63,724 research outputs found
The Effect of Fermented Sour Milk Consumption on the Health Conditions and the Recovery From Diarrhea of Elementary School Pupils
Calpico is a drink made of fermented sour milk cultured with lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus helveticus). Calpico drink contains 1010 cells of lactic acid bacteria for one cup serve, although it is not alive. The purpose of this study is to investigate a possible effect of Calpico ingestion on prevention or recovery from diarrhea. The pupils of the 4th grade of two elementary schools were subjected. Pupils were requested to answer the questionnaire about social and health conditions of their own. After measuring body weight, pupils for Calpico group were given 200 ml of one-fifth diluted Calpico every morning at 9 AM. Pupils of control group were given nothing. More over half of pupils who drunk Calpico for one month increased one to two kg of their body weight after test period. The frequency of diarrhea of Calpico group was markedly decreased. It was shown in Jakarta that Calpico ingestion had a dramatically effect on recovery from diarrhea and improvement of health condition noted by the increase of body weight of the pupils
Embracing Localization Inaccuracy: A Case Study
In recent years, indoor localization has become a hot research topic with some sophisticated solutions reaching accuracy on the order of ten centimeters. While certain classes of applications can justify the corresponding costs that come with these solutions, a wealth of applications have requirements that can be met at much lower cost by accepting lower accuracy. This paper explores one specific application for monitoring patients in a nursing home, showing that sufficient accuracy can be achieved with a carefully designed deployment of low-cost wireless sensor network nodes in combination with a simple RSSI-based localization technique. Notably our solution uses a single radio sample per period, a number that is much lower than similar approaches. This greatly eases the power burden of the nodes, resulting in a significant lifetime increase. This paper evaluates a concrete deployment from summer 2012 composed of fixed anchor motes throughout one floor of a nursing home and mobile units carried by patients. We show how two localization algorithms perform and demonstrate a clear improvement by following a set of simple guidelines to tune the anchor node placement. We show both quantitatively and qualitatively that the results meet the functional and non-functional system requirements
Analisis Sektor Basis dan Subsektor Basis Pertanian terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Kabupaten Keerom Provinsi Papua
Agricultural development program in Indonesia is the part of economic development.Papua Province in the economic sector, the agriculture sector is the very important role in supporting economic growth in the region.This study aims to analyze the basic sector and basic sub-sector of agriculture, analyze the position sector and the agriculture sector in the future, and the determinants of changes in positions on regional economic growth based on the calculation of the GDP Keerom district and Papua province in 2008-2011.The study used secondary data over a period of four years. The analysis method used is Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), and Total Shift Share (TSS). The analysis LQ show that agriculture sector is thebasic sector in the economy Keerom.While the agriculture sector as the sub-sector basis (leading sector) is plantation, animal husbandry, and forestry.The combined method of LQ and DLQ, show that agriculture sector is still the sector basis in the future.The results of the analysis TSS is known that the deciding factor position change on plantations and fishing sub-sector is the location factor, while the determining factor position change on the livestock sector is the factor of of economic structure
Model Deradikalisasi Narapidana Terorisme; Studi Perbandingan Deradikalisasi di Yaman, Arab Saudi, Singapura, Mesir, dan Indonesia
Terrorismis a crimethat isassociatedwithradicalism, thede-radicalizationprogramsshould bean integral part ofthe criminal justicesystemandpoliticsof criminal lawin combatingterrorism. There isdiversityin the modelde-radicalizationinsomecountries. Yemenis moreemphasis onthe theologicaldialogueapproach, whileSaudi Arabiaas well asSingpura, includingIndonsia, theologicaldialoguemodelscombinedwithothermodelssuch as thepsychologicalandsocialrehabilitation. Can be distinguishedbetweenthe de-radicalizationof collectiveradicalgroups or organizations, as is doneinEgypt, and theindividualde-radicalizationdirected atindividualprisonersterrorismaspracticedinYemen, Saudi Arabia, SingaporeandIndonesia. The programisconductedin a comprehensiveormoreintegrativeefefktifas seenin SaudiArabiaand Singaporethanbased solely onreligiousdialogueasinYeme
Wireless Health Monitoring using Passive WiFi Sensing
This paper presents a two-dimensional phase extraction system using passive
WiFi sensing to monitor three basic elderly care activities including breathing
rate, essential tremor and falls. Specifically, a WiFi signal is acquired
through two channels where the first channel is the reference one, whereas the
other signal is acquired by a passive receiver after reflection from the human
target. Using signal processing of cross-ambiguity function, various features
in the signal are extracted. The entire implementations are performed using
software defined radios having directional antennas. We report the accuracy of
our system in different conditions and environments and show that breathing
rate can be measured with an accuracy of 87% when there are no obstacles. We
also show a 98% accuracy in detecting falls and 93% accuracy in classifying
tremor. The results indicate that passive WiFi systems show great promise in
replacing typical invasive health devices as standard tools for health care.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, conference pape
Analisis Kinerja Tenaga Kesehatan pada Puskesmaslapadde Kota Parepare
Turunnya kinerja tenaga kesehatan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya faktor kemampuan, beban kerja, disiplin kerja dan motivasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis kinerja tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Lapadde Kota Parepare. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analitik dengan desain penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Lapadde sebanyak 80 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan tekniknon probability sampling dengan cara sampling jenuh yaitu semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel yaitu sebanyak 80 tenaga kesehatan. Analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat (uji statistik chi-square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kemampuan (p = 0,002), beban kerja (p = 0,004), disiplin kerja (p = 0,000), dan motivasi kerja (p = 0,001) dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Lapadde Kota Parepare. Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa ada hubungan antara kemampuan, beban kerja, disiplin kerja dan motivasi kerja dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan di Puskesmas Lapadde Kota Parepare
Pengendalian Kualitas Batubara dengan Sistim Pencampuran pada PT. Bukit Baiduri Energi Site Merandai Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Kalimantan Timur
Pengendalian kualitas batubara dengan cara pencampuran merupakan proses penggabungan/kombinasi dari input batubara beda kualitas dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan output satu nilai kuantitas serta kualitas batubara yang di inginkan atau sesuai permintaan konsumen yang sesuai dalam kontrak.Penelitian ini ruang lingkupnya terbatas pada analisis kuantitas serta kualitas Parameter nilai kandungan belerang, dan nilai kandungan panas batubara. Nilai kontrak kuantitas dan kualitas batubara [Nilai kandungan belerang : 1.00 % , kandungan nilai panas: 5125 Kkal/kg dengan kuantitas sebanyak 54,674.90 ton batubara]Hasil aktual batubara campuran yang di dapat dari hasil pengujian oleh pihak penjamin mutu PT. Geoservice [Kandungan belerang =1.49 %, Kandungan nilai panas kotor = 5231 Kkal/kg dengan kuantitas batubara sebanyak 54,674.90 ton]Hasil analisis pengendalian kualitas batubara pada pengapalan dengan sistim pencampuran bulan mei 2012 dapat di simpulkan bahwa Hipotesis di terima, karena sistim pengendalian kualitas batubara pada pengapalan di PT. Bukit Baiduri Energi dapat memberikan manfaat ekonomis berupa bonus dari parameter nilai kandungan panas sebesar 1.493 USD/ton namum dapat tertutupi dengan adanya bonus dari parameter kandungan panas kotor sebesar 1.493USD/ton – 72.20 USD (bonus) – 0.1225USD/metric ton, Jika di hitung dengan mengalikan kuantitas batubara yang di kapalkan atau yang jual berati bonus penjualan yang di terima sebesar := (72.20 USD x 54.674.90 ton)= 3,947.528 USD= 4,029.158 USD$/to
Unpacking the curvilinear relationship between negative affectivity, performance, and turnover intentions: The moderating effect of time-related work stress
This study explores the relationships of negative affectivity with two frequently studied outcome variables job performance and turnover intentions. Conventional wisdom holds that negative affectivity has a harmful impact on both job performance and intentions to leave; however, we propose a more nuanced perspective using empirical and theoretical arguments (e.g., self-regulation theory) to highlight the functional effects of negative affectivity. To test our hypotheses, we collected self-reported and supervisor-reported data from seven organizations in Pakistan. The findings based on data collected from 280 employees show that while negative affectivity is detrimental for job performance, this effect is mitigated as negative affectivity increases. It further shows that the linear negative main effect of negative affectivity on job performance is more pronounced when employees experience less time-related work stress. Finally, the curvilinear relationship between negative affectivity and turnover intentions is moderated by time-related work stress. The relationship has a U shape at high levels of time-related work stress, whereas at low levels it has an inverted U shape. A discussion of the limitations, future research, and implications for theory building and practice conclude the article
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