157 research outputs found
Lattice Landau gauge via Stereographic Projection
The complete cancellation of Gribov copies and the Neuberger 0/0 problem of
lattice BRST can be avoided in modified lattice Landau gauge. In compact U(1),
where the problem is a lattice artifact, there remain to be Gribov copies but
their number is exponentially reduced. Moreover, there is no cancellation of
copies there as the sign of the Faddeev-Popov determinant is positive. Applied
to the maximal Abelian subgroup this avoids the perfect cancellation amongst
the remaining Gribov copies for SU(N) also. In addition, based on a definition
of gauge fields on the lattice as stereographically-projected link variables,
it provides a framework for gauge fixed Monte-Carlo simulations. This will
include all Gribov copies in the spirit of BRST. Their average is not zero, as
demonstrated explicitly in simple models. This might resolve present
discrepancies between gauge-fixed lattice and continuum studies of QCD Green's
functions.Comment: 5 pages, talk presented at the 8th Conference Quark Confinement and
the Hadron Spectrum, September 1-6, 2008, Mainz, German
Modified Lattice Landau Gauge
We propose a modified lattice Landau gauge based on stereographically
projecting the link variables on the circle S^1 -> R for compact U(1) or the
3-sphere S^3 -> R^3 for SU(2) before imposing the Landau gauge condition. This
can reduce the number of Gribov copies exponentially and solves the Gribov
problem in compact U(1) where it is a lattice artifact. Applied to the maximal
Abelian subgroup this might be just enough to avoid the perfect cancellation
amongst the Gribov copies in a lattice BRST formulation for SU(N), and thus to
avoid the Neuberger 0/0 problem. The continuum limit of the Landau gauge
remains unchanged.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, for the proceedings of the XXV International
Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 30 - August 4 2007, Regensburg,
What the Infrared Behavior of QCD Green Functions can tell us about Confinement in the Covariant Gauge
We review aspects of confinement in the covariant and local description of
QCD and discuss to what extend our present knowledge of the infrared behavior
of QCD Green functions can support this description. In particular, we
emphasize: the positivity violations of transverse gluon and quark states, the
Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion, and the conditions necessary to avoid the
decomposition property for colored clusters. We summarize how these issues
relate to the infrared behavior of the propagators in Landau gauge QCD as
extracted from solutions to truncated Dyson-Schwinger equations and lattice
simulations.Comment: 10 Pages, 7 Figures, LaTeX2.09, invited talk presented by L. v.
Smekal at ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV'', Vienna, July 4-8,
The Infrared Behavior of QCD Propagators in Landau Gauge
Some features of the solutions to the truncated Dyson-Schwinger
equations(DSEs) for the propagators of QCD in Landau gauge are summarized. In
particular, the Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion is realized, and positivity of
transverse gluons is manifestly violated in these solutions. In Landau gauge,
the gluon-ghost vertex function offers a convenient possibility to define a
nonperturbative running coupling. The infrared fixed point obtained from this
coupling which determines the 2-point interactions of color-octet quark
currents implies the existence of unphysical massless states which are
necessary to escape the cluster decomposition of colored clusters. The gluon
and ghost propagators, and the nonperturbative running coupling, are compared
to recent lattice simulations. A significant deviation of the running coupling
from the infrared behavior extracted in simulations of 3-point functions is
attributed to an inconsistency of asymmetric subtraction schemes due to a
consequence of the Kugo-Ojima criterion: infrared enhanced ghosts.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, talk given by R.A. at ``Quark Nuclear Physics
2000'', Adelaide, Feb. 21 - 25, 200
The Infrared Behavior of QCD Green's Functions - Confinement, Dynamical Symmetry Breaking, and Hadrons as Relativistic Bound States
Recent studies of QCD Green's functions and their applications in hadronic
physics are reviewed. We briefly discuss the issues of gauge fixing, BRS
invariance and positivity. Evidence for the violation of positivity by quarks
and transverse gluons in the covariant gauge is collected, and it is argued
that this is one manifestation of confinement.
We summarise the derivation of the Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs) of QED
and QCD. The influence of instantons on DSEs in a 2-dimensional model is
mentioned. Solutions for the Green's functions in QED in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions
provide tests of various schemes to truncate DSEs. We discuss possible
extensions to QCD and their limitations. Truncation schemes for DSEs of QCD are
discussed in the axial gauge and in the Landau gauge. We review the available
results from a systematic non-perturbative expansion scheme established for
Landau gauge QCD. Comparisons to related lattice results, where available, are
The applications of QCD Green's functions to hadron physics are summarized.
Properties of ground state mesons are discussed on the basis of the
Bethe-Salpeter equation for quarks and antiquarks. The Goldstone nature of
pseudoscalar mesons and mechanisms of diquark confinement are reviewed. We
discuss some properties of ground state baryons based on their description as
Bethe-Salpeter/Faddeev bound states of quark-diquark correlations in the
quantum field theory of confined quarks and gluons.Comment: 212 Pages, LaTeX2e, submitted to Physics Reports; typos corrected,
improvements on grammar and style, references adde
Hybrid Monte-Carlo simulation of interacting tight-binding model of graphene
In this work, results are presented of Hybrid-Monte-Carlo simulations of the
tight-binding Hamiltonian of graphene, coupled to an instantaneous long-range
two-body potential which is modeled by a Hubbard-Stratonovich auxiliary field.
We present an investigation of the spontaneous breaking of the sublattice
symmetry, which corresponds to a phase transition from a conducting to an
insulating phase and which occurs when the effective fine-structure constant
of the system crosses above a certain threshold .
Qualitative comparisons to earlier works on the subject (which used larger
system sizes and higher statistics) are made and it is established that
is of a plausible magnitude in our simulations. Also, we discuss
differences between simulations using compact and non-compact variants of the
Hubbard field and present a quantitative comparison of distinct discretization
schemes of the Euclidean time-like dimension in the Fermion operator.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, presented at the 31st International Symposium on
Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German
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