wound created at the dorsolateral region of shaven skin at ±1 cm2 using sterile scissors. The treatments given were vaseline for Control Negative (CN) and Control Positive (CP), Betadine ointment (PB), 10% EEJFP ointment (P1), 5% PLGA nanoparticle ointment-EEJFP (P2), and 2.5% PLGA nanoparticle ointment-EEJFP (P3). The results showed that the administration of PLGA nanoparticles ointment-EEJFP with a concentration of 5% PLGA nanoparticle ointment-EEJFP (P2) resulted in the shortest wound length on day 3, 7 and 14; narrower granulation tissue; a larger number of blood capillaries; and denser collagen fibers (α <0.05) compared to CP and PB treatments. The administration of PLGA nanoparticle ointment-EEJFP with a concentration of 5% was the most effective concentration in accelerating wound healing in the skin of diabetic mice.