4,386 research outputs found
Short-range spin- and pair-correlations: a variational wave-function
A many-body wavefuction is postulated, which is sufficiently general to
describe superconducting pair-correlations, and/or spin-correlations, which can
occur either as long-range order or as finite-range correlations. The proposed
wave-function appears to summarize some of the more relevant aspects of the
rich phase-diagram of the high-Tc cuprates. Some of the states represented by
this wavefunction are reviewed: For superconductivity in the background of
robust anti-ferromagnetism, the Cooper-pairs are shown to be a superposition of
spinquantum numbers S=0 and S=1. If the anti-ferromagnetism is weak, a
continuous super-symmetric rotation is identified connecting s-wave
superconductivity to anti-ferromagnetism.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 3 figures in eps format references update
Optical spectroscopy of plasmons and excitons in cuprate superconductors
An introduction is given to collective modes in layered, high Tc
superconductors. An experimental demonstration is treated of the mechanism
proposed by Anderson whereby photons travelling inside the superconductor
become massive, when the U(1) gauge symmetry is broken in the superconductor to
which the photons are coupled. Using the Ferrell-Tinkham sumrule the photon
mass is shown to have a simple relation to the spectral weight of the
condensate. Various forms of Josephson plasmons can exist in single-layer, and
bi-layecuprates. In the bi-layer cuprates a transverse optical plasma mode can
be observed as a peak in the c-axis optical conductivity. This mode appears as
a consequence of the existence of two different intrinsic Josephson couplings
between the CuO2 layers. It is strongly related to a collective oscillation
corresponding to small fluctuations of the relative phases of the two
condensates, which has been predicted in 1966 by A.J. Leggett for
superconductors with two bands of charge carriers. A description is given of
optical data of the high Tc cuprates demonstrating the presence of these and
similar collective modes.Comment: Article for a special issue of the Journal of Superconductivity
celebrating the 75th birthday of Michael Tinkham. Revtex4, 15 pages, 16
figures encapsulated postscrip
In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Charge Dynamics of High- Cuprates
We propose a theoretical expression for the - and -dependent
dielectric function of a stack of two-dimensional layers coupled along the
direction perpendicular to the layers, and discuss some of its properties. We
argue that the plasma frequencies at should correspond to those which are
experimentally obtained from optical measurements on {\em e.g.}
LaSrCuO via the -sum rule analysis, regardless of the fact
that such systems are strongly correlated. We discuss some of the ramifications
due to strong anisotropy of the charge transport in these systems, and the lack
of coherence for the transport in the direction perpendicular to the layers.Comment: 8 pages, postscript, uuencoded gz-compressed .tar fil
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