72 research outputs found
A new approximation algorithm for the multilevel facility location problem
In this paper we propose a new integer programming formulation for the multi-level facility location problem and a novel 3-approximation algorithm based on LP rounding. The linear program we are using has a polynomial number of variables and constraints, being thus more efficient than the one commonly used in the approximation algorithms for this type of problems
Increasing network lifetime by battery-aware master selection in radio networks
Mobile wireless communication systems often need to maximize their network lifetime (defined as the time until the first node runs out of energy). In the broadcast network lifetime problem, all nodes are sending broadcast traffic, and one asks for an assignment of transmit powers to nodes, and for sets of relay nodes so that the network lifetime is maximized. The selection of a relay set consisting of a single node (the ‘master’), can be regarded as a special case of this problem. We provide a mean value analysis of algorithms controlling the selection of a master node with the objective of maximizing the network lifetime. The results show that already for small networks simple algorithms can extend the average network lifetime considerably
Energy consumption in coded queues for wireless information exchange
We show the close relation between network coding and queuing networks with negative and positive customers. Moreover, we develop Markov reward error bounding techniques for networks with negative and positive customers. We obtain bounds on the energy consumption in a wireless information exchange setting using network coding
Linear programming error bounds for random walks in the quarter-plane
We consider approximation of the performance of random walks in the quarter-plane. The approximation is in terms of a random walk with a product-form stationary distribution, which is obtained by perturbing the transition probabilities along the boundaries of the state space. A Markov reward approach is used to bound the approximation error. The main contribution of the work is the formulation of a linear program that provides the approximation error
A Linear Programming Approach to Error Bounds for Random Walks in the Quarter-plane
We consider the approximation of the performance of random walks in the
quarter-plane. The approximation is in terms of a random walk with a
product-form stationary distribution, which is obtained by perturbing the
transition probabilities along the boundaries of the state space. A Markov
reward approach is used to bound the approximation error. The main contribution
of the work is the formulation of a linear program that provides the
approximation error
Energy-delay tradeoff in wireless network coding
A queueing model for wireless communication network in which network coding is employed is introduced. It is shown that networks with coding are closely related to queueing networks with positive and negative customers. Analytical upper and lower bounds on the energy consumption and the delay are obtained using a Markov reward approach. The tradeoff between minimizing energy consumption and minimizing delay is investigated. Exact expressions are given for the minimum energy consumption and the minimum delay attainable in a network
Routing versus energy optimization in a linear network
In wireless networks, devices (or nodes) often have a limited battery supply to use for the sending and reception of transmissions. By allowing nodes to relay messages for other nodes, the distance that needs to be bridged can be reduced, thus limiting the energy needed for a transmission. However, the number of transmissions a node needs to perform increases, costing more energy. Defining the lifetime of the network as the time until the first node depletes its battery, we investigate the impact of routing choices on the lifetime. In particular we focus on a linear network with nodes sending messages directly to all other nodes, or using full routing where transmissions are only sent to neighbouring nodes. We distinguish between networks with nodes on a grid or uniformly distributed and with full or random battery supply. Using simulation we validate our analytical results and discuss intermediate options for relaying of transmissions
Threshold queueing describes the fundamental diagram of uninterrupted traffic
Queueing due to congestion is an important aspect of road traffic. This paper provides a brief overview of queueing models for traffic and a novel threshold queue that captures the main aspects of the empirical shape of the fundamental diagram. Our numerical results characterises the sources of variation that influence the shape of the fundamental diagram
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